Gnosis as such, no. 'The Gnostics' however are something else altogether, and fundamentally dualistic.
You know how I know you've never read any of the Gnostic texts?
You seem to only echo what the Church has said about them, but today we have their texts to see for ourselves.
I have. The assumption that because there are correspondences between two schools of thought the later must have received it from the earlier is quite common, but often erroneous.
It is simply historical fact that Greek philosophers got most of their knowledge from India, and then later with Alexander the Great and the resulting empires Egyptian and Persian philosophies were integrated. It has not been a case of one school just taking it from another, back then there was always open dialog. Even before the Greeks, the Persians were already very liberal, hence Cyrus being called Messiah in the Torah. The Greeks actually had a term for finding equivalencies and expanding on them, although my brain won't feed me the term at the moment.
It's a given in the Gnosticism that we're discussing that only the pneumatic — the Gnostic Master — is 'awake' or a realised soul. They are from birth, so much so that they are not held accountable by moral norms — they simply cannot sin, they are infallible. The disciple, the psychic, is dependent upon the pneumatic for his or her awakening. The vast part of humanity, the hylic, are incapable of awakening, they lack the 'spark' and cannot receive it. So whilst there is modern talk of self-realisation, if one reads the gnostic texts, it's evident that the pneumatic is the only one who knows, and his disciples are dependent upon him for their spiritual development.
This is again erroneous, the very point of a Master is to convey to the disciples his state and cause them to experience the same. Of course, living as the One, you cannot have past or future, and you will act as though the entire world is your body so what harm will you do to it? The goal for a true Master is that every disciple become a Master one day, and in this way the tradition lives.
You need to look and compare it more with the Guru, the Pir and Lama... yes they are special, because they know... you are to submit utterly because this is God in form as Jesus was. Yet, for him, you cannot be less, you are not even other, you are of the same divine essence... else what is the point of even speaking to you if you cannot come to know what he has found? Certainly, not everyone can be a mystic, it is not worthwhile to speak to the general population about these deeper truths because they just can't understand. I myself know this first hand, and is why I am often mocked on these forums, truth is always mocked by those who are happily ignorant.
How can a divine being not know? That's the contradiction.
When there is nothing to know, how can it?
Perhaps you insist on God as Creator, and thus fail to consider the state of God prior to Creation?
Again, in Judaism it is explained as Aylin, please look into this as it will probably jive better with your present beliefs.
The Divine is by nature transcendent, and not curtailed by any mode of relativism — so if a creature were divine — and therefore not a creature, not created — it could not not know itself, or else we have to say the Absolute is relative, the Infinite is finite, the Perfect is corrupted.
This is a dangerous assertion because it makes absurd assumptions about God.
First, how has transcendence been known? Man has experienced it, this is Gnosis.
What is most dangerous here though is the assertion that no created entity can be divine, you probably have some notion for how exactly Jesus isn't created, asserting that begotten doesn't mean created. I do not want to get into such a dialog, because it is much easier to state the flaw:
If all is one holistic unity, all is divine. This is directly experienced in Gnosis or Enlightenment.
The idea that the self — by which I mean that which the person comprehends as his or her own self, a being, etc. — is inherently divine, divine according to its own nature, is a recurring error that obscures the essential truth of all spiritual traditions with some order of theosis at its heart.
That's just it, it IS NOT their own self that is divine, this is known as Jiva.
What is divine is the sentience which knows thought and upholds the notions of ego and belief, this is known as Atman.
The Universal Self, the experience of the entire universe being your form, is called Paramatma or Supreme Self.
This Self cannot be other than Nirguna Brahman, Aylin, and the Jews agree.
So the very idea of 'my own divinity' introduces dualism, dichotomy and error. There is neither your divinity nor mine, there is just the Divine, which you and I participate in, to a greater or lesser degree, but that does not mean you or I are inherently divine.
This is splitting hairs, certainly what you take me for is not God, and you are certainly correct that these dualities must be seen through.
Yet, I am God because there is nothing but God, this isn't an acceptable assertion in the West, but that doesn't make it any less true... the fact that so many have died rather than cede the point shows the importance of this discovery for them - their life is fulfilled.
I fail to see why you think the Divine is deficient or dependent; quite what it is ignorant of, and quite how we can illuminate that ignorance.
Such a divine is therefore necessarily contingent, relative, finite, changeable — everything the Divine as I understand it is not.
I have said nothing of the sort, I have said God has created this entire universe, you and me exactly to know himself.
The common analogy is that the eye cannot see itself, it needs to be reflected.
This is the purpose of Creation.
Again, look into and try to understand the notion of Aylin.