Where are we with historical materials these days? Islam refers to the period before the Prophet (pbuh) as Jahiliyyah, 'the time of ignorance'.How do you view life in Arabian society before Muhammad?
Almost everything, by the look of it! He brought monotheism, equality and enlightenment ...What aspects of Arabian society did Muhammad change or try to change?
and what happened that caused say Saudi to not let women drive, and other Islamic areas to not provide education? is that a split in Islam? Different sects?
and what happened that caused say Saudi to not let women drive, and other Islamic areas to not provide education? is that a split in Islam? Different sects?
Hi Ahanu —
Where are we with historical materials these days? Islam refers to the period before the Prophet (pbuh) as Jahiliyyah, 'the time of ignorance'.
I read this as one should read 'the Dark Ages' when referring to European history; they're not 'dark' because they were terrible (as many assume), but 'dark' because precious little was known about life in those times. More and more is 'coming to light' now, often turning the old assumptions on their heads.
Almost everything, by the look of it! He brought monotheism, equality and enlightenment ...
But then, as ever, the 'old ways' emerged in the struggle for power that began immediately after the Prophet's death ...
The shame is it is the Saudi's, Wahibist, Salifist, Taliban, actions that get the news...
and what happened that caused say Saudi to not let women drive, and other Islamic areas to not provide education? is that a split in Islam? Different sects?
Ajeeb !