Have you heard of this prophetic hadith?


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Assalamu alaikum everyone!

When I was little my grandma, may she rest in peace, used to tell me that when the honey bees, sheep and Muslims disappear, the Judgment Day will start/will be super close. Back then I was clueless about prophecy, but in the recent years I keep hearing about the disappearance of the honey bees in the media. Which prompted me to try and search for the hadith my grandma mentioned. Anyone heard of this? If you did, please give me information about where I may find that hadith. Thank you!

I have done my homework and researched the Holy Bible too. The Bible does not specifically mention the bees, but it does talk about 1/3 of plants disappearing (see the Book of Revelation). Which is about what might happen if the bees completely disappear.
Any thoughts?
I read that it is Albert Einstein prophesy

Albert Einstein "If the Honey Bee Dies- We Die"

Assalamu alaikum everyone!

When I was little my grandma, may she rest in peace, used to tell me that when the honey bees, sheep and Muslims disappear, the Judgment Day will start/will be super close. Back then I was clueless about prophecy, but in the recent years I keep hearing about the disappearance of the honey bees in the media. Which prompted me to try and search for the hadith my grandma mentioned. Anyone heard of this? If you did, please give me information about where I may find that hadith. Thank you!

I have done my homework and researched the Holy Bible too. The Bible does not specifically mention the bees, but it does talk about 1/3 of plants disappearing (see the Book of Revelation). Which is about what might happen if the bees completely disappear.
Any thoughts?

It has been many years since I read the Quaran, but do remember there is a chapter entitled The Bee (an -Nahl).
I think you may find what you are looking for there. Here is a clip. (al with the help of google)
"68. And your Lord inspired the bee: "Set up hives in the mountains, and in the trees, and in what they construct."

69. Then eat of all the fruits, and go along the pathways of your Lord, with precision. From their bellies emerges a fluid of diverse colors, containing healing for the people. Surely in this is a sign for people who reflect."

(maybe Einstein read the Quaran..just a thought :>))
wa alaykum!

havn't heard such a hadith, but it's true when the muslims disappear, judgement day will be super close

i think this all could happen within about 200 years

the great wars are yet to happen ... muslims gonna destroy the christian army's and then the jews ... jesus [pbuh] is going to come; he is not going to accept any other religions other than islam ... so any non-muslim that dont convert will be killed :( and only muslims will be left on earth ... a few muslim rulers will rule, thereafter people will begin to turn bad again and soon once more the world would be filled with muslims and kaafirs again ... soon after then Allah will cause all the muslims to die from an illness [this is out of mercy, for the last day in which there is great punishment [world being destructed and sun coming over heads of people] will come only on the kaafirs] ... and soon after that the last day will come, so it seems theres a few hundred? years to go yet ... after one of the major signs comes, the sun rising in the west, the last day will come 130 years after that ...

so lets relax ... we're not going to see the last day! ;)
What? When all Muslims disappear...

That is Islamic? Only when your religion ends will be when everyone achieves whatever in the hereafter?
What? When all Muslims disappear...

That is Islamic? Only when your religion ends will be when everyone achieves whatever in the hereafter?

muslims will dissapear only because last day is about to come bringing along with it great punishment and ALlah will want to save them from it; i think Amica is wishing for a different type of dissaperance! :D

infact jews will dissapear before muslims [sorry to dissapoint you amica :D:D:D ]

narrated from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Hour will not begin until there is no one left on earth who says, ‘Allaah, Allaah.’”

Ahmad (3844) narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “Among the most evil of mankind will be those on whom the Hour comes when they are still alive,

Then Allaah will send a cool wind from the direction of Syria and there will be no one left on the face of the earth in whose heart there is an atom’s weight of goodness or faith but it will cause him to die. Even if one of you were to enter the heart of a mountain, it would enter upon him and cause him to die.” He said: I heard it from the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who said: “There will be left the most evil of people who will be as careless as birds and be as cruel as wild animals. They will not acknowledge any good or denounce any evil. Then the Shaytaan will appear to them and will say: Will you not listen to me? They will say: What do you command us to do? He will command them to worship idols, but despite that they will have ample provision and a good life. Then the Trumpet will be blown.”

Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in his commentary: … With regard to the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), “There will be left the most evil of people who will be as careless as birds and be as cruel as wild animals” the scholars said: what is meant is that in their haste to do evil and fulfil their desires, they will be like birds, and in their enmity and wrongdoing towards one another they will be like wild animals.

Allaah will send a pleasant wind which will seize them beneath their armpits and will take the soul of every believer and every Muslim. The most evil of people will be left and they will fornicate like donkeys and upon them the Hour will come”

“They will fornicates like donkeys” means that men will have intercourse with women in the presence of other people, as donkeys do.


sorry to dissapoint you too, but there will be no 'kingdom of God' on earth after muslims leave; only evil evil and more evil!
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Hare Krishnas have a similar belief (as is my understanding) that ia why the lock of hair...so.they may be identified and.swooped up...

So when the Krishnas go, the Jews ascend, and the Muslims are gone....then, then we can have the orgy?

I ain't waiting.
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orgy???, just before the ressurection???; you out of your mind?? :D:D:D
So what is the proper time to stop having orgies before the resurrection?
like now!!!!, you could die any second mate!!!!; [our personal] ressurection could be seconds away!!!! :D:D:D
hadith says locusts will be the first extinct creature [near end of times]

and that muslims will indeed be taken from the earth by Allah, but just because last day is about to come and God will want to save the muslims from the grevious punishments of that day, so all muslims dying will be a blessing and the most terrible day will come on the desbelievers
What? When all Muslims disappear...

That is Islamic? Only when your religion ends will be when everyone achieves whatever in the hereafter?
The disappearance of Muslims is in the Qur'an. It talks about a breeze which will cause all Muslims to die just before the Last Day. Logically, Qur'an is alluding to a biological agent and not a wind. The reason why it will be a biological weapon is that it is going to be selective: only Muslims will die.

Also, thanks everyone for replies: I am aware of the surah the Bees. But I have not found any reference to bees disappearance as a sign in the Qur'an or Hadiths. Perhaps, my grandma heard it from Christians. For sure bees are important for all us.
the only people wiped out by other humans will be the jews; hadith says last day will not come until muslims kill the jews and even the trees will miraculously give jews away hiding behind them which indicates a very thorough wiping out [oops muslims gonna be known worst than hitler with the ultimate 'final solution'? :eek:]

in the last days miracles will happen such as anti-christ with his miracles and sun rising in the west; the beast from the earth etc etc so we dont have to interpret everything according to human doings; ALlah could just take with a wind

also this will be when all non-muslims will be wiped out due to a plague [straight after jews finished, Jesus [pbuh] will travel all around the earth consoling the believers; God will send a 'divine punishment' with Jesus' holy breath; it will reach as far as eye can see and all non-muslims will die within range of it]; the world will be just full of muslims and ruled by muslims; evil technology and it's know-how will likely be destroyed ... gradually the world will be full of non-muslims and muslims again and soon after last day will come, so it will not be a world as current where the kuffar have such power to make those biological weapons and release them cunningly amongst people

also hadith says in the very last days Muslims will only remember that their predecessors used to say 'lailaha illellah', so that's the only 'Islam' they will have left and even if kuffar did make biological weapons again i dont think those 99.9 percent secular muslims will be such a threat to them to want to wipe out with biological agent; now ofcourse people may want to wipe out just out of hate and not due to a 'threat' but the only people i know with such strong hate ... would have been wiped out and this group are 'genetically' what they are right?, so they cannot just 'convert' to such people? :D

so according to the evidences it's the jews that will face wiping and not muslims!
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If one wishes to start a real war on religion...start teaching and repeating that hadith...

Plenty of non Muslim war mongers will be happy to use that as reason to drop bombs... We drop them for less.

Makes me ashamed of the human race... These are the words of man, not of G!d.
If one wishes to start a real war on religion...start teaching and repeating that hadith...

Plenty of non Muslim war mongers will be happy to use that as reason to drop bombs... We drop them for less.

Makes me ashamed of the human race... These are the words of man, not of G!d.

The human race has many failings. Almighty God does not. You don't have to like what He decrees, this makes no difference. Your emotions don't affect things one way or another. You couldn't outhink Allah azzawajal on your best day. I will trust Him with the future of the world thank you. Good thing, very good thing He is not constrained by what us puny humans think is right or wrong.
Man has decreed. Man writes the hadith's.

In your falliable human opinion.

Man writes what Allah Azzawajal decrees. In the case of the hadith, men wrote what the messenger Muhammad salla allahu alihi wa salaam, revealed to them.

I am curious though if you simply do not believe in Islam or is it all religion you reject?
Because without a supreme being there is no absolute truth ir right or wrong. No matter how "old" that argument is, it remains true. If there is no higher objective authority then everything is simply the opinion of flawed man.

So rape, murder, and incest, all these things are not truly wrong. That's just the way you feel about it, and the opinion of anyone who disagrees with you is just as valid.
Really? Amazing...so if one doesn't believe in G!d then they must believe rape, murder and incest are OK? That is an unsubstantiated leap of biblical proportions.

Seems there is a plethora of believers in prisons and not many atheists.

But I thought Mohammed (pbuh) was the last prophet? Hadith's are word of Allah?
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