A Prophetic Mistake



A Prophetic Mistake

That's from Numbers 12:6 and confirmed by I Chronicles 17:1-4.

"If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord will make Myself known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him in a dream."

Now, when David had brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem, he was very excited about what he had done but, at the same time, he was very sad that he had a palace unto himself and the Lord did not yet have a Temple.

David called Nathan the Prophet and shared with him his intense desire to build a Temple to the Lord. Right there and then, realizing how David was struggling with mix-feelings, Nathan agreed with David and told him to go right ahead and start to build the Temple.

That same night the Lord appeared unto Nathan and implied something like, "What were you thinking to tell My servant David to go ahead and build a temple to My name? Now, go back to him and fix your mistake by telling him why I don't want him to build a Temple to My name. Had you forgotten your job to always consult with Me first? He cannot build a temple to My name for he has shed too much blood. His son Solomon will do that instead.

Bottom line is that Prophet Nathan could not speak for himself but be the spokesman between HaShem and His People.
It is done, past, who cares?

This is the problem with Abrahamic faiths, they are too concerned with identification.

You are not the result of history, you are the culmination thus far.

Stop looking back, lets create a beautiful future.
If you are really true to Abraham, you have to confess that the ability for the Muslim to hold the Temple Mount shows they are the present age. Else, why has he not put someone else there?

Yet, those who climb highest in Islam are the Sufi's, and they are mostly Yogi's.

Of course, I have said Muhammad was a Yogi.

Allah was just the head God of Arabia, just like Yahweh for the Hebrews.

For me, this is Shiva.

He has always been identified as this, the rest are names, he is adopted by each tribe with an identity for them.

Shiva was Adi Yogi though, Adi Guru, Maheshwara, Mahadevi.

I am him because he has shown I cannot be other.

How can I be other than the original unity and live in union?

Om is the sound of Union.

Resonate with it.

Stop all that causes dissonance.

Later we can call it what we want.

Shiva is Lord of Om.

That is why I call it this.

This is why I call myself this.

There is nothing that isn't this.


Om Shanti.

Shakti and Shiva together.

The sound and the state of consciousness when Union is there.
Jerusalem means "Place of Peace"

Om Shanti is the non-physical Jerusalem.

You are its temple.
To be clear, sound is the source of energy.

It is because the strings vibrate... and vibration creates sound.

Shakti is sound.

Shiva is consciousness.

This tradition is just most direct about it.

Hence I choose it.
Consciousness is that which is before vibration.

Experiencing the vibrations.

Hence imagery of Shiva being a corpse without Shakti.

Shakti is vibrating.
At least, it is for the conscious man.


The pure one.

Which is what Sufi means.

In Arabic, which is language of the present Mount.
I choose Adi - first.

Then I don't have to choose.

They are all included.

Adi Yogi.
Adi Guru.
Of Yoga.


What else can teach the union other than the united?
These are names for Shiva.

He is every name.
Wouldnt para bramh be every name?
Para Bramh[edit]
According to Adi Shankara, there is only one supreme Para Brahman, and all of the other deities are its forms and expansions.

Under terms of some schools of Vedanta, it has three modal aspects, with the highest being Para Bramh. Para Bramh means Supreme Brahman, or Supreme Cosmic Spirit. Although an ineffable entity, it could be said to be that which contains and pervades the universe. Para Brahman, from beyond, encompasses the transcendent and immanent ultimate reality, Bramh, The Absolute Truth is both subject and object, so there is no qualitative difference. Terms like Parameshvara, Ishvara, Bhagavan, Bramh, and Paramatma are held to be synonymous with Para Brahman.

Hindu sects like Shaivism, Vaishnavism, and Shaktism have a concept of Para Brahman, identifying it with the deities Shiva, Vishnu and Adi Parashakti/Shakti (the Goddess) respectively. However, in contrast with Vaishnavism (in which Para Brahman denotes Saguna Brahman as Vishnu), either Saguna Bramh or the impersonal Nirguna Brahman may be connotated by other sects.Hindu deities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Both are every name.

Lets not argue about names.

Yoga is more important.

That is Advaita Vedanta.

The non-dual purpose of the Vedas.


It's shorter.

Also, Adi Shankara is considered an Avatar of Shiva.

He is describing himself.

Shankara is another name for Shiva.

Adi is used often in defining Shiva.

Shiva is Adi Yogi.

First Guru of Yoga, Union.

Om Shanti.
Both are every name.

Lets not argue about names.

Yoga is more important.

That is Advaita Vedanta.

The non-dual purpose of the Vedas.
are you sure your a yogi? if so what is the concept of a triunion being embodied in shakiti and shiva?
are you sure your a yogi? if so what is the concept of a triunion being embodied in shakiti and shiva?

Three Unions are United in Union.

Why care about how many are included in the Unit?

Every quark is a Unit.
Three Unions are United in Union.

Why care about how many are included in the Unit?

Every quark is a Unit.

because its everyones origin. we each consist of a threefold conscoiusness as a whole being. one male one female and the oneness of the two as perpetuated with shakiti and shiva.