

One of Many
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Seattle, WA
Namaste all,

we've talked about this subject here previously yet life has a funny way about it... a friend of mine was on a bridge railing and was being talked down when she slipped off and suffered catastrophic brain damage. her family terminated life support a few days ago.

i'm sad. i'm angry. i miss my friend. we were supposed to have lunch next week. could i have changed things? who knows... yet i think i could have. there's no way to know.

December is a difficult month for many people. I hope you are all safe and healthy.


Hugz... It is never easy... I am all for allowing suicide for the critically ill and aged...those that can make a conscious lucid decision to terminate their life.

With depression I am sad for those who think that is the only option... But at the same time I wonder about my thinking on that... Who am I to say to them... It ain't that bad? Is the difference in pain between chronic depression and chronic pain that much different? I don't know...

We do need to our friends to know we are there for them...and then follow thru with that compassion..
I...understand wanting to take your own life, and I've also...felt the aftermath through people close to me. Fortunately I have never had to face either side of that coin myself.
I don't pray, but the serenity prayer is often on my mind.
I grieve for your loss. Try not to dwell on what you might or might not have been able to do, there is just no way to know about such things. The only 'good' that I could take away from this is that apparently your friend was being talked down - she chose to live and a cruel twist of fate decided against her. Against fate none of us holds any power.
My purrsonal "prescription" for almost everything: take two :kitty:s and "call" me in the morning. They aren't judgmental (unlike humans.)

Like A Cup of Tea, I've known several people who have ended their own lives. My older brother, on the other hand, knew even more (especially among his high school classmates.)

Oh, and before I forget, a rl friend told me about a lesser known horror video game that was created by a psychologist/psychotherapist loosely based on several of his patients. The title is The Cat Lady, and you can find videos from Let's Play on YouTube if you're interested.:oops:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Vajradhara, you have my deepest sympathies. I went through something similar four years ago and I'm still not over it.
Thank you all for your supportive and compassionate comments, they mean a great deal to me.

It's very difficult. I've lost at least 5 people to violent crime in the past four years as well as several friends who decided to end their own life. Social pressures are difficult for many, many people to successfully navigate.

I'm going through bouts of crying and just being sad whilst trying to interact in a social way with people.... it's not easy. fortunately my friends understand and know what's going on so they are being respectful of my needs.


Vajra... So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend... It could be the time of year (the Holydays) when a lot of people experience depression. My prayers for your friend and you as well... Early in December we had the incident of December 3rd in San Bernardino. I used to work for Regional Center several years ago and with Public Health workers as well... there was a numbness that fell on me as my memories came back of happier days.. also an anger/resentment that someone had taken the lives of souls who meant no harm to anyone and were serving society.

My best wishes to you!

- Art