Elvis has been purged from the building...

You are absolutely correct and it's not ok. I must apologize as well, because I am as guilty of that as anyone.
No probs. It's one of those things. What my PC palls call 'casual (add your ism here)'. It passes without notice and without comment because its generic.
I have seen one usual kind of Islamic exorcism. Recite some particular verses, blow it on water and drink, or spray on the walls of the house. Or recite it on Loban incense and burn it in the house.

Experts work with energy entities of these verses, and actually kill the influences/spirits/magic etc. Entity vs. entity.

The verses usually are Surah Naas, Surah Falaq, Ayat Kursi, or the extended selection known as manzil.

But I dont think bad influences created by bad thinking patterns can be cured that easily. One will need lots of therapy to rid him of his self generated ghosts
Hey NJ –

I've just reread my response to your apology about tradition bashing and ... I think I owe you an apology! It comes across this time as rather rude, that 'casual-ism' bit, I wasn't having a go at you, and it looks like that to me now.
So what I should have said was 'Thank you for your good grace and generosity!' And then I should have shut up.
Hey NJ –

I've just reread my response to your apology about tradition bashing and ... I think I owe you an apology! It comes across this time as rather rude, that 'casual-ism' bit, I wasn't having a go at you, and it looks like that to me now.
So what I should have said was 'Thank you for your good grace and generosity!' And then I should have shut up.

No worries, I didn't take it that way. You know, if we both keep being civil to each other we're going to seriously jeopardize our armature standing! ;)
I noticed the title of this thread purging "Elvis".. Just wondering if that was a typo or what?.. I'm not aware of many Elvis "sightings" lately... My sister informed me awhile ago that from her research on Ancestry.com that Elvis Presley and I shared a common Dutch ancestor!
No worries, I didn't take it that way. You know, if we both keep being civil to each other we're going to seriously jeopardize our armature standing! ;)
Haha! We'll have 'cleared' our respective houses, and we're left standing there, looking at each other.
"Now what?"
... My sister informed me awhile ago that from her research on Ancestry.com that Elvis Presley and I shared a common Dutch ancestor!
As long as you don't share a love of burgers! But that's quite a claim!

According to Quantum Physics, I am reliably informed by Marcus Chown that Elvis is alive and well and performing in a building somewhere! Not in this universe, obviously, but in at least one other, parallel to ours ... at least, if you accept the premise of QP and multiverse theory ...

(Probably performing to Schrödinger's Cat ... )
I noticed the title of this thread purging "Elvis".. Just wondering if that was a typo or what?.

Merely a pun. If you read the OP you'll notice that one of the sites I visited advised to remove all demonic influence prior to conducting a house blessing. One of their examples of such influence was 'Rock & Roll' recordings. Hence my reference to Elvis in the title.

"Rock and Roll ain't noise polution" - AC/DC

:) sorry just had to since I was listening to AC/DC when I read this.