If god made us, who made our god.


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This may seem foolish or naive, but with all due respect, if we think that everything needs a creator, then the creator itself will need a creator,
What are your thoughts on this....
It is neither foolish or naive. It is a good question. Many who believe in Gods will tell you that all the rules that apply to everything else, everywhere else, do not apply to Gods. It has always seemed a cop out to me. Want to break all the rules of this reality we reside in, simply say the rules do not apply. End of story. Always leaves me very dissatisfied!
It is neither foolish or naive. It is a good question. Many who believe in Gods will tell you that all the rules that apply to everything else, everywhere else, do not apply to Gods. It has always seemed a cop out to me. Want to break all the rules of this reality we reside in, simply say the rules do not apply. End of story. Always leaves me very dissatisfied!
the gods exist to include Michael as being one of them. I would think the only ones who would want to dismiss them has a fear of them. Michael is the only god most powerful next to only god himself.
the gods exist to include Michael as being one of them. I would think the only ones who would want to dismiss them has a fear of them. Michael is the only god most powerful next to only god himself.
this is why in the bible he is referred to as prince but also deliverer
Who have that? Is that ascended masters? I know some folks have him as Adam, Melchizedek, Abraham, Ezekiel...keeps coming back till we get it...Francis Bacon...
Jesus is considered by some to be Michael when he was on earth. Cup.

Wow. Learn something new every day. This is completely unknown to me. When you say 'by some', which group, denomination, sect, or whatever is this 'some'. Do you know?

I think donnann called herself catholic at one point, but I'm not aware of any group within Catholicism that share her views. The jehovah's witnesses do believe this though, not seeing Jesus as God but as the first being created.
This may sound like an atheist but g-d did not make us. Life evolved after a series of big bangs in the multiverses. Infinity=g-d and the universe emanated from the nothingness(infinity/god). There are potentialities in infinity where the Universe can occur and of course after a while disappear until a new one comes. This view is somewhat atheistic but remember the saying. "Whatever you visualize g-d, it is different". How can you visualize infinity? Of course you cannot. This is akin to the Tibetan Buddhist view and you can read about in a book, a "Universe in a Single Atom."
This may seem foolish or naive, but with all due respect, if we think that everything needs a creator, then the creator itself will need a creator,
What are your thoughts on this....
It's neither foolish nor naive, but it is due to our 'reflective' capability ...

The direct answer is the Creator always is, and the Creator is Uncreated ... all created nature is subsequent to that, but the Creator is Itself not part of Creation.

But you get into the same 'loop' if you think to yourself: 'Who is it that thinks?' The answer is 'I think', but then: 'who is it that is aware of me thinking?' 'I am aware of me thinking.' 'Who is it that is aware of me thinking that I am aware of me thinking ...' and so it goes, infinitely, like a fractal. It's to do with the wiring of the mind.
I believe noone made God. He is the original, the uncreated. If he was created it is outside of our knowledge capacity. As several people (even here) have pointed out, it is tough enough to concieve the idea there is a God, It would be impossible to understand what God IS, much less what came before (if anything). I don't see that as a cop out, as it is outside of our understanding capability.
If you can't make matter out of nothing....G!d ain't matter.

If you can't make life out of nothing....G!d ain't love.

If you demand to know what caused the big bang....

If you insist that something had to create the original....than something had to create G!d.

Can't have it both ways....it ain't turtles all the way down.