Four Teachings of Jesus, American Evangelicals miss

Meh.... I can tell what i think is a good painter vs a bad painter and I don't paint...

I can also tell a car repairmen he didn't fix my car correctly and I am not a mechanic.
I actually agree with your point but...
Meh.... I can tell what i think is a good painter vs a bad painter and I don't paint....

I think most people would sya the same, but then they would make a judgement on something like this and it's not unlikely they would get it "wrong".



And about the mechanic, that's a instant, binary, result. Faith doesn't work like that, does it? Sorry, I'm itching for a discussion and the board is to quiet!
Yes, for the most part. I do not mind that Christian's tend to think I will go to hell as I am not follower of Jesus in their mind. But in fact I may be a better follower of the esoteric Jesus than they are....
You think the article only applies to evangelicals?
Yes, I feel the same way.
Of course not. It only applies more to evangelicals than any other Christian group. When it takes an atheist to explain what being a Christian really means, Christianity has a very serious problem!
I chuckle when folks tell me I am going to hell.... they don't like that.

I've heard get ye behind me satan...more than once.
it's not unlikely they would get it "wrong". Cup.

Drives me bonkers when someone overuses negatives in a statement! Ummm. Translated that statement says it is likely they would get it wrong? Yes?

Art actually is a decent metaphor for religion. What is 'good' is in the eye of the beholder. Art is also susceptible to Emperor's New Clothes syndrome. Like every one who is "in" the art world telling the rest of us that three orange dots on a white canvas is great art. Not only that but that piece of art is worth a fortune!

If someone tells them 'it's three dots on a blank canvas" they automatically dismiss you. You are not 'in' because if you were you would not make such ridiculous statements.

There have been too many times where I have heard the same type of nonsense from the pulpit.
it's not unlikely they would get it "wrong". Cup.

Drives me bonkers when someone overuses negatives in a statement! Ummm. Translated that statement says it is likely they would get it wrong? Yes?

Really? I don't see it, Wrong is not just a negative, it's an action in this case. But you really shouldn't be reading what I write if it's that bothersome for you, spelling and grammar is a really low priority for me.

Art actually is a decent metaphor for religion. What is 'good' is in the eye of the beholder. Art is also susceptible to Emperor's New Clothes syndrome. Like every one who is "in" the art world telling the rest of us that three orange dots on a white canvas is great art. Not only that but that piece of art is worth a fortune!

If someone tells them 'it's three dots on a blank canvas" they automatically dismiss you. You are not 'in' because if you were you would not make such ridiculous statements.

Weeeell...look, sure snobs are snobs and they like to be exclusive. But there could still be a reason for those dots to be an expression of something in a certain context, getting the context is the trick, and art is context. So liking something is a matter of taste, understanding the art takes thought, putting any value on the context is, again, a matter of opinion.

There have been too many times where I have heard the same type of nonsense from the pulpit.

And I think we often do the same mistake here, dismissing what we don't understand as nonsense. It's fine not to grok everything, but that doesn't imply there isn't anything to understand.
Now don't be that way. If I never read stuff that was bothersome to me, I'd be missing out on some great stuff. I still reserve the right to be opinionated about it.

Yes there could be some expression of something in a particular context. Or it could simply be BS. As you say, it is a matter of opinion in the end. That was my point! So we are arguing about something on which we agree?

As for the last. Yes we could dismiss something as nonsense because we don't understand it. It doesn't necessarily imply there isn't anything to understand. It doesn't imply there IS anything to understand either. A good BS detector is a powerful tool, and a necessity, when it comes to critical thinking.

Too many people here in the U.S. (cannot speak for the rest of the world) have lost (or never learned) the ability of critical thinking. Makes them easy targets for any loon with a hidden agenda.
Now don't be that way.
Just saying it will happen all the time.

Yes there could be some expression of something in a particular context. Or it could simply be BS. As you say, it is a matter of opinion in the end. That was my point! So we are arguing about something on which we agree?
No, my point is that I might not be interested in in the context of the three dots, but there is still a context for other people, and that's an important distinction for me.

As for the last. Yes we could dismiss something as nonsense because we don't understand it. It doesn't necessarily imply there isn't anything to understand. It doesn't imply there IS anything to understand either. A good BS detector is a powerful tool, and a necessity, when it comes to critical thinking.

And as with the context of art, dismissing religion I don't understand doesn't produce anything. It's a schrödinger's cat, might be one or the other and I have to actually open the box to know which. And opening the box, here, means understanding the religion in it's own context, which is really really hard. If I don't have to make an actual decision on these things, that makes a real world difference, I just let the cat-box be.