The Word......



Dear All

I would really appreciate your feedback on this.

It is written that 'logo's actually means 'word' and 'reason'.

The word 'Nous' is mentioned by Jesus in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene also by Anaxagoras, it is said that this means 'mind' or 'reason'

So the link between the 'reason' again with the word!

Do you know if anyone has done any comparisons on these words, logo's and nous their definitions and deeper truths? How do they differ in intent if in fact they do?

Many thanks

Read up on Neo-platonic Aesthetics. In particular, the philsophy of Plotinus. The relationship between the "Divine Mind" and the "Word" are the central theme of Plotinus' work.
Here's a good introduction to Platonic philosophy, Plotinus' and Philo's changes and the relationship between Nous, Logos and christian theology. It's E Washburn Hopkins' chapter on the Christian Trinity from his book "Origin and Evolution of Religion."

I also recommend Jung's essays on the trinity and christian philosophy collected in "Psychology and Western Religion."
Dear Abogado del Diablo

Thank you, I will take a look.

I love Jung but don't agree with all of his theories due to my own discoveries with healing consciousness multi-dimensionally.

Love beyond measure

hey Sacredstar-

there's a book by Viktor Frankl called "Man's Search for Meaning" in which he gives his own definitions of nous and logos from a philisophic and psychological point of view. he also gives other definitions including the Greek. the book itself is wonderful and definately worth a read for its own sake.

Thank you I will check it out.

I enjoyed reading about Plotinus today we share much in common.

Love beyond measure


What an amazing guy, I will get the book as there is multiple interest.

Thanks again

Love beyond measure

Abogado del Diablo said:
Here's a good introduction to Platonic philosophy, Plotinus' and Philo's changes and the relationship between Nous, Logos and christian theology. It's E Washburn Hopkins' chapter on the Christian Trinity from his book "Origin and Evolution of Religion."

I also recommend Jung's essays on the trinity and christian philosophy collected in "Psychology and Western Religion."

Thank you for the link to this essay--a good jumping off point.

However, what is The Urantia Book? Browsing the website (briefly, I admit), it looks a bit like Scientology.
Dear Abogado

yes an interesting read I particularly liked the quote from Zwingli for it resonates with my heart.

"GOD is the infinite essence or Absolute Being; Nature is the power of GOD in action; and all being is one; for the being of his creatures is in and by him."

Love beyond measure

lunamoth said:
Thank you for the link to this essay--a good jumping off point.

However, what is The Urantia Book? Browsing the website (briefly, I admit), it looks a bit like Scientology.
The Urantia Book is some sort of Scientology propaganda thing. They misuse quotes from Hopkins (by taking them out of context) to support their never-ending "trinity" arguments with the more "traditional" christians. I don't endorse anything about Scientology or that book. It's just convenient that they happen to have reproduced an entire chapter of Hopkins' book "Origin and Evolution of Religion" online.

Hopkins was a Buddhist Christian who saw them as two lanes in the same road. Given what you've written on the forum so far, it is not surprising that Hopkins' work would resonate with you. :)
Abogado del Diablo said:
The Urantia Book is some sort of Scientology propaganda thing. They misuse quotes from Hopkins (by taking them out of context) to support their never-ending "trinity" arguments with the more "traditional" christians. I don't endorse anything about Scientology or that book. It's just convenient that they happen to have reproduced an entire chapter of Hopkins' book "Origin and Evolution of Religion" online.

Hopkins was a Buddhist Christian who saw them as two lanes in the same road. Given what you've written on the forum so far, it is not surprising that Hopkins' work would resonate with you. :)

Thank you for the reply. I know you are careful about your references.

I am interested in these things, the deep source of what we believe, the evolution of religion and the ideas that describe our common experience. I'll have to read more of Hopkins (in all my spare time... you said you have two little ones, so you know. :) )
Abogado del Diablo said:
Here's the skinny on the Urantia Book. It's not a Scientology thing. It somehow ties in to Scientology, but I'm not sure how yet. More reasearch to do, I guess.

My first reaction was/is that this is an elaborate, high-quality hoax. One of the essays from Bill Sadler, son of the most prominent member of the Forum even referred to how his father liked jokes. The somewhat disturbing term "Thought Adjuster" was what made me think of Scientology.

A hoax or intentional myth-making or revelation?
lunamoth said:
My first reaction was/is that this is an elaborate, high-quality hoax. One of the essays from Bill Sadler, son of the most prominent member of the Forum even referred to how his father liked jokes. The somewhat disturbing term "Thought Adjuster" was what made me think of Scientology.

A hoax or intentional myth-making or revelation?
I was extremely confused when I wrote that there was a connection between Cof$ and Urantia. Not only is it not a Cof$ thing, it is the Jehovah's Witnesses that regularly mis-cite Hopkins in their battles with "trinitarians."

Marsh asked me about the sword of division on another thread but could not remember which one so am putting this here due to being about words and speaking the truth.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4.12

Thus we read: "Out of his mouth came a sharp two-edge sword" (Revelation 1.16) and "he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth" (Isaiah 11.4).


it arrived,


Frankl's philosophy so resonates with my own.

Love beyond measure

Sacredstar said:
Dear All

I would really appreciate your feedback on this.

It is written that 'logo's actually means 'word' and 'reason'.

The word 'Nous' is mentioned by Jesus in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene also by Anaxagoras, it is said that this means 'mind' or 'reason'

So the link between the 'reason' again with the word!

Do you know if anyone has done any comparisons on these words, logo's and nous their definitions and deeper truths? How do they differ in intent if in fact they do?

Many thanks

The interpretation of the "Word" that makes sense to me is more on the esoteric/mystical side and comes from Christopher Bamford's book, "The Voice of the Eagle-"his musings on John Scotus Eriugena's homily on the prologue of the gospel of St. John:
"The Word then is Divine consciousness, the seed of consciousness, a supernatural being who thinks without otherness or object...From this all knowing derives and receives its form...the Word as knowing is a vessel wherein the true meaning of all things are stored. More accurately put, it is the infinite origin of the truth containing, as a seed contains the plant, all meanings constitutive of it...More peculiarly still it contains us and we contain it."

The " Word" was equated with "Christ" in the Bible. When I see passages there such as Romans 10:8, ("The Word is near you, on your lips and in your heart"), it brings to mind the same interpretation for me as the Buddhists speaking of "Buddha being in the palm of your hand."

Have a good one, Earl
Greetings earl and welcome to CR.
Your interpretation comes through perfectly.
'' .......the word as knowing is a vessel wherein the true meaning of all things are stored."
Can this be seen as the essential Holy Grail. And connection to Divine consciousness and creator as the original source of seed through mind is the transcendence of mind. For it is possible to rise above mind in this life, to carry empty space, but one does not live in emptiness, one lives in the connective quality and love of the Divine.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
"I testify unto that whereunto have testified all created things, and the Concourse on high, and the inmates of the all-highest Paradise, and beyond them the Tongue of Grandeur itself from the all-glorious Horizon, that Thou art God, that there is no God but Thee...through Whom the letters B and E (Be) have been joined and knit together." The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p 96

Shoghi Effendi, in letters written on his behalf, has explained the significance of the “letters B and E”. They constitute the word “Be”, which, he states, “means the creative Power of God Who through His command causes all things to come into being” and “the power of the Manifestation of God, His great spiritual creative force”. The imperative “Be” in the original Arabic is the word “kun”, consisting of the two letters “káf” and “nún”. They have been translated by Shoghi Effendi in the above manner. This word has been used in the Qur’án as God’s bidding calling creation into being. -The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p 247
The Baha'i Writings refer to the Word of God as the Creative Word. The Art of God. Inherent in each letter lies the potential to create what exists in the contingent world. This topic has always fascinated me. I do not have time at the moment to go in depth, but thought I would just post this much for now.

Have a wonderful day!

Loving Greetings, Amy
Thought I'd add a few quotes from the 14th cent. Christian mystic, Meister Eckhart, related to the Word.

"In the soul God gives birth to his child, his Word. Conceiving it, the soul passes it on to her powers in various guises, now as desire, now as good intentions, now as love, now as gratitude, or however it may take you."

"St. Paul said to Timothy, 'Preach the Word.' Did he mean the outward word that beats the air? Surely not! He meant the in-born, hidden Word that lies secretly in the soul. It was this he exhorted them to preach, so that it might be made known to and nourish the powers of those who spend themselves wholly in the exterior life."

Take care, Earl