Has Jewish tradition mentioned an interpretation for YHWH as an acronym based on its pictographs?


Could it be that even Judaism was Forced upon the Jews by those who Sought to Control them.
Instead of a natural TERM OF RELIGIOUS PROCLAMATION and practice that The Jews freely Made for Themselves.
When the Hebrews, at Mt. Sinai, said "we will obey and we will listen" they accepted all the laws given by God, that is, all the laws which are what Judaism is.
I Hope to Share that it Can Be CLEARLY understood that there is no Ism - in the Origins of the Hebrew Word - Hebrew 3064. . יהוּדי yehûdîy / yeh-hoo-dee' - And there is no Commandment To Practice or Keep a Law or Ordinance or Commandment or a Covenant / Testament specifically called Judaism or A yeh-hoo-dee' Religion..
Then this is an argument of semantics. Because a word doesn't exist in English, you insist an idea doesn't exist. What you need to understand is that there has been an idea (biblically) of subscribing to a set of beliefs and practices associated with the status of being a Yehudi. Yehudi, which originally referred to someone of the nation of Judah (but since there is no biblical word "Judah" that idea doesn't exist?) and who accepted the laws and practices of the nation of Judah, because a signifier of one who, regardless of his nation status, accepted the laws. In the Scroll of Esther, we read of many people who "mitYAHADIm" who became Yehudim, joined into Judaism.
I Say this all - Because I think that it was the Enemies of the Jewish People *( or OUTSIDERS ) - who Labeled the Laws and Religious Practices of the Jews themselves - as the Term / Label - Called Judaism .
Maybe in English. In Hebrew, as I have explained, the word and idea existed. Zechariah makes reference to people clinging to the corners of the clothes of a "Yehudi" because they heard God is with them. So the association of God and the term "Yehudi" (plural, yehudim) is right there.
And Modern Judaism is not the Same as the Law of Moses, Abraham and Jacob.
Only because you have a limited vision and understanding about what those laws are.
What proof do WE have that The Jewish Peoples Themselves Invented the Label or Idea To Call their RELIGION as Judaism. .
Except for the 17 instances in the tanach in which we find the word "yehudim" (from Kings through Nechemia), referring to the remnants of the nation who followed God's laws.
Orthodox Judaism insists on the traditional Jewish laws and customs. These laws Make up NEW LAWS for eXample the separation of the sexes during worship.
Again, you are entitled to your opinion. But Judaism traces its laws back to the bible, as we do for this law. Just because you don't understand the halachic process does not mean you are right when you deny it.

So -- we see that there were many, many, many words where the Jews included the literal name of their God directly into their very own names and their own daily common words WE CAN LOOK AT THE NAME OF JESUS YAAHOSHUA - this was a common name Jaashuah, Yaahoidah aNd Hôsha‛yâh .

This is true -- it has often been Jewish practice to use names that include the letters of one of the various titles of God. This includes, as per Gen 39, the name Yehudah, itself.