Wow, I gotta say, Even not as a Christian, I think you could have went about these things without so much challenge. Your Agenda seems to be to prove Christianity wrong or to chastise the Christians' beliefs and practice, not seeking information.
I will agree that many of these questions (in not so hostile format) was part of the reason I started looking outside the Christian faiths.
I thought religion is more about salvation than prosperity,and how you dress?
I'll answer your Questions IMO and as close to exact phrasing as you stated...
Religion is about all things, to limit it to "salvation" is merely looking at a small aspect or reward and concluding that that is it. Religions can be as focused as merely covering how you view your deity/deities to every aspect of your life including dress, politics, health, eating habits, etc. I Adhere to Islam. In Islam salvation is the reward, yes (in a way, as the ultimate reward is Paradise), but how you achieve that reward and how those actions are supported by other actions is also a focus.
I thought we had free will to worship whoever we deem as God?
not according to most religions. Abrahamics all state very clearly which deity is to be worshiped, and no others. Hinduism (some forms) may be open to more of the "choose your god" choices, but I am far from an expert in Hinduism.
I thought God was central to worship than these other people, doctrines, and dogma?
seems to contradict your previous question in the first half, then the next bit gets confusing. Are you asking why "Christians" worship people, Doctrines, and Dogma more than the God? If so I don't feel that is true in the exact sense. Yes society seems to be focussed more on people than God nowadays, but that is more of a failing of the people than religion.
What has happened to the "CHURCH" not these mega-churches,etc...?
They are everywhere... where do you live. I have 12 to choose from in a 3 mile radius.
I thought churches were the cornerstone institution of the community now it's a joke or less respected.
Used to be, but early in the Religious history of Christianity it seems a certain "Business Aspect" has been involved as well. The donations are largely to the preacher or overseeing authority.
I understand that Jesus was among the poor and desolate of the community, now he just a character of a best-selling book.
Not sure where you got this idea. Quite the opposite is very obvious for most people. Christians still cling to the idea that he is God incarnate, asking him for all favors (yes I disagree, but it is a solid and unquestionable fact that most Christians see Jesus (PBUH) as much more than a character. This sentiment seems to only come from militant anti-Christians)
What ever happen to the church being the leaders and lead the masses instead of preying on the woman,homeless,and worst off in the community?
Leadership fell when Churches became private owned, tax free entities here in the US. however Preying on the groups you mentioned? really? are you that far from reality? No church I've ever been to has "preyed" on women or homeless or worst offs.
What about the hypocrisies,and double standards?
more specifics would be easier to answer.
Everyone who question it or does not go along with it is condemned to a place that has no existence or evident to ever existed.
This question is more proof of your questions being pointed at a challenge rather than information. The "everyone who questions it" argument will only really work out in a atheists forum. Humans will always question. It's what we do with the answers that gives us our destinations.
as for second part, How would you be able to know if hell is/was/or will be a actual place? Are you the Creator? if not I assume you cannot see all of his creations. Hell/Heaven/etc is generally believed to be somewhere outside of what we could physically get to. A different Dimension perhaps, or a entirely unconnected place that God has created that isn't in what we could classify as existence. your question hinges on the idea that all things must be physically in the same existence as us to be possible. To my knowledge, most religions don't believe in a Earthy Heaven or hell.
Have you so-called christian died went to heaven and hell and came back to tell us that it exist or has anyone ever died and truly came back years later just to tell you that God is real Jesus,etc...and you go here after they put you under the earth?
seems a pointless question from a religious perspective. Why must we all experience it before we can say it is real or unreal. even if one person did, you wouldn't believe him, and call him a liar. (proof - Mouhammed (PBUH) was said to have been to both, but that probably won't change your mind about it.) so now you rest your lack of faith on a weak argument that basically is saying "I haven't seen it so it can't exist". in that case I'm sure you can't believe in electricity, ions, electrons, air, etc.
All in all, Interfaith is about learning about other religions, not knocking some you have a weird beef with down.
Also Because of your choice of arguments I have to say this is one of the worst anti Christian conversion attempts I have ever seen. The questions are so basic that even I as a non-Christian can answer in a way I'm sure most Christians can agree with. I would not be surprised if these questions weren't copied from some Atheist website or forum that berates religious peoples intelligence daily, and yet they have yet to convince anyone with any conviction to question their beliefs.