What does prayer do?

Tom, you've completely missed the point and misconstrued the meaning...

I DON'T believe in beseeching, begging prayers for Porsches...I tried to make that clear.

I DON'T support the notion that we are telling G!d where the mistakes were made and DO believe in what you indicate 'you don't believe that for a moment'

You constantly rally on about telling me what I believe and do and what I don't and got it completely back asswards... in your post above each of your responses is 180 degrees to reality....

Either I lack the ability to portray accurately my posts or you simply insist on reading me wrong. And for the umpteenth time, please quit telling me what I think and believe.
And again, 'an invisible sky being' is most offensive and, frankly, points to your ignorance rather than theirs.
again Tom...You ain't in the US...and the most common thought about G!d in this nation is G!d is a larger than life human like being in heaven where we will go in our uplifted bodies after we die... I've heard it for near 60 years...repeatedly and still see it today...

do I believe that?? Hell no and you know it.
"the most common thought about G!d in this nation"

The impression I have is that most people who say they believe in G-d view Him as nothing more than a sort of karma, that causes you to be treated well if you treat other people well.
Tom, you've completely missed the point and misconstrued the meaning...
Yes I did, and I apologise.

But why do you keep holding others up for ridicule?

And for the umpteenth time, please quit telling me what I think and believe.
Then please stop making statements about such. This is an open forum for discussion, after all.
again Tom...You ain't in the US...and the most common thought about G!d in this nation is G!d is a larger than life human like being in heaven where we will go in our uplifted bodies after we die... I've heard it for near 60 years...repeatedly and still see it today...

do I believe that?? Hell no and you know it.
OK. I know. You have nonsense like 'the rapture' and 'creationism' and all manner of stuff, but that's the extreme. But that is the extreme. If I thought all Americans were like that ...

But the point is, you keep railing on about it. It's your 'penis' that you keep shoving in my face every time I raise a point. So kindly keep it in your trousers.

You and Nick seem to spend a lot of time waving your willies at others. :rolleyes:
Tea said "I encourage judging the society around us. Materialism isn't good in itself it has just produced some good stuff for us today. We must be aware, I think, of where we are heading, and there is plenty bad with materialism, no?"

Agreed. In essence materialism is like just about everything else. It is neither good nor bad in and of itself. Taken to either extreme, however, is not a good idea. The western world (and the rest of the world is catching up) is all about materialism. To the exclusion of everything else. This is, what I believe, Thomas rails about. And I am in complete agreement with him.

What is worse is that it is getting worse all the time. I go to my local Big Book Store and in the cafe I see eight 20 year olds texting on their phones (or instagraming or whatever the heck it is they do). And they are 'talking' to one another thru their friggin' phones!!!!! I know this because every once in a while one of the kids will look down the table to another kid and say something like "Yeah, I know!".

Are these young ones really so socially malformed that the concept of talking words at each other when sitting at the same table is a foreign concept?
And they are 'talking' to one another thru their friggin' phones!!!!! I know this because every once in a while one of the kids will look down the table to another kid and say something like.
You think it is just youngsters? You oughta sit at a Union Negotiation....the texts are flying during the discussion...there are the words being sent and then there is the feedback, agreement, voting going on at the table on both sides, yays or nays as to concessions, points, it is amazing....what used to take days (because the sides would leave the tables and go back to their hotel conference rooms and regroup for a later meeting) can be solved in hours... at concerts I've seen kids discussing the concert (where their distance in the room or noise level doesn't allow conversation.

txt at starbucks.... <DY C dat old guy wotchN us, I tink hes a perv>
"Yeah, I know!"
Quit undermining my humility!
On another note, I see a storm brewing around here, I might duck out for a bit. Always watching...
Watcha got against storms, Tea. Storms are fun! The thundering and the commotion, the random discharge of the lightning, the wind howling through the trees, and rain sheeting down everywhere.

Heady stuff.
Storms...nice segue....let us talk Katrina.

Fine exploration for this thread... We've got those that say G!d was cleansing the world and setting New Orleans as an example...

Hurricane Katrina as divine retribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But we've got thousands of believers...plenty of churches in the Big Easy...


Folks as what do I mean, prayer can change a situation by changing perspective? Shit happens, that is a given. But our perspective on the situation can change....

Thank You Katrina - A prayer co-wrtten by Reilly Morse | Bridge The Gulf Project
I love storms when I'm sitting inside looking out, preferably with a hot cup of...something. Being in a storm? Cold, wet? No, I need an incentive for that.
I lived on the desert hills east of the Sierra, I had 10 miles of mountains the valley was 4k and the peaks 8k it was quite the panorama to watch storms on... In another house back east we were watching television when they stopped the show for a severe lightning storm warning 1-2 inches of rain in 15 minutes, my wife and I went out into the gazebo the other side of the pool and watched it look like high seas as the sky was lit up for 10 furious minutes...it was incredible....then we went back inside and watched tv.