Aussie Thoughts
Just my 2 cents
How did you get that gig?
Just a last minute thing. A mate needed a favor and I needed some money.
Aussie, there is s strong state loyalty in India, and besides languages, the car's license plate is a dead giveaway.
The vehicles we were using had UK plates with a Foreign Media stamp, but no state insignias at all. We changed guides often to suit whatever region we were in. I say guides, but really they were just locals the producers hired to keep us from transgressing any unwritten laws. The only requirement was they speak English and have a good grasp of local dialect and customs. Most were blokes from lower income areas eager to earn some ready cash.
In the north we had no problem at all speaking to people from all walks of life. As we traveled south however we began to meet with more and more opposition. Contempt really, particularly when dealing with more effluent people. They seemed to somehow resent having to associate with the more common members of society.
We were treated well by the Police for the most part. Lots of hoops to jump through in India to get permission to film in some areas, but a few Rupees in the right palm usually got the job done.
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