How to pray and get it answered?


Curious Seeker
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I wonder how to pray so I get answers to life situations.
I want to know what works and what don't.
I am in a situation that has me questioning my faith and belief.
Can someone pray for me?

I know you'll get different interpretations....

But I hold you in the light, I see you as a perfect and whole child of G!d. I see your situation as beneficial to your highest good, allowing you to learn and grow your spirit.

My mantra in times of trouble is "I don't recall reading course catalog wanting to take this class, I don't recall standing in line for it, or going online and clicking a request to be put in it. I don't remember getting out my debit card and paying for this... What I do know, is I want to learn as much as I can and pass all the quizzes and tests... because I do not want to have to take this class again"

I know that in my life, all my past trials and tribulations however great or however small have got me to this place right here and right now...and for that I am grateful. The old sayings that heat makes steel stronger, and G!d don't trust us with anything we can't handle...we often don't feel like we want to be tempered to be stronger and with G!d wouldn't trust us so much....

While we are in it we often can't even imagine the good possible in the situation, can't see it as good...but time heals those wounds and allows us to see if we allow it.

I don't believe prayer changes the changes allows us to change our perspective and grow through our trials.

You can do this Juice, you are the light, keep shining.

much love and big hugz
Pray that the Will of the Soul work itself out in your life, and - through you - in the lives of those around you ... the lives of all those with whom you come into contact. While it may sound simple, and it is, and while this very much sounds like you are leaving the ball in `God's court' - and you are - the best part about praying in this way is that you cannot go wrong, if you also capitulate. Capitulation means doing that which in your heart you feel is right. Combine this with what your brain and mind tell you, but balance the two. Try to think with your heart, and feel with your mind. But most of all, TRUST that there is a Divine Plan, and that you - just as everyone else - are a part of it.

The problem that so many people encounter is that "they do not know what to pray for, or how to pray." Yet we were taught how to do this by the Christ 2100 years ago, and the Gospels tell us exactly what Christ Jesus advised when asked this very same question. Well, if it was good enough for the Apostles 2100 years ago, I really think the same advice will apply today. WE do not decide what God wants for us; rather, we are at our very best when we do our best to put into practice what we already know to be the LAW, the Rule, the Will and the LOVE of God, for us and for all people. Thus, we can seek to follow the TWO Commandments which Christ emphasized, illustrated and embodied for us. This is exactly what He asked of us.

There are some who also use The Great Invocation. This is a modern `re-issue' of the Lord's Prayer, and it is a powerful invocation that once again invites God into our lives on God's terms, not ours. To do anything else is to attempt to work with Divine energies in a way in which I do not believe most people are ready. After all, when you THINK with the Mind of God, you will know it, just as to Love with the same energy which proceeds from the Heart of God is to Love inclusively, completely and unconditionally. It is not given for any one person to know the PURPOSE for which all of us have come into incarnation, or even for most of us to know the complete Purpose as it applies to ourselves! Thus, we ask that God's Will be worked out, and this shows up in the Paternoster, the Lord's Prayer, as well as the Great Invocation, quite clearly.

Beyond this, we are unwise to presume that we know better than God. Otherwise, I don't think it's God we're really thinking about. People who pray for material things, some who do this every single day, are foolish. They are misguided and misdirected. They will get what they deserve, although it may have little to do with what they prayed for. And of course, those who boast, who are loud and noisy about their prayers, with altar calls and drama and emotionalism ... they have their reward, already, and Christ made this clear. Do not pray for your relative, or your loved-ones, or your friends to `get well,' either, for this too assumes that you know better than God what is best for them. Pray, rather, that God's WILL for them be worked out.

And in all of this, what do you demonstrate? You show that you acknowledge the Higher, Divine Will, that you affirm and are in capitulation with God's Love, and also that you trust the Mind of God to reveal as much of the Divine Plan to you, and even to those for whom you pray ... as is humanly possible. The rest, as they say, is LITERALLY up to God. Anyone who takes matters into his or her own hands, truly incurs the karma that attends - meaning that when we pretend that we know better than God, we can get into all kinds of trouble. Misdirecting Divine energies is not a trifling matter. We must first learn to observe, and cooperate, with the Ways of God which already apply to ourselves, and in the lives of those around us. Only then, and after much, much practice, may we begin to work with Divine energies more directly.

Perhaps this will make sense ... ?

God Bless
I don't believe prayer changes the changes allows us to change our perspective and grow through our trials.

Do you mind if I use this quote to start a new thread in one of the non-faith-specific boards, maybe Belief and Spirituality?
I wonder how to pray so I get answers to life situations.
I want to know what works and what don't.
I am in a situation that has me questioning my faith and belief.
Can someone pray for me?


IMHO, the only way to get what we pray for is to act upon our prayers. Here is a midrash: There were two brothers who wanted to be Doctors. One was religious and chose to go to the church to pray to be a Doctor. The other went to the university and, needless to ask who became a Doctor evidences abound to the fact that it was the one who acted upon his prayer.
The philosopher Thomas Reid (who was also a cleric) said that revelation was meant to be a supplement to reason, not a replacement. Pray that your reasoning may be strengthened, and then use it. It can be a long and confusing business, sorting out ones beliefs, but it's worth it in the end.
I wonder how to pray so I get answers to life situations.
I want to know what works and what don't.
I am in a situation that has me questioning my faith and belief..
Can someone pray for me?


We will pray for you but we need your help. Since you are in a situation that has you questioning your faith and belief, you might want to reconsider what you believe and start walking by sight instead of by faith only. Sight has to do with opening your eyes to see and by faith, to walk without understanding. That's what Paul expected of his disciples: To walk by faith and not by sight. (II Cor. 5:7) You must consider other avenues. I am under the impression that you have been exposed to some thing new and different. Don't discard it too easily, especially because it has you questioning your faith and belief. You could be up to something legitimate if it suits to the Law and the Prophets. (Isa. 8:20)