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The miracle of resurrection is when god sends the holy spirit to your body which corrects your spirit codes and opens up points in your body uniting the soul and the body with it. Its associated with chakra points. This is a miracle but also how it works mechanically.
I'm unaware of 'spirit codes', 'chakra points' and 'mechanically' in the context of Christianity. Do you have any references on this?
I'm unaware of 'spirit codes', 'chakra points' and 'mechanically' in the context of Christianity. Do you have any references on this?
Chakra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It simply explains the mechanics of how jesus was resurrected. How a miracle actually works. There are three things that must match up: spirit , soul and body. The spirit is the first pattern made up of white light. Picture god as the source of all the codes similar to a father and child and dna codes. Your spirit comes from god so you can find it encoded in gods holy spirit. Its called the sign of the dove when gods spirit enters a person correcting any flaws in your spirit which then matches up with your soul and opens up points in your body so the soul and spirit can become one with the body. Its your spirit in god that enters you and brings u back to a being that is immortal and holy.
So you are eastern orthodox?

I don't typically find any reference to Chakras with Christians...

Quite the opposite usually...
So you are eastern orthodox?

I don't typically find any reference to Chakras with Christians...

Quite the opposite usually...
It simply explains how the miracle of resurrection happens. The christains only exist because of jesus and following him but there is knowledge in all religions and specifically chakras explain the mechanics of resurrection. Its not antichristian is just information to help explain .
Woah, how can you simply say Jesus was resurrected using the chakras and then not go into a severely intricate explanation, and instead link to the Wikipedia entry?
Miracles are there to point at Shiva.

He is the auspicious one... one coming with signs.

Also "pure", but that isn't what is being talked about here....

People often glorify the miracles, but consider, none of these people are alive today, they still had to die in the end. They are just signs, they have not made a huge difference...

Some of the miracles have metaphoric significance, allowing the blind to see being most obvious. The sick coming the health, yes, spiritual food has kept them nourished, ok. Walking on water is a lesson about faith.

You can take them as literal, yet the earliest Gospels have nothing about it. No one around outside the Gospels we have today has noticed, amazing. Surely some on looker was literate enough to record something about what happened?

They never really happened, they are to make it clear the Father is Shiva.

Same is true about Moses, these are all austerities.
So you are eastern orthodox?

I don't typically find any reference to Chakras with Christians...

Quite the opposite usually...

Revelation talks about the Crown and Eye - the higher two Chakras.

The heart Chakra is why God is called Love...

It is beneath the surface, because mostly Christians aren't interested in actually practicing, they just go on reinforcing beliefs.
Resurrection is "die that death which is eternal life"....

It is a metaphor as well, dying to all that is not true, all that is dissonant with God.

Reborn, you are in utter resonance with the divine.

Again, Christians are mostly unaware of this, simply because in general, the Christian doesn't meditate. Further, his contemplation rarely permits him to see he and God as another duality.

Giving up yourself, there is no God, since God is other.

Seeing this, the Dove descends.

Dove signifies pure, which again points at Shiva.
The very assertion that you are other than God shows dissonance.

This is clear in Yogic contexts....

Adi Yogi is Shiva... the first unity, prior to separation.
Yogeshwara is Shiva... Lord of Union.
The practitioner is a Yogi, one striving for union.
Yoga is that Union, practiced or realized.

We can dig and dig, and understand more and more.

Truly, this is the source of all scripture.
The very assertion that you are other than God shows dissonance.

This is clear in Yogic contexts....

Adi Yogi is Shiva... the first unity, prior to separation.
Yogeshwara is Shiva... Lord of Union.
The practitioner is a Yogi, one striving for union.
Yoga is that Union, practiced or realized.

We can dig and dig, and understand more and more.

Truly, this is the source of all scripture.

Reminds me of Kabir, re:path
"Path presupposes distance;
If He is near, you need no path at all.
It makes me smile
when I hear the fish in the sea is thirsty"
My teacher used to tell us that Jesus "came back", not resurrected in a higher vibration astral body, that was why he would not allow Mary to touch him. Apparently his crucifixion was his 7th initiation and he was an ascended being after that time.
Reminds me of Kabir, re:path
"Path presupposes distance;
If He is near, you need no path at all.
It makes me smile
when I hear the fish in the sea is thirsty"

Truth often looks similar if you can see it.

I wouldn't say there was an 'untouchable' aspect of Jesus. I also would not use the word 'resurrected' to describe Jesus.

But you have brought up one point that I strongly agree with, that of both Buddha's and Jesus' Seventh Initiation. I do not know if you are familiar with Buddha's life story, but both Buddha and Jesus went 'out into the desert' (or wherever it was) for their extended, isolated pre-Initiation testing. This is the story of Jesus' 40 days and 40 nights of being tested, and Buddha did the same thing. The way I see it, this shows both of them undertook and successfully passed the Seventh Initiation.

Didn't Moses also undergo a similar type of extended testing in an isolated place? Wasn't that when he saw the 'burning bush'?
My teacher used to tell us that Jesus "came back", not resurrected in a higher vibration astral body, that was why he would not allow Mary to touch him. Apparently his crucifixion was his 7th initiation and he was an ascended being after that time.

I thought he let others feel the holes in his hands...

Folks claim in heaven they'll be resurrected in heaven with a perfect body?
The untouchable aspect is in the Bible; In John 20:17 Jesus tells Mary ' Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father'... I do not know about Moses but that is possible too. Jesus' life's had the distinct initiation periods of the magic number 7. I suppose Buddha's too, albeit I am not well versed in Buddha's life.


I wouldn't say there was an 'untouchable' aspect of Jesus. I also would not use the word 'resurrected' to describe Jesus.

But you have brought up one point that I strongly agree with, that of both Buddha's and Jesus' Seventh Initiation. I do not know if you are familiar with Buddha's life story, but both Buddha and Jesus went 'out into the desert' (or wherever it was) for their extended, isolated pre-Initiation testing. This is the story of Jesus' 40 days and 40 nights of being tested, and Buddha did the same thing. The way I see it, this shows both of them undertook and successfully passed the Seventh Initiation.

Didn't Moses also undergo a similar type of extended testing in an isolated place? Wasn't that when he saw the 'burning bush'?
This "seventh initiation" nonsense is stupid.

He is an enlightened man, nothing more, nothing less.

I know that Theosophy likes to try to include everything, but when an enlightened being dies, they merge back with the whole, there is no more any separate entity there.

Before death, the enlightened being is as a channel, a bamboo flute, singing the song of God.

There are no levels to this, it is not a progressive thing.

One moment there is you, the next you are dead.

From that moment on, the divine is moving you, you have fulfilled your life.

Now, this looks amazing to "normal" people, such power, such insight...

It is their potential too, hence the Master has spoken, he isn't special.

He is confused why you are not.
This is really a very peculiar aspect of the human mind...

It really really likes sorting and categorizing!

Here's the thing, ego mind does this, for the awakened mind, duality has ceased.

You can believe this, you can believe that...


You may even pick up siddhi's, fine.

To go on separating and ranking, you show you have not attained much.

All it really accomplishes is to make it look more impossible for you.

It is your purpose!

Stop believing stupid things.
In the desert, Jesus meditated.

The devil was the same as Mara, his ego... it is also called Kamadeva.

It is similar to Muhammad in the cave, when he has known he has not wanted the responsibility - again, his ego is fighting what has happened.

Buddha, of course, had the run in with Mara after that famous line "string too tight, snap, string too loose won't play"... this has driven him to overcome duality.

This is a frequent story for those that have awakened.

I, too, experienced a similar encounter. Before awakening, all sorts of idea's were going through my head, testing my greed.

Apparently, I, as well as these other men, passed the test.

There have been millions more!

Which isn't such a large number when you consider 300 billion people have lived on this earth.

Stop thinking about them and find out for yourself!