It is possible that life to be just an error in our Universe?


Mr C


I'm working on a theory for some time in trying to combine science with religion, looking for an answer to the question "What is the purpose of life in Creation?" Finally thanks to science and space exploration in the universe, we got all to agree on the fact that we are not the only planet that is hosting life. Einstein studied very much the universe, we know it all and came to the conclusion that it is too big and too complex, not be governed by something like a higher energy "From nothing you can not do anything he was saying" Big Bang could not be created from nothing so simply out of nowhere and give rise to a complex mechanism so full of laws that creates (suns, planets, solar systems etc etc)In my opinion something above our understanding govern, lead, use, observe the universe,So helped by logic I suppose that we have solved one of the mysteries of mankind.

Of course, as in any mechanism at some point unpredictable errors may occur. From here starts a series of questions more or less strange ..

It is possible that life to be just an error in our Universe?
The existence of life be allowed, because we can not affect, interact with the true purpose of the universe?In conclusion we feed from details provided by religion,religious books etc Living just a big illusion, (Heaven, hell, afterlife, judgment day etc) ?? When the Great Architect actually has nothing to do with us?I ask you now, there is perfection? Universe,Creation itself is perfect?
If yes, then my theory is wrong.

Or He sent (prophets like Abraham, Solomon, Jesus, Mohammed, etc.) on all habitable planets in the entire universe possible multiverse?From here another series of questions that lead always other and other questions.

I look forward to your opinion,thank you in advance for your help.
Hello and welcome,
These are obviously Big Questions you are grappling with. What is the purpose of the universe. Of life. Of humanity.

It is an interesting theory, though I believe you have made some errors in your suppositions. Your comment about Einstein is not consistent with what he believed at all. He never suggested that the universe is too big and complex not to be governed by a higher energy entity. He did not believe that.

One also has to be careful with making 'logic' statements that are not supported by anything more than suppositions. You make a leap beyond logic when you conclude that one of the mysteries of mankind has been solved. That would only be true if your logic statement included the supposition of higher powers. Modern science has shown that all the complexity of the universe, including living organisms is possible without the aid of a higher being.

Modern physics has also shown with reasonable certainty that something can indeed come from nothing, though admittedly it is a theory that is a work in progress. Even if that theory is proven true though, that does not mean that there is not a higher power involved in creation. It only means a higher power is not required.

I would caution against trying to combine science and religion because it leads to many unprovable suppositions. Science and religion exist for different purposes. And I would go so far as to say mutually exclusive purposes. Science cannot prove divine beings. Science cannot disprove divine beings either. It is not a question science can answer.

Hope that gives you some food for thought.
Or He sent (prophets like Abraham, Solomon, Jesus, Mohammed, etc.) on all habitable planets in the entire universe possible multiverse?From here another series of questions that lead always other and other questions.

Well this is I think how Baha'is view our situation... God loves us and provides guidance through His Messengers and Prophets... Baha'is call Them Manifestations.. There have been Manifestations before recorded history and They will continue to appear in the distant future. I recall an essay using the term "exo-theology" by a Baha'i writer Duane Troxel and I'll include here a link to it:

"...[T]here have been many holy Manifestations of God. One thousand years ago, two hundred thousand years ago, one million years ago, the bounty of God was flowing, the radiance of God was shining, the dominion of God was existing." (Promulgation of Universal Peace, 463)

Further, "All that we can say is that this terrestrial globe at one time did not exist, and at its beginning man did not appear upon it. But from the beginning which has no beginning, to the end which has no end, a Perfect Manifestation always exists. This Man of Whom we speak is not every man; we mean the Perfect Man. For the noblest part of the tree is the fruit, which is the reason of its existence. If the tree had no fruit, it would have no meaning. Therefore, it cannot be imagined that the worlds of existence, whether the stars or this earth, were once inhabited by the donkey, cow, mouse and cat, and that they were without man! (Some Answered Questions, 196-197) One might reasonably deduce from these quotations that sentient beings on other planets have evolved in a different time frame and have different capabilities than us; or less possibly, be at nearly the same evolutionary state that we are..."
Modern physics has also shown with reasonable certainty that something can indeed come from nothing, though admittedly it is a theory that is a work in progress. Even if that theory is proven true though, that does not mean that there is not a higher power involved in creation. It only means a higher power is not required.
of course there is a theory containing this, it is an essential need for a non-creationist view. It is directly derived from "If there is no God, then it must have all been on its own". There is no way to prove it, unless you have nothing (in the scientific sense) and you do nothing to it, and something comes out, but the problem with it is as you said, it simply proves something can come from nothing, not that a Higher Power didn't cause it.
For me that is the theological question of Why vs. the question How. One does not exclude the other in any way.
Maybe asking what the purpose of of life is, is just the wrong question?
There is no way to prove it, unless you have nothing (in the scientific sense) and you do nothing to it, and something comes out, but the problem with it is as you said, it simply proves something can come from nothing, not that a Higher Power didn't cause it.
I should think, something arising from nothing is proof of a higher power.
Like I said. There is a reasonable possibility nobody created the process.
For those strong in faith it's an unreasonable possibility.
Perhaps "What question should we be asking?" is the question that we should be asking.
Purpose and meaning are both very important aspects of our human experience, but the framework doesn't always apply. I think, personally, that if I had one question I could ask of the Universe, only nonsense would come out of my mouth. Why? Because in all reality, the Universe simply is. Asking what is the purpose or meaning of the universe from that perspective is meaningless. Both concepts "purpose" and "meaning" are mental constructs which have contextual meaning, but not ultimate meaning. HH the Dalai Lama wrote about this as being "two truths", or that of the relative and that of the ultimate. Our lives can have imputed meaning, but thats all. One might just as well ask, what is the purpose of a tree? Or what is the purpose of laughter? Taoism often refers to things as "purposeless" to show that things exist in their own right and don't exist with some superimposed meaning.
RE: Nas,
Most people do not like the idea at all, but it is possible that the only meaning of life is to live. And perhaps to pass on one's genes. Life is tenacious and it will live as long as it can live. That may be its only purpose.

Seems to me one of the reasons religion is so popular is to chase that stark reality into the darkest corner possible. People are terrified of the concept that there might not be any meaning or purpose to existence.
RE: Nas,
Most people do not like the idea at all, but it is possible that the only meaning of life is to live. And perhaps to pass on one's genes. Life is tenacious and it will live as long as it can live. That may be its only purpose.

Seems to me one of the reasons religion is so popular is to chase that stark reality into the darkest corner possible. People are terrified of the concept that there might not be any meaning or purpose to existence.

Agreed. People tend to use all kinds of things to avoid looking into the void :)

Oddly, enough though, religion does serve the purpose of preparing one to do just that, to look beyond what you think you are and what the universe is about. In the ancient past, mythology served just that purpose, according to Joseph Campbell. Alan Watts wrote that the Universe is simply playing the game of getting lost and found again through human existence. Logically, since you and me and everything we see is in fact spawned of this universe, Watt's position seems the most attractive.