Would you say to a phenomena i.e. a magical feat to be consistent. i.e. work all the time? If it is not repeatable all the time, at will then it is perhaps not magic? It is then your subjective reality that may change from time to time?
Or coincidence?
Many today's practitioners claim to be magicians but in fact they can do no more magic then wishful thinking....
I'd like to contribute by quoting 'Chela'-
"Our society has degenerated the word "magic."
Magic is nothing more than directed will.
Remember the tree Magi that visited Jesus. They were Magi, Magicians (in the real sense). A magi is a priest. The true priest is a magician. The true craft of magic is the sacred acts of preisthood.
The true magician is the not the terrestrial person, but the Father in Heaven. Thus, Jesus said, "THY WILL BE DONE."
Thy = God's"
My reply-
So Magic is directed willpower, and adding, that which is being directed is energy..
I'd say that, consistency would depend upon the amount of energy one has available to direct depending upon their level of awakening.
In the case of Jesus whom was in direct, complete union with Christic forces and fully awakened, I'd assume that his energy was unlimited.
I think your answer is subjective to that beings level of awakening, or liberation from the ego (self).