I think A Cup Of Tea might have it:
Nowhere have I talked of a 'return'. I think 'return' is your paradigm you're trying read in mine? I see an ascent, but not a return.
I think also you're reading from the perspective of panentheism. Traditional Christianity is not panentheist.
The being with which we identify as 'my being' is a created nature. A nature created by God, but not of God. God is Uncreate, as the Fathers say, a different nature altogether.
The soul, we say, is created 'here' and 'now'. It does not 'descend' from a prior state into the corporeal world. It is created in the corporeal world. But it can ascend into a higher realm by incorporation into the Higher, and the highpoint of that possibility is a Divine Union by which a created nature is deified, a doctrine we call theosis.
So the difference in our pov, if I'm on the right track, is that you see the individual soul as something inherently divine, something of the same essence and substance and nature of God, whereas I see the soul as something created by God, its own essence, its own substance, its own nature and its own sense of self-hood, and the latter is what is meant by 'in our image and likeness' (Genesis 1:26).
When the Asiatics talk of the True Self, they're talking of the principle of selfhood as such. Everything is 'willed' in that sense by the True Self, not just man, and not just sentient beings; the True Self is not limited to those beings who have a sense of self, the True Self actualises man, microbes, multiverses...
As to the perennial question, why is there anything at all, or why did God make the world, the answer lies in the metaphysic – there is no 'reason' why, in the sense of obligation or necessity or need or requirement or whatever on God.
Simply, if the All-Possible is All-Possible, then why would It not create?