An Individual Inter-religious Spirituality


God Sounds. Agape.
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If a person can have an inter-religious spirituality, what would it look like? Is there anyone out there who has developed a spirituality or belief system that draws upon several traditions? What does your spirituality look like? what are your core principles? What are your virtues and purposes?
I am a follower of Jesus's teachings (someone pick Thomas up off the floor)... The bible being the main reference...

But then there is Thay and his books on Jesus and Buddha...much good stuff there in that way....and there is the respect of native spirituality and our fellow travelors....

and then there is two and a half men... and deep space nine....

spiritual thought is all around the the our much is sacred that I think what we see as not sacred we haven't looked hard enough...

I believe it is all a miracle and there are no miracles... that irritates some.
Theo, I recommend you take a look at Theosophy. (I am a Theosophist.) Theosophy is (in my opinion) a well-balanced blend of Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, etc. I can happily say that Theosophy is one of the few philosophies that successfully has both Christians and non-Christians as members (a difficult balance to achieve and maintain).
I am a follower of Jesus's teachings (someone pick Thomas up off the floor)... The bible being the main reference...

But then there is Thay and his books on Jesus and Buddha...much good stuff there in that way....and there is the respect of native spirituality and our fellow travelors....

and then there is two and a half men... and deep space nine....

spiritual thought is all around the the our much is sacred that I think what we see as not sacred we haven't looked hard enough...

I believe it is all a miracle and there are no miracles... that irritates some.

I love Thich Nhat Hanh. Many of his books (Living Buddha, Living Christ; Peace is Every Step; The Art of Power) have gained Gospel status in my life. As a Christian, I have come to know Buddhism through this holy man, and can (almost if not certainly) call my self a Buddhist because of him.

There's also Big Bang Theory, LOTR, and Harry Potter....

I like your quote "I believe it is all a miracle and there are no miracles." It's a very Buddhist thing for you to say. All life is a miracle, and thus there is no need to think of miracles as miracles, or miracle-y miracles. Am I following your train of thought?
Theo, I recommend you take a look at Theosophy. (I am a Theosophist.) Theosophy is (in my opinion) a well-balanced blend of Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, etc. I can happily say that Theosophy is one of the few philosophies that successfully has both Christians and non-Christians as members (a difficult balance to achieve and maintain).

I looked at Theosophy on wikipedia. I have to say, it sounds very intriguing. Something I might submit to. My only problem is that it does not have a "church" (for lack of a better word) here in Colorado. Part of my spirituality requires that I be in communion with other spiritual people. I might ask you, Nick, is there at least an online community where theosophists go to "congregate?"

Send me a PM and I'll send you some links.

Which city are you in, in Colorado? There may be a study group near you. No, Theosophy does not have church buildings, but it is common for local groups to hold study groups in members' houses.