I keep asking for someone to provide the evidence for natural selection, a basic belief in evolution.
Let's try another tack ... you provide proof of what is happening, if not evolution.
We have done our bit ... we have provided enough, and there is enough out there, to present evolution as a compelling theory. What is clear to everyone here is that your flat refusal to accept
any evidence of
anything that doesn't fit your world view. This doesn't make you right, and I daresay the consensus here is, the more you go on, the more wrong your are.
The big problem for you is the literal interpretation of Scripture. It's not a simple case of believing what's written because it's written ... And if you say "The Bible says..." then I say again, where's your proof?
The Bible is not a proof of anything, it's a testimony of belief. A statement of faith. It is not a scientific treatise, and to treat it as one does it an injustice.
Or, put simply: the Bible says when man and women marry, they become "two in one flesh". Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5, Matthew 19:6, Mark 10:8, 1 Corinthians 6:16 and Ephesians 5:31.
But they don't, do they? They never do. There is nowhere, even in the Bible itself, where two people became one flesh. Never have two people become one person. Even Our Lord's parents were two separate people. So is the Bible wrong? Because if, as you assert, that if the Bible says it, it's literally true, then I have to say it isn't ... what is being spoken of is something far more profound.
No one has done that yet because they can't. That would make me re-evaluate my belief in evolution.
Oh they have, it's just I get the impression you can't afford to allow that in.
But, by the same token, you have offered nothing in return to make us re-evaluate our position.
Since the Bible does not give the age of the universe, IMO, that is irrelevant.
But the Bible says nothing about evolution, so is not your whole argument irrelevant?
The only relevant this is how did the universe and life come into being. IMO an omnipotent Creator is the most logical answer and so far none of the evolutionists have offered an alternative.
I agree that the existence of a Creator is, to me, the logical answer — but I would also add that the way I see it, having made the world and everything in it, including the laws of nature that govern it, then such a God would work in, with and through His creation to bring forth everything He wills to be brought forth ... so I see God as having established the Cosmos, and the laws, and indeed He brought forth man from the dust of the earth in much the same way as evolution suggests the process occurred.
First, we do not determine truth by majority. AT one time the majority thought the earth was flat.
And at one time everyone thought the Bible was literally true.
If evolution has happened, as you say, where is the evidence? It certainly isn't shown in the fossil record. If it has happened, why can't anyone here proved even one example of it?
Then where are the Neanderthals? Where are all the species of human that have left their fossils for us? And where are the sabre tooth tigers, the mammoths, etc., etc.
If evolution can't offer one example of it happening, who has their head in the sand? I can prove after it kind, can you falsify it?
OK. You provide me one proof of God creating, and I'll find 10 proofs of evolution.