50 Questions, a measuring stick


The following list of questions is for anyone interested in participating. There is no right or wrong answers. I'm not looking for a debate. I am hoping to validate my belief that each of us have more in common than not. The reason for the number of questions is because I am trying to be as balanced and comprehensive as I can... and 50 is a good round number, great for figuring percentages etc.

If those who are willing we please answer with A,B,C,D, or E that would be wonderful. A = Strongly agree, B = Agree, C = Neither agree or Disagree, D = Disagree, E = Strongly Disagree.
Also, if you can identify what faith you are (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc.) that would be wonderful.

Always sincere....
John B

50 Questions

  1. God is real.

  2. There are no other gods beside him.

  3. God is the creator of all things.

  4. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and all powerful.

  5. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Savior, and Redeemer of the world.

  6. Jesus Christ was born of a virgin.

  7. Jesus Christ was a great prophet.

  8. God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost) are members of the Godhead or Trinity.

  9. God hears and answers my personal prayers.

  10. God hears and answers the prayers of others, even those of different faiths than mine.

  11. Heaven is real.

  12. Hell is real.

  13. There are multiple levels or degrees in Heaven.

  14. The Old Testament (Talmud), at least at the time it was originally penned, was inspired of God.

  15. The New Testament, at least at the time it was originally penned, was inspired of God.

  16. The Quran, at least at the time it was first uttered, was inspired of God.

  17. The Bible, both the Old and New Testament, is without major error today.

  18. The Quran is without major error today.

  19. Adam, Noah, Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Malachi, and all of the other prophets written of in the Old Testament were true prophets sent by God.

  20. John the Baptist was a prophet sent by God.

  21. Peter, James, John, Paul, and the other apostles spoken of in the New Testament were called of God and were prophets.

  22. It is the Grace, Love, and will of God that saves us.

  23. Faith is a necessary part of obtaining salvation.

  24. Works, especially charitable works, are a necessary part of obtaining salvation.

  25. Tithes and or alms are essential to living the kind of life God expects of us.

  26. I believe in the resurrection of the dead – that our sprits and our bodies will be re-united in perfect form.

  27. After his death on the cross Jesus became the first to be resurrected.

  28. Everyone who has ever lived on the earth will be resurrected to either eternal life or eternal damnation.

  29. There will a day of judgment when all, small and great, will be brought before God to be judged.

  30. We will be judged for our works and whether we repented of our wrongs or not.

  31. Those who died wicked will be wicked still, and those who died righteous will be righteous still.

  32. Those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Savior before they die will be damned.

  33. Those who do not acknowledge Mohammad as God’s prophet cannot be saved.

  34. Adam and Eve were the first humans on the earth and all people descended through them.

  35. Familial relationships that exist here on earth (husband, wife, son, or daughter) will continue into the next life.

  36. Men and women are equal before God.

  37. Miracles and the gifts of the Spirit spoken of in the scriptures are real; namely: prophesying, healing, casting out devils, raising the dead, speaking and interpreting tongues, etc.

  38. Baptism, both by water (immersion) and by the Holy Spirit, are necessary for salvation.

  39. Our lives start at birth/conception, not some other place before.

  40. Angels, demons (Jinn), and humans are three distinct and separate creations of God.

  41. Satan (Iblis) was either an angel or demon who openly rebelled against God and was thrown out of heaven.

  42. One of the signs immediately preceding Judgment Day will be the Second coming of Jesus Christ.

  43. God is Just and Merciful, and commands us to be the same.

  44. God’s laws permit us to defend ourselves, even to the point of violence; but our reprisals should be equal to the offense (eye for eye, tooth for tooth), never greater.

  45. Those who die while on the path of God will be rewarded in Heaven.

  46. God forgives whom he chooses to forgive, but we are to forgive all (seventy times seven).

  47. People are accountable for their own sins, not anyone else’s (parent, child, or Adam’s original sin).

  48. There are no other prophets outside of the Bible, nor will there be any more.

  49. There are no other prophets outside of the Quran and the Bible, nor will there be any more.

  50. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
1-4: A
5: E
6-7: A
8: E
9-16: As
17: D
18: A
19-20: A
21: D
22-26: A
27: C
28-31: A
32: D
33: D
34-37: A
38: C
39: A
40-47: A
48: E
49: A
50: A

I am a Muslim.
  • God is real.
  • There are no other gods beside him.
  • God is the creator of all things.

  1. God is real. A
  2. There are no other gods beside him. A
  3. God is the creator of all things. A
  4. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and all powerful. A
  5. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Savior, and Redeemer of the world. E
  6. Jesus Christ was born of a virgin. A
  7. Jesus Christ was a great prophet. A
  8. God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost) are members of the Godhead or Trinity. E
  9. God hears and answers my personal prayers. A
  10. God hears and answers the prayers of others, even those of different faiths than mine. B
  11. Heaven is real. A
  12. Hell is real. A
  13. There are multiple levels or degrees in Heaven. A
  14. The Old Testament (Talmud), at least at the time it was originally penned, was inspired of God. E
  15. The New Testament, at least at the time it was originally penned, was inspired of God. E
  16. The Quran, at least at the time it was first uttered, was inspired of God. A
  17. The Bible, both the Old and New Testament, is without major error today. E
  18. The Quran is without major error today. A
  19. Adam, Noah, Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Malachi, and all of the other prophets written of in the Old Testament were true prophets sent by God. A
  20. John the Baptist was a prophet sent by God. A
  21. Peter, James, John, Paul, and the other apostles spoken of in the New Testament were called of God and were prophets. E
  22. It is the Grace, Love, and will of God that saves us. B
  23. Faith is a necessary part of obtaining salvation. A
  24. Works, especially charitable works, are a necessary part of obtaining salvation. A
  25. Tithes and or alms are essential to living the kind of life God expects of us. A
  26. I believe in the resurrection of the dead – that our sprits and our bodies will be re-united in perfect form. A
  27. After his death on the cross Jesus became the first to be resurrected. E
  28. Everyone who has ever lived on the earth will be resurrected to either eternal life or eternal damnation. A
  29. There will a day of judgment when all, small and great, will be brought before God to be judged. A
  30. We will be judged for our works and whether we repented of our wrongs or not. A
  31. Those who died wicked will be wicked still, and those who died righteous will be righteous still. A
  32. Those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Savior before they die will be damned. E
  33. Those who do not acknowledge Mohammad as God’s prophet cannot be saved. A
  34. Adam and Eve were the first humans on the earth and all people descended through them. A
  35. Familial relationships that exist here on earth (husband, wife, son, or daughter) will continue into the next life. A
  36. Men and women are equal before God. A
  37. Miracles and the gifts of the Spirit spoken of in the scriptures are real; namely: prophesying, healing, casting out devils, raising the dead, speaking and interpreting tongues, etc. E except those performed by Jesus
  38. Baptism, both by water (immersion) and by the Holy Spirit, are necessary for salvation. e
  39. Our lives start at birth/conception, not some other place before. A
  40. Angels, demons (Jinn), and humans are three distinct and separate creations of God. A
  41. Satan (Iblis) was either an angel or demon who openly rebelled against God and was thrown out of heaven. C he was never an angel
  42. One of the signs immediately preceding Judgment Day will be the Second coming of Jesus Christ. E
  43. God is Just and Merciful, and commands us to be the same. A
  44. God’s laws permit us to defend ourselves, even to the point of violence; but our reprisals should be equal to the offense (eye for eye, tooth for tooth), never greater. A
  45. Those who die while on the path of God will be rewarded in Heaven. A
  46. God forgives whom he chooses to forgive, but we are to forgive all (seventy times seven). C
  47. People are accountable for their own sins, not anyone else’s (parent, child, or Adam’s original sin). A
  48. There are no other prophets outside of the Bible, nor will there be any more. C After Jesus, Muhammad is the last one
  49. There are no other prophets outside of the Quran and the Bible, nor will there be any more. E prophets were sent to every single nation
  50. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. A
The following list of questions is for anyone interested in participating. There is no right or wrong answers. I'm not looking for a debate. I am hoping to validate my belief that each of us have more in common than not. The reason for the number of questions is because I am trying to be as balanced and comprehensive as I can... and 50 is a good round number, great for figuring percentages etc.

If those who are willing we please answer with A,B,C,D, or E that would be wonderful. A = Strongly agree, B = Agree, C = Neither agree or Disagree, D = Disagree, E = Strongly Disagree.
Also, if you can identify what faith you are (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc.) that would be wonderful

  1. God is real. A

  2. There are no other gods beside him. B (I agree but don't believe God is literally a 'he'; God has no gender and is not human like; God is greater than whatever we can think of so basically God is beyond conceptualization

  3. God is the creator of all things. A

  4. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and all powerful. A

  5. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Savior, and Redeemer of the world. E

  6. Jesus Christ was born of a virgin. A

  7. Jesus Christ was a great prophet. A

  8. God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost) are members of the Godhead or Trinity. E

  9. God hears and answers my personal prayers. C (when non-Muslims pray to God, although they associate partners to Him, yet on the one side they do pray to the real God too so out of honour for His real 'self' God sometimes answers the prayers of non-Muslims only in this world but not related to afterlife, so if they ask God to save them from hell while associating partners to Him (like Jesus, a idol, etc) than this is never accepted)

  10. God hears and answers the prayers of others, even those of different faiths than mine. C (for same reason I mentioned above)

  11. Heaven is real. A

  12. Hell is real. A

  13. There are multiple levels or degrees in Heaven. A

  14. The Old Testament (Talmud), at least at the time it was originally penned, was inspired of God. E (not the talmud but the Torah was originally revealed by God)

  15. The New Testament, at least at the time it was originally penned, was inspired of God. C (God revealed a book called the Injeel to Jesus (pbuh); not sure if the current Bible is a very distorted version of Injeel or whether Injeel is lost altogether and current one is total fabrication)

  16. The Quran, at least at the time it was first uttered, was inspired of God. A (Muslims believe Quran is the speech of God that will remain totally undistorted until the last day as God promises inside the Quran that HE will protect it

  17. The Bible, both the Old and New Testament, is without major error today. E

  18. The Quran is without major error today. A (as said above, Quran is totally without error)

  19. Adam, Noah, Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Malachi, and all of the other prophets written of in the Old Testament were true prophets sent by God. C (Yes we believe in all Prophets too sent to the Jews but since Torah is distorted, not sure if some of those names has just been made up or whether any of them weren't Prophets and falsely claimed to be)

  20. John the Baptist was a prophet sent by God. B (Some Muslims say he is the same as the Prophet Yahya (pbuh) mentioned in the Quran, if so than Yes!)

  21. Peter, James, John, Paul, and the other apostles spoken of in the New Testament were called of God and were prophets. E

  22. It is the Grace, Love, and will of God that saves us. A

  23. Faith is a necessary part of obtaining salvation. A

  24. Works, especially charitable works, are a necessary part of obtaining salvation. A

  25. Tithes and or alms are essential to living the kind of life God expects of us. A

  26. I believe in the resurrection of the dead – that our sprits and our bodies will be re-united in perfect form. A

  27. After his death on the cross Jesus became the first to be resurrected. E (we don't believe Jesus died on cross)

  28. Everyone who has ever lived on the earth will be resurrected to either eternal life or eternal damnation. B (the sinful believers whom God decides is too sinful not to get punishment, they will be punished and then given eternal heaven)

  29. There will a day of judgment when all, small and great, will be brought before God to be judged. A

  30. We will be judged for our works and whether we repented of our wrongs or not. B (however, 'repentance' for non Muslims is only valid if they first accept Gods latest guidance sent for all mankind, I.e, they have to convert to Islam first)

  31. Those who died wicked will be wicked still, and those who died righteous will be righteous still. C (It is the prerogative of God to forgive any believer who even dies as an unrepentant awful sinner (wicked?) but the truly wicked through and through - the desbelievers/the rejectors of faith - will remain wicked in hereafter. the believing 'wicked' could be punished and cleansed of their wickedness in that way )
  32. Those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Savior before they die will be damned. D (not saviour, but Prophet)

  33. Those who do not acknowledge Mohammad as God’s prophet cannot be saved. A (this only applies to people after the advent of Muhammad pbuh and to those who've heard that He's the New Messenger and all people r required to follow him now)

  34. Adam and Eve were the first humans on the earth and all people descended through them. A8

  35. Familial relationships that exist here on earth (husband, wife, son, or daughter) will continue into the next life. A (but disbelievers will be no longer be considered as family, i.e, if a person in heaven has a worldly relative in hell as desbeliever, they won't be family anymore)

  36. Men and women are equal before God. A (equal in worth, but they have different roles)

  37. Miracles and the gifts of the Spirit spoken of in the scriptures are real; namely: prophesying, healing, casting out devils, raising the dead, speaking and interpreting tongues, etc. E except those performedby Jesus

  38. Baptism, both by water (immersion) and by the Holy Spirit, are necessary for salvation. E

  39. Our lives start at birth/conception, not some other place before. E (

  40. Angels, demons (Jinn), and humans are three distinct and separate creations of God. A

  41. Satan (Iblis) was either an angel or demon who openly rebelled against God and was thrown out of heaven.
    B (he wasn't a devil before he rebelled and was casted out of heaven, he was just a Jinn then)
  42. One of the signs immediately preceding Judgment Day will be the Second coming of Jesus Christ. B (not quite immediately but there will be roughly a few more hundred years to go after Jesus second coming)

  43. God is Just and Merciful, and commands us to be the same. B (but our Just and Mercy cannot be equated with Gods, God has a different type of transcendent Just and Mercy)

  44. God’s laws permit us to defend ourselves, even to the point of violence; but our reprisals should be equal to the offense (eye for eye, tooth for tooth), never greater. B (eye for eye is only for personal injury, I.e, someone unjustly slaps me, I have right to slap him back, but in war matters one can aim for all out destruction of enemy forces until they surrender)

  45. Those who die while on the path of God will be rewarded in Heaven. A

  46. God forgives whom he chooses to forgive, but we are to forgive all (seventy times seven). B (God forgives the repentant and whom He chooses out of believers, we have a right not to forgive if someone has wronged us until it is redressed, but it is far better to forgive)

  47. People are accountable for their own sins, not anyone else’s (parent, child, or Adam’s original sin). B (true, but children can share consequences of parents sins in this world)

  48. There are no other prophets outside of the Bible, nor will there be any more. E

  49. There are no other prophets outside of the Quran and the Bible, nor will there be any more. A

  50. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. A
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