Before and After Muhammad


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These questions are primarily for the Muslim community; however, anybody can jump in:

How do you view life in Arabian society before Muhammad? What aspects of Arabian society did Muhammad change or try to change?
Looking forward to answers...but as I understand it, at one time the Islamic world saved lead the world in science, math, art, culture, and saved algebra for us...
the period previous to muhammad is known as Jahilya or period of ignorance. Muhammad brought forth many scientific, social, economic, and civil right changes that were previous unheard of. For instance he abolished racism, discouraged slavery, enouraged treating women equally, discouraged ethno-nationalism and tribalism, allowed women the right to vote and divorced, and encouraged scientific advancement.

He also established blood lineages to cut down on abandoned children, abolished adultery, and alcohol. His reforms lead to the unification of arab territories for the first time in their history.
and what happened that caused say Saudi to not let women drive, and other Islamic areas to not provide education? is that a split in Islam? Different sects?
Hi Ahanu —
How do you view life in Arabian society before Muhammad?
Where are we with historical materials these days? Islam refers to the period before the Prophet (pbuh) as Jahiliyyah, 'the time of ignorance'.

I read this as one should read 'the Dark Ages' when referring to European history; they're not 'dark' because they were terrible (as many assume), but 'dark' because precious little was known about life in those times. More and more is 'coming to light' now, often turning the old assumptions on their heads.

What aspects of Arabian society did Muhammad change or try to change?
Almost everything, by the look of it! He brought monotheism, equality and enlightenment ...

But then, as ever, the 'old ways' emerged in the struggle for power that began immediately after the Prophet's death ...
and what happened that caused say Saudi to not let women drive, and other Islamic areas to not provide education? is that a split in Islam? Different sects?

Ignorance. People did not do as instructed. They go through the motions but never learned the why and how. Happened to the Jews many times. Surprised the Jews and Christians cannot understand how a group of people deviates after time from that which was taught. Isn't that the reason there were prophets?

In all seriousness, Saudi is a little drunk with power. They (as many do) fear the loss of power or the perception of loss of power to women. So they go against the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and impliment laws to restrict women from their capacity.
and what happened that caused say Saudi to not let women drive, and other Islamic areas to not provide education? is that a split in Islam? Different sects?

Saudi wahabite extremist ideology. Unfortunately saudi, qatar, and bahrain all have tremendous resources and money to spend to spread their extreme interpretation of islam which is very strenuos and deeply entrenched into their cultures.

The quran says nothing of women's ability to drive, fly alone, or needing to be accompanied by males. Women are supposed to be allowed into positions of power, let alone education (see aisha muhammad's wife).
Hi Ahanu —

Where are we with historical materials these days? Islam refers to the period before the Prophet (pbuh) as Jahiliyyah, 'the time of ignorance'.

I read this as one should read 'the Dark Ages' when referring to European history; they're not 'dark' because they were terrible (as many assume), but 'dark' because precious little was known about life in those times. More and more is 'coming to light' now, often turning the old assumptions on their heads.

Almost everything, by the look of it! He brought monotheism, equality and enlightenment ...

But then, as ever, the 'old ways' emerged in the struggle for power that began immediately after the Prophet's death ...

They were also periods in human history where education was disallowed, and draconian practices were wide spread. For instance previous to muhammad female infanticide was commonly practiced to avoid "shame," women were property, black people, and white persians were considered lesser people. Also science was looked at as a form of witch craft.
and what happened that caused say Saudi to not let women drive, and other Islamic areas to not provide education? is that a split in Islam? Different sects?

You know driving automobiles is an anachronism ... ?
The world was a cruel and wicked place and it returns to being so but Muhammad brought chivalry which still persists to this day, even if it grows tenuous.

Quote hadith:
Muslim (145) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”