the only people wiped out by other humans will be the jews; hadith says last day will not come until muslims kill the jews and even the trees will miraculously give jews away hiding behind them which indicates a very thorough wiping out [oops muslims gonna be known worst than hitler with the ultimate 'final solution'?

in the last days miracles will happen such as anti-christ with his miracles and sun rising in the west; the beast from the earth etc etc so we dont have to interpret everything according to human doings; ALlah could just take with a wind
also this will be when all non-muslims will be wiped out due to a plague [straight after jews finished, Jesus [pbuh] will travel all around the earth consoling the believers; God will send a 'divine punishment' with Jesus' holy breath; it will reach as far as eye can see and all non-muslims will die within range of it]; the world will be just full of muslims and ruled by muslims; evil technology and it's know-how will likely be destroyed ... gradually the world will be full of non-muslims and muslims again and soon after last day will come, so it will not be a world as current where the kuffar have such power to make those biological weapons and release them cunningly amongst people
also hadith says in the very last days Muslims will only remember that their predecessors used to say 'lailaha illellah', so that's the only 'Islam' they will have left and even if kuffar did make biological weapons again i dont think those 99.9 percent secular muslims will be such a threat to them to want to wipe out with biological agent; now ofcourse people may want to wipe out just out of hate and not due to a 'threat' but the only people i know with such strong hate ... would have been wiped out and this group are 'genetically' what they are right?, so they cannot just 'convert' to such people?
so according to the evidences it's the jews that will face wiping and not muslims!