What was the livelyhood of Jesus and his near fellows?

No. It just means I can't be bothered to go through the gospels looking for all that, when as it's you who asked and as you probably have good internet in front of you and I'm battling on a phone in a non wi-fi area -- i don't see why you can't just Google it yourself? Try Mary, Martha and Lazarus for a start. I'll try to Google a list and post it here -- but it can't be right now.

Perhaps someone else out there can come to my aid tonight, lol?
There's Levi son of Alphaeus: Mark 3
There's the ruler of the synagogue: Mark 6

Or are we going to argue that after Jesus raised his daughter from the dead, the ruler might not invite him in for a bite of food, if he was in need?

Same with the centurion. I don't know where that passage actually is.

There's Martha and Mary.

There are definitely more. I'm too tired to go tracing them through the paper pages of the gospels.

I think one can assume, from reading the gospels, that Jesus had no problems finding a meal and a place to stay. I don't have to go on looking for actual names and events.

Of course, we are discussing the years of his ministry. It's impossible to know what Jesus did before that?
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Are those not all friends? Relatives, aquantences? The centurian insisted he didn't come to the house...

Of course he dined and stayed at friends homes... Ive done that for 60 years and had friends and relatives at my home.

I didn't make the statement, I simply asked you to validate yours...I don't recall any statement of the sort that he couchsurfed the country (but I do assume that was the case).
The truth of the matter is we know very little about Jesus's life... We have maybe and idea if a portion of 10 days in the first 12 years....and then maybe a small portion of a couple dozen days in his last few years...
Johann is posing the question whether or not Jesus was living as a mendicant, accepting donations, or whether he was working at some physical trade. The answer is the gospels say he told his followers to leave everything and follow him and they give ample evidence that he was welcomed into people's houses and offered food. They can't be expected to list every occasion.



Banquet at Levi’s House

Tax collectors and sinners


Dinner at Simon’s House

Pharisees, guests and sinful woman
10:38-42 *

Hospitality at the home of Mary and Martha

Mary and Martha


Dinner at a Pharisee’s House

Pharisees and Lawyers


Sabbath Meal at a Pharisee’s House

Pharisees, Lawyers and Guests

19:1-10 *

Hospitality at the home of Zacchaeus (implied)

There may be others.

For the purpose it's not about whether the gospels are accurate and true. It's what they say about Jesus, including that he walked on water, calmed the storm and raised the dead -- that he was the Christ, God incarnate, the second person of the trinity?
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My person never really asked or researched of how Jesus supported his life in regard of food, clothes, housing and medicin and which lifelyhood his near fellows followed.

Are their evidences about it?

Are there maybe also suggestions in the teachings of this religion in regard of livelyhood for "priest" or those who sacrify their whole live to walk a spirituell path as well as for "ordinary" people, people holding on a household?

Jesus didn't lose connection with the rich. His followers are usually the poor though. I forgot the source but I barely remember that the wife of Pilate is a supporter of Jesus.