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John chapter 14 verse 16:
"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever."
Who is this comforter? Is he Muhammed(PBUH)?

  1. Gospel of John chapter 16 verse 12-14:
"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you unto all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me".
Who is this spirit of truth? Is he Muhammad(PBUH)?
John chapter 14 verse 16:
"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever."
Who is this comforter? Is he Muhammed(PBUH)?

Who is this spirit of truth? Is he Muhammad(PBUH)?

Scripture is speaking of the Holy Spirit, who came at Pentecost (cf Acts 2).

Nice try, though ;)
Namaste Tahmeed and welcome to the forum. As to your questions...

In Islam, maybe, I don't know your religion that well.

In Christianity, no.

Please feel free to continue to ask and explore.
In Islam it isn't a question. In Christianity, it is dependent on what the reader gets by the "spirit of truth" and "holy spirit". Most Christians will say there is a trinity, where the 3rd part is the Holy Spirit (or ghost in some translations). Personally as a Muslim, this is illogical as if the Holy spirit were God, it would have existed of all time and the phrases depicting death to anyone who changes even a word would have destroyed 99% of the world due to the fact that the Talmud has several variants even in the oldest scripts. Why did the Spirit not protect the word then? Why is it there are Bible translations that are incredibly different than one another? If the spirit of truth were God how could that happen. Also according to the biblical test of a believer, there isn't a single believer out there (except maybe the entire entity of google).
man wrote the Bible, just as man wrote the Quran.

the man that wrote that not one word should be changed wanted to have the last word.

Just as the man that said he was the final prophet wants to have the last word.
almost wil, the miracle of the Quran is that it is both verbally and literarily kept. In fact the Quran was not put into form until after Mouhammed's (PBUH) death. at that point it was transferred from oral transmissions into the written bits that were collected. The oral Quran did not contradict the written bits by even a single letter. out of all the collected bits. The first challenge in the Quran is that if it were written by man it would have imminent contradictions. Before reverting I tried finding them. I even listened to several anti Islamic propogandists and investigated their claims. I found the contradictions did not exist. You are presuming that Mouhammed (PBUH) was just a man, and therefore couldn't have orated a flawless book of instructions. To this I will agree that he could not have comprised a perfect book, or series of stories. The Quran (as we believe and as just about anyone I know who has truly read it) is not sent by a man, but by the 1 true God that told Moses (PBUH) the commandments and whose power conveyed through Moses split the Red Sea allowing the Jews to cross, and tested Abraham with sacrificing his son and beginning circumcision. We Muslims call him Allah, the Jews had written his name "YHWH" (in ancient hebrew letters), and Christians maintained another Jewish tradition of calling him God the Father.

That is the difference in the 2 from a Muslim point of view. The Bible was written by men. It has some contradictions which seems well established. This isn't the weakness of Allah, but the weakness of the people who recorded it.
Just out of curiosity. How do you know that the oral tradition was translated into the written word without any change whatsoever? We are talking almost 1400 years ago. How can anyone possibly know what the oral statements were?

Also, once the Quran was canonized, didn't ibn Affan order all other versions of the book destroyed? That pretty much assures that only the one version would continue to exist. The fact that all Quran's are the same seems to be the result of the actions of mortals. Not of the divine.
Documented Chains. Not single orations, but hundreds of memorizers before a strong chain was declared. There are several dialects in which chains back to Prophet Mouhammed (PBUH) have been confirmed. 7 (don't quote me on the number please) remain considered to have strong chains. Of these 7 the number of letters are exactly the same. The words are counted different (again to the other discussion, dialects) there are several others that are considered to have weak or non connected chains (means there weren't enough people who were documented to know it at some point that the chains became too few for a generation or more). None of those dialects and alternate meanings in those dialects from that time differ from any others. I have a friend who is looking to get his recitation certified in the next couple years (as he finds the certified person's time available) He has memorized 2 dialects and can recite them clearly and properly. 1 he has certified, but is looking to get it from a shorter chain certifier.

as for the ones that were burned. It is well known that in the early days of Islam that people were eager to spread the knowledge they had gained and memorized of the Quran. Since there wasn't documentation to many of those non- companion/ Imam people spreading, the words were misunderstood and recorded incorrectly. When the Quran books were ordered to be collected, they were compared to multiple reciters and if even 1 letter was off, the book was deemed a bad copy and incinerated. Most of these were incomplete. You may choose to not trust people based on modern issues with trust, but if you have 1000s of books and 1000s of reciters that have matched for at least 1300 years, why would you assume it were changed? It is true the first completed book was lost (burned), and the first copies were lost(burned and degraded beyond recognition), but the copies of those are still in existence, and those were overseen by the people who were companions of the Prophet (PBUH), and certified by oral dictation by many people.

Salaam Allahikum, and May Allah open your heart to the truth so you may realize the light.