Bliss.... Again


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a figment of your imagination
I see my brothers and sisters from standing rock....still standing, still praying, still protecting the water. A half dozen came down to DC the other day, was glad to go down and stand with them here, as I was to drive the thousand miles and spend time with them there.

Despite our leader deciding foreign interests and the almighty dollar are worth more than clean water...

I can feel bliss...

But contemplate its facade. I read some passages, and they take me back to a time, of throngs listening to a robed man on a hill...

His words come off the paper and into a vision of another time and space a vision of hope and peace while a SAM launcher with a 50 cal is pointed at a camp I feel kin to.

The dichotomy...

Why can my time of prayer and meditation, of reading and contemplation make me feel good...while homeless are within miles of me, mothers are putting kids to bed hungry... And hundred year old treaties are being trampled?

And now I kill the bliss...the wave of beauty and light wanes as guilt, remorse fill in...and concern for those not in my privileged shoes grows.
. . I read some passages, and they take me back to a time, of throngs listening to a robed man on a hill...

His words come off the paper and into a vision of another time and ...

...Why can my time of prayer and meditation, of reading and contemplation make me feel good...while homeless are within miles of me, mothers are putting kids to bed hungry... And hundred year old treaties are being trampled?

I can't recall where I put it, maybe Christianity since that is what I was referring... But it wansnt meant to be lounge material.
Serenity Prayer time:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
(Reinhold Niebuhr, recorded in sermons around 1934)

And some precursors:
Epictetus (50-135AD, Stoic philosopher):
"Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.
Some things are up to us and some things are not up to us.
Our opinions are up to us, and our impulses, desires, aversions—in short, whatever is our own doing.
Our bodies are not up to us, nor are our possessions, our reputations, or our public offices, or, that is, whatever is not our own doing."

Solomon ibn Gabirol (11th century Jewish philosopher):
"And they said: At the head of all understanding –
is realizing what is and what cannot be, and the consoling of what is not in our power to change."

And a Mother Goose rhyme (1695):
"For every ailment under the sun
There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it;
If there be none, never mind it."

Friedrich Schiller (1801):
"Blessed be he, who has learned to bear what he cannot change, and to give up with dignity, what he cannot save."

If nothing else, they tell you you're not alone in the dichotomy.
That one's been in heavy rotation at my house lately.
True, around here we are deciding to change things that others think we cannot.

That is the line...some things you can't change...but some things you only "think" you can't change...the envelope will be stretched.this year.

As some things you just must oppose.
Which sentiments are the same?
I was referring to the sentiment you expressed in the quote I highlighted. That's all.
That is the line...some things you can't change...but some things you only "think" you can't change...the envelope will be stretched.this year.
In other words, each camp believes they are bringing about change and that the other is trying to stop them. Every post is not an invitation to jump up on the soapbox.
I apologize to all for the location of this thread hopping around. I inadvertently moved it to lounge and now it is back under Christianity where it started. Obviously I'm drunk on power today.
There is a though that your social life helps to determine happiness.... I've got a great mix of quiet time...working on various projects, games, groups...

Where would we be without our friends? I've told the 30 years olds I know I need to establish more relationships with those in their 20's... Just in case I continue to live I want to always have young people to listen to their thinking process.
Bliss seems to be akin to the life of a crab... throw one in the basket and you can't contain him, he'll climb right out lickity split... throw two in there and the other reaches up and grabs him and says..."no you don't, if I can't get out, you can't either"

They say misery loves company... and reading through all the bliss threads it is apparent that there are those that experience a feeling of bliss, and those that reach up with a claw from within their basket....
Hot and humid and ac broken... Tomatoes are the worst ever, lanky and few and far between...

And in a layer of sweat...bliss... peace...


A wave of calm... Of happiness... Then blissful memories all fly through, appreciation of sooo much...of so many
You know that is just it. When you are sitting around with no sort of stimulant or inebriant in your system...and not in the most preferable conditions for comfort.... And suddenly a wave of more than comfortable flows over and thru causes contemplation... And gratitude.... I try to absorb and think about it as little as I can, as the act if surprise seems to shorten and deminish the experience.

I've learned to force a parallel yet not so profound an experience. During a conversation at times when I would normally jump in, and attempt to have my say... If I can sit and observe, and watch the ebb and sway and development I get an enjoyment that exceeds that of involving myself.
For most of the time I am content.... Which is a problem, as I should be working or looking for work!

But when I am speaking of bliss it goes beyond content...well beyond, to a feeling my words evidently don't convey.