I suppose phallus worship existed even in Europe.
"In traditional Greek mythology, Hermes, god of boundaries and exchange (popularly the messenger god) is considered to be a phallic deity by association with representations of him on herms (pillars) featuring a phallus. There is no scholarly consensus on this depiction and it would be speculation to consider Hermes a type of fertility god. Pan, son of Hermes, was often depicted as having an exaggerated erect phallus.
Priapus is a Greek god of fertility whose symbol was an exaggerated phallus. The son of Aphrodite and either Dionysus or Adonis, according to different forms of the original myth, he is the protector of livestock, fruit plants, gardens, and male genitalia. His name is the origin of the medical term priapism.
The city of Tyrnavos in Greece holds an annual Phallus festival, a traditional phallophoric event on the first days of Lent."
Phallus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"II. The Androgynous Phallic God
Nowhere is the paradox of Dionysos more dramatic than in the stark contrast between the god of the phallus and the 'effeminate' god of women. Ancient sources make frequent reference to Dionysos as 'womanly' or 'not a real man' (Evans, 20-21; Jameson, 45); they sometimes dress him in women's clothing as well. And yet it was in honor of Dionysos that Greek villages organized Phallophoria festivals in spring (Danielou, 94-96), phalloi were carried in ritual procession, ithyphallic satyrs pranced with maenads in Greek vase art, actors strapped on huge artificial phalluses as part of their costume, and the revealing of a phallus in a basket figured as a central element of mystery cult initiation (Kerenyi, 273). .."
Hindus only kept their tradition going.