Quite a surprise - the so-called "Berlin Initiative" has actually been voted through. This means that the IWC will now actively seek to conserve whales, rather than simply dictate numbers caught. It is, essentially, a movement not simply to end commercial fishing interests, but also a mandate to protect both large whales and small whales (including dolphins and porpoises) from the processes of fighing (many thousands die in nets each year).
One problem - not reported - is that it remains to be seen as to whether the IWC will actually be able to enforce the ruling with any legal abilities. Essentially the IWC has been seen as a voluntary commission. Certainly, Japan and Norway will seek to escape it.
For real teeth you need to invoke CITES - which is an international agreement for the protection of endangered species, which - quite importantly - is thoroughly supported by the USA.
Anyway, here are some links covering the IWC ruling, with some supporting articles:
Anti-whalers claim 'landmark' victory for conservation - New Scientist
Whaling commission votes for conservation - Nature.com
Greater protection for whales agreed - BBC
And background info:
Extinction nears for whales and dolphins
Nets 'kill 800 cetaceans a day'
Why dolphins get trapped in nets
One problem - not reported - is that it remains to be seen as to whether the IWC will actually be able to enforce the ruling with any legal abilities. Essentially the IWC has been seen as a voluntary commission. Certainly, Japan and Norway will seek to escape it.
For real teeth you need to invoke CITES - which is an international agreement for the protection of endangered species, which - quite importantly - is thoroughly supported by the USA.
Anyway, here are some links covering the IWC ruling, with some supporting articles:
Anti-whalers claim 'landmark' victory for conservation - New Scientist
Whaling commission votes for conservation - Nature.com
Greater protection for whales agreed - BBC
And background info:
Extinction nears for whales and dolphins
Nets 'kill 800 cetaceans a day'
Why dolphins get trapped in nets