Blue said:
Blue said:
You said:
"Salaam to all
This story is good ,but we must know that our God never be absence , he always exists he create us in this life and give us the ability to choose between the evil and good things , and we are in a long test to ready for the life after death , if we choose the right path we will be save and if we choose the evil path we will fail . "
Why must we know?
How do you know? It is just your FAITH, which is personal and affective,that tells you it is so.
That does NOT make it so as some universal truth! (Just because you say it, my friend.)
Alsalamu Alyckum my friend Blue.
I know that every one of us has his own faith , but I think we all have a mind .I is not only my faith but also the logic made it truth .
I want to tell you how I reached to the truth of Allah existence all the time and in every place .
I used the scientific method to prove to myself the existence of the great creator ,if we want to test or prove certain theory or issue we must first collect information and data that related to this issue , then we must develop hypothesis which is here the existence of Allah ,after that we must follow deep analytical approach to test my hypothesis and to prove the accuracy of it .
I have two kind of resources of my information the physical resource around me and the Quranic resource (which presented the ability of the creator by his words before 1400 years ago which is proved by a science nowaday ).
The phenomenon that prove the existence of Allah :
1 -The organizational arrangement solar system and the position of the earth in this system which give us the ability to stay living on this earth . The earth move around itself to form the sequence day and night cycle ,Is it by a chance that this movement is essential for the mankind and others being to practice their activities and to live on this earth ?,Also the science discover new important thing about the benefit of this phenomenon to mankind which is the " The Biological Hour " that happened inside our body at night and while we sleeping it is important for re-organized our body system.
The earth move around the sun in a certain path if it is deviate even a few distance from it's path it will destroy the life on this earth ,this movement form the four seasons in the majority part of the earth to provide the essential conditions for the life cycle.
2- the earth is protected by Gas layers ,is this gas structure formed by a chance ? Is it by a chance that we are protected from the negative effect of the outside rays by this Gas layers ?
3- The water cycle and the secret water properties that is different from any other material .( we all know that the water size increase when it's temperature reach a certain point which is zero to degree form ice ,while other material decrease in size when it's temperature decrease because it's molecules be close to each other in that case .
the wonderful situation in this secret behavior of water is the importance of it to save the life of the beings under the water ,when the temperature decrease the formed ice float in the seas surface and provide energy to the water of sea and save the beings inside the water sea ,at the same time the density of the ice is decrease while the temperature decrease opposite to the others material, which keep the water float at the water surface and does not sink inside the water which if happened may cause flood, also ice adjust the temperature degree on the earth when it send energy to the air and to the water .
Is this abnormal behavior of water occur by accident ?remember that water covered 3/4 of the earth surface.
4-the amazing atomic structure give us big evidence that there are a great creator create it in this structure , it is have the same organizational system is the big solar system , it is have nucleus and electronic move in a certain path a round it . Every material in this world consist of the same components ( Electrons ,Protons ,Neutrons) ,How they differentiated from each other ? each material consist of atoms and have it's own property and ability to react with another material .who create the laws of reaction between the different kind of materials ?How we can live in stable conditions without the reaction laws that keep the importance materials elements unchangeable ? Imagine that the natural solid , liquid and gas material changes under any condition continuously. how you can live on this earth ? Is it also by a chance that these reaction laws exist to form different kind of material around you ? or there are a great creator found it .
5- your body cells tell you about their great creator , the smallest part of your body have a great system each cell do what your entire body do , it's take food ,get red of excess or waste materials ,grow up ,reproduce ,die ……..
who can create just one cell like it ?Is it formed or created by a chance ?
6- If the theory of spontaneous creation is right , we have lived in this earth since million of years and the history was written before 2000 of year ,why we don't see one animal developed to be another one without any intervention ,or any mankind developed to have new property different from his ancestors ?
7 -I saw the big evidence about the great creator in my self , I feel that I have a great property as a human being , my feeling system , my thinking system is a great systems , It is impossible for me to think that these amazing systems were built or formed by a chance .still I have many information and evidences that prove my hypothesis and made it truth