What methodology do you follow?


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New to the forums, just wanted to see what kind of muslims are on here.
are you asking what school is followed? if so, I can't answer. I think each has their rights and wrongs. Hanifi tend to be the main one followed here in TX though (or so it seems)
are you asking what school is followed? if so, I can't answer. I think each has their rights and wrongs. Hanifi tend to be the main one followed here in TX though (or so it seems)

Methodology is manhaj. How you practice islam and according to what.

Personally I don't follow a madhab. And it can be considered blind following if you take every single opinion from their fiqh.

I consider myself salafi. Quran and Sunnah according to the salaf and take from all four imams but I'll take many others scholars opinions into consideration too, like ibn taymiyahh, Bin baz, Albani etc.

Quran and Sunnah according to our righteous predecessors is authentic islam. Whether you want to call is salafi, ahle sunnah wal jamaat, ahle hadis etc.
Salifi and Wahhabi is there a difference?

Wahabi is a derogatory term given to "salafis". Basically a man named Muhammad abdal wahab came along and called people back to authentic islam. People who hated him labeled his followers as "wahabis"

I don't agree with everything with the modern salafi movement. Some "salafis" are too arrogant, others are too much into refuting one and other but at the core their creed beliefs and methodology is pure islam without a shadow of a doubt.
The Wahhabi Salafi religion is the religion of terrorism. It is wrong to say that terrorism has no religion, it has and it is the Wahhabi Salafi religion. Invented by the criminal Ibn Taymiyah who was decleared a heretic for his heretical teachings by the Sunni Ulema and put in prison and revived by his follower, the criminal Abdul Wahab Najdi, who together with the criminal Al-Saud were put in power over the Arabian peninsula by the British Empire. The Wahhabi Salafi religion is a religion of Shirk/Polytheism, it has nothing to do with Islam, let alone pure Islam. They worship a Hobal in the sky, which they claim has eyes, two legs, two hands and sits in a crosslegged position. All major recognized terrorist groups in the world are Wahhabi Salafi and every Wahhabi Salafi is a potential terrorist. As for pure Islam, it is the Islam of the household of Prophet Mohammed pbuhap, the Ahlulbayt pbut- Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib pbuh and the Imams and Guides pbut from his progeny.
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The Wahhabi Salafi religion is the religion of terrorism. It is wrong to say that terrorism has no religion, it has and it is the Wahhabi Salafi religion. Invented by the criminal Ibn Taymiyah who was decleared a heretic for his heretical teachings by the Sunni Ulema and put in prison and revived by his follower, the criminal Abdul Wahab Najdi, who together with the criminal Al-Saud were put in power over the Arabian peninsula by the British Empire. The Wahhabi Salafi religion is a religion of Shirk/Polytheism, it has nothing to do with Islam, let alone pure Islam. They worship a Hobal in the sky, which they claim has eyes, two legs, two hands and sits in a crosslegged position. All major recognized terrorist groups in the world are Wahhabi Salafi and every Wahhabi Salafi is a potential terrorist. As for pure Islam, it is the Islam of the household of Prophet Mohammed pbuhap, the Ahlulbayt pbut- Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib pbuh and the Imams and Guides pbut from his progeny.
Quick question... where did you get that Wahhabis (or Salafis) believe these things you claim. I should warn you from one Muslim to another, be wary of making claims of others who claim the same religion as you. you will be asked to stand and defend yourself on the day of judgement. I must also warn you of creating division amongst the Ummah. Both bearing false witness, Backbiting, Slandering a brother (or sister), and creating divisions is forbidden in this religion.

Doesn't everyone think their Islam is authentic?
one should IMO... but there are some who simply don't accept any specific teachings and go off on their own assuming they got something wrong and hope for mercy on Judgement Day on the things they get wrong. tit for tat really... from my studies I find the differences in most schools to be in the gray area that most scholars agree is opened by Allah anyway.
I grew up in a country where Hannafi madhab was followed. We were taught that we are Sunni Muslims. We also recognize Shia as Muslims and our imams don't spend too much time discussing the great Muslim split between Sunni and Shia Muslims besides teaching how terrible and unfortunate it was. Not until I came to USA did I learn of many Muslim sects, even among Sunni Muslims.
Anyway, I think it is wrong to assume someone is unbeliever simply because they are not 100% like you or to call someone's way a terrorist because of their beliefs.