Satyam Abhidi.

The savior is a Guru of Yoga.

He has come to resonate with Shiva.

I and the Father are one... he cannot imagine being other.

He is not, the speaker is still Shakti, Shiva's desire is performed in him, he has become the perfect dancer of Shiva's music.

The dance is enlightenment, resonance, Yoga, union of form and consciousness.


Shaktism glorifies the activity.

All religion is Shaktism...

Without Shakti, Shiva is a corpse.

WIthout the corpse, Shakti has no energy to be.

Lord of Prana, the life force is Shiva.

Resonance with life is appearance of Shiva.

Om shanti.

Shakti is the activity of Shiva, inactive.
Saguna of Nirguna.

Om namah Shivay


This is the whole basis of the argument between Muslims and Christians.

Is Shakti Shiva?

No, she is his form.

Form is sound, the word.

He is consciousness, tranquility is a mind in resonance.

It is also called breath, spirit, the vibration.


Lord of Prana, Shiva.



Union of all with Maheshwara.

Great Lord Shiva, that auspicious purity, silence.

Soul is your particular dissonance, Yoga is how to bring it into resonance.

Adi Yogi was Adi Guru, Om Namah Shivay manifests Guru, his Lord is Yogeshwara, Shiva.

The form is never utterly Shiva.

Shakti is never really Shiva, how close can you get?
How intimate can your experience of life become?

Death is without dissonance, how completely can you resonate with the life force?
Lord of Prana, the life force is Om, the first vibration caused all others as it settled.

He is Mahadevi.

Source of all is Shiva.

Not my choice, the first language says it.

Shiva is the first name given for it.


OM shanti.

The noun of the verb is Shiva.
The verb of the noun is Shakti.
Om, Yoga.

Shiva teaches Pavarti intimacy.

Pavarti never once stops uttering Om Namah Shivay.
She is the example of Prem, total love.
First love, then the rest.