If prayer works


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a figment of your imagination
Many if not most on this site believe me to have rose colored glasses in regards to the state of our current world and future...

My question for those believers in G!d answering prayers...

If you think also the world is in turmoil... Where do you think it would be without praying?

Billions have been praying for peace...have they been praying the wrong way? And if their prayers have been answered....this current situation is the result?
Many if not most on this site believe me to have rose colored glasses in regards to the state of our current world and future...

My question for those believers in G!d answering prayers...

If you think also the world is in turmoil... Where do you think it would be without praying?

Billions have been praying for peace...have they been praying the wrong way? And if their prayers have been answered....this current situation is the result?
We do not know God's plan, but we do know that if one struggles and is still successful (as in succeeds in going to heaven) one will be rewarded for that struggle. Well that's our View anyway.

I've always joked with my more secure Christian friends that if they are going to pray to God, and They believe Jesus (PBUH) is God, then shouldn't they be using his actual name. Maybe the reason you haven't won the lottery is you are annoying him by calling him the wrong name. but that is in jest.
Prayer has little to do with it. The current world situation is man's doing, not God's. In the current earth age each soul is born in the flesh and given free will. That is, we must decide for ourselves what is right or what is wrong. God will not intervene in that decision, but has given each faith a guide to follow in that regard. Many do just that. Others do not. The current world situation is the result.
Nowadays.. our media can report many dire circumstances and in greater detail than ever in the past. We may think the world is getting worse when actually we are just beginning to be educated about conditions we were previously unaware of... Is that a good thing? I think it is. It's better than going along without much knowledge of the true conditions.

The other good thing about the news is that we are much more keen on having a complete world view than our parents had... Read the newspapers from the forties about WWII and the axis powers... or read some news media from the fifties about the so called "Cold War". I think we have a much better perspective and consciousness of world events than we had before...
I wish... A huge percentage of the US is polarized.... Largely because of US news... Very few take the time to read both sides....we are either watching FOX news or MSNBC... Not many look to al Jazeera, BBC, RIT...just sound bites..
If prayer works at all it is the result of the placebo effect, not that of any deity, imo.
It is partly a psychological aspect of our nature as well. We tend to remember the times prayer worked, and we tend to forget the times it didn't. This is hardly just to do with prayer of course. We may pray on 50 events without much to show for it, but the 51st time our desire is fulfilled. It's a miracle! It's special because this time prayer worked. Because it is special we remember it, and because it is special we tell others about it. When prayer didn't get us our desire, we don't go about bragging about it. If one looks at the overall track record though, one time out of 51 isn't at all impressive of the value of prayer.
Many if not most on this site believe me to have rose colored glasses in regards to the state of our current world and future...

My question for those believers in G!d answering prayers...

If you think also the world is in turmoil... Where do you think it would be without praying?

Billions have been praying for peace...have they been praying the wrong way? And if their prayers have been answered....this current situation is the result?
Prayer is a thing whose inner workings I still dont know. Current world turmoil is man's own creation. Somebody somewhere gets richer when somebody else is killed. you cant drink poison and pray for a long life at the same time.
So you are saying that prayer works...but not for the betterment of the world?

Or more people pray for the status quo?

Or that is not how prayer works?

Can you explain?