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Greetings and asalamu alaikum my name is Bilal. Formerly Chandler, now Bilal Abdur-Raheem.

Whew my story is long and I wasn't sure whether to simply introduce myself or tell my story, but I feel my story helps define who I am so here goes.

I am a 100% white anglo saxon american male. I was born in middle Tennessee and raised on the outskirts of Nashville. I was raised by my mother and step-father, who was a stereo-typical racist redneck in and out of jail, but feared and respected by those around him. So I was of course raised to be a redneck tough guy type. Well in'91 the gulf war happened and in the aftermath our town was flooded with Iraqi immigrants. Naturally the rednecks weren't happy about this and growing up the adults always encouraged us to fight the Iraqi kids.

Eventually I became a sort of "leader" for the racist kids in the neighborhood. I was never afraid to fight anybody who wanted problems with me, and while I didn't like blacks, hispanics, or asians, my worst hate was reserved for the Arabs that we of course referred to by a derogatory epithet.

Eventually a real Muslim community developed in the area as immigrants from Yemen, Lebanon, and Somalia joined those Iraqi's that had originally moved into the neighborhood. And after my older peers moved on and began adult life I was left in charge of the white gang that roamed the streets lookin for a fight. The other kids looked up to me and came to me, I demanded absolute loyalty, and lived to " bust Muslim heads."

At the same time I was busy being the "leader" of the white boys faction, a kid named Mahmoud, known mostly by simply "M" was the leader of the Muslim kids. Many times our groups clashed and qe always searched one another out on the battlefield. M was one tough guy ai always respected.

As luck would have it, or as I view it now the work of Allah praise and glory to Him, there was a huge music festival that most of the gang went to. I'm sure many here have heard of it as it is super famous in middle TN, but being on probation I stayed home. So as far as my group was concerned I was home alone. Getting bored pretty fast I soon wondered the streets under the influence of a few beers.

Sure enough I encountered M and a group of Muslim kids and we began to trade insults from across the street. Being prideful, cocky, and with some serious beer muscles I eventually crossed the street. A decision I immediately regretted as the Muslim kids proceeded to commence in beating me senseless. I was able to run a block or so before collapsing and being beat and stomped some more.

As the beating was going on, a Muslim Iraqi man in his 50's named Qaseem came out of his house and screamed at the Muslim kids to leave me alone while pulling me inside his home.

As a young foolish racist of course I didn't want to be in the home of a Muslim Arab and told Qaseem as much. He reminded me the alternative was to return to the beating he had saved me from. I did grudgingly thank him for his help and actually stayed at his gome for 4 hours talking
Greetings and asalamu alaikum my name is Bilal. Formerly Chandler, now Bilal Abdur-Raheem.

Whew my story is long and I wasn't sure whether to simply introduce myself or tell my story, but I feel my story helps define who I am so here goes.

I am a 100% white anglo saxon american male. I was born in middle Tennessee and raised on the outskirts of Nashville. I was raised by my mother and step-father, who was a stereo-typical racist redneck in and out of jail, but feared and respected by those around him. So I was of course raised to be a redneck tough guy type. Well in'91 the gulf war happened and in the aftermath our town was flooded with Iraqi immigrants. Naturally the rednecks weren't happy about this and growing up the adults always encouraged us to fight the Iraqi kids.

Eventually I became a sort of "leader" for the racist kids in the neighborhood. I was never afraid to fight anybody who wanted problems with me, and while I didn't like blacks, hispanics, or asians, my worst hate was reserved for the Arabs that we of course referred to by a derogatory epithet.

Eventually a real Muslim community developed in the area as immigrants from Yemen, Lebanon, and Somalia joined those Iraqi's that had originally moved into the neighborhood. And after my older peers moved on and began adult life I was left in charge of the white gang that roamed the streets lookin for a fight. The other kids looked up to me and came to me, I demanded absolute loyalty, and lived to " bust Muslim heads."

At the same time I was busy being the "leader" of the white boys faction, a kid named Mahmoud, known mostly by simply "M" was the leader of the Muslim kids. Many times our groups clashed and qe always searched one another out on the battlefield. M was one tough guy ai always respected.

As luck would have it, or as I view it now the work of Allah praise and glory to Him, there was a huge music festival that most of the gang went to. I'm sure many here have heard of it as it is super famous in middle TN, but being on probation I stayed home. So as far as my group was concerned I was home alone. Getting bored pretty fast I soon wondered the streets under the influence of a few beers.

Sure enough I encountered M and a group of Muslim kids and we began to trade insults from across the street. Being prideful, cocky, and with some serious beer muscles I eventually crossed the street. A decision I immediately regretted as the Muslim kids proceeded to commence in beating me senseless. I was able to run a block or so before collapsing and being beat and stomped some more.

As the beating was going on, a Muslim Iraqi man in his 50's named Qaseem came out of his house and screamed at the Muslim kids to leave me alone while pulling me inside his home.

As a young foolish racist of course I didn't want to be in the home of a Muslim Arab and told Qaseem as much. He reminded me the alternative was to return to the beating he had saved me from. I did grudgingly thank him for his help and actually stayed at his gome for 4 hours talking
Wow just realized half my post didn't show up. That's sad but the short version is that I became a Muslim Alhamdullilah and will forever be grateful. I will always try to spread and share the truth of Islam.
Alaikum asalam, namaste and welcome.

Your story has been repeated many times.

Now to insure you don't become bigoted in the opposite direction.
Welcome Bilal Abdur-Raheem .. I look forward to reading the truth of Islam. What have you discovered so far?
Welcome Bilal Abdur-Raheem .. I look forward to reading the truth of Islam. What have you discovered so far?

Well the thing that has always been very striking to me (not the most important of course which is that there is only one God worthy of worship, praise, and glorification) is the miraculous science of Islam.

This is not my opinion either, many scientists of the highest caliber have commented on the miraculous scienctific knowledge of the Holy Qur'an and Hadith. Things nobody could possibly have known 1500 years ago.
Yes folks have worked hard to stretch words into science from religious texts...

It doesn't impress scientists who don't believe in Islam... And you can fund many a Muslim scientist who wish people wouldn't push this agenda as they know it does not help the spread of theme religion amongst learned people...but actually does the opposite
Yes folks have worked hard to stretch words into science from religious texts...

It doesn't impress scientists who don't believe in Islam... And you can fund many a Muslim scientist who wish people wouldn't push this agenda as they know it does not help the spread of theme religion amongst learned people...but actually does the opposite

Actually multiple atheist scientists have remarked on the fact that many things mentioned in the Holy Qur'an are scientifically remarkable and inexplicable. They don't have to be Muslims nor do they necessarily have to believe these things are divine miracles. Doesn't change the fact that they can't explain how things like the stages of a fetus in the womb, the relationships between gravity and the atmosphere, and descriptions of heavenly bodies could have been described in such detail over 1400 years ago.

Nor do they have to have been paid by someone wuth an agenda. A scientist can look at something and say " we have no explanation of how this is possible," simply being honest. For me it's obvious, but there is no disputing what is recorded. Thanks.
Actually multiple atheist scientists have remarked on the fact that many things mentioned in the Holy Qur'an are scientifically remarkable and inexplicable. They don't have to be Muslims nor do they necessarily have to believe these things are divine miracles. Doesn't change the fact that they can't explain how things like the stages of a fetus in the womb, the relationships between gravity and the atmosphere, and descriptions of heavenly bodies could have been described in such detail over 1400 years ago.

Nor do they have to have been paid by someone wuth an agenda. A scientist can look at something and say " we have no explanation of how this is possible," simply being honest. For me it's obvious, but there is no disputing what is recorded. Thanks.

Yes, I don't think anything that has been recorded can be refuted. Otherwise its just going to make a mockery of all historic reports. Why would we favor one report over another and deny one in support of another..that doesn't make sense.

I actually believe that any living breathing functioning organism is a miracle... for example: a ''human being'' is a supernatural phenomena. I mean how it that possible from the human perspective, yet its perfectly evident. The Bible also mentions miracles happening. Ones that Jesus Christ himself preformed that were actually seen by the physical eye of another human being. Christ's resurrection from the dead being one of them. Jesus even claiming to be God in the flesh was a kind of miracle, although that notion was deemed as blasphemy by some of the people. And yet the resurrection is historically documented as having really happened as a realtime event. So I do believe that life is supernatural. How can that possibly be denied?
I am not denying it, but I'll say easily.

We have no eyewitness reports...the gospels.were.written decades after his death and not by eyewitnesses.
I am not denying it, but I'll say easily.

We have no eyewitness reports...the gospels.were.written decades after his death and not by eyewitnesses.

I Corinthians 15 .... say's he was seen resurrected.
Links to two or three...

No, and not that I couldn't. In fact this is the internet age and anyone can search a thing to verify it's veracity. I say no simply because I don't attampt to debate atheists. Especially since this is an introduction thread and I was simply recounting my life and reasoning.

The fact is the atheist, well agnostic as all so called "atheists" truly are, have the worst of it. They can't explain how or why we are here and there is no eternal justice. Just an abysmal existence until death. And how surprised they will all be on that day. We can all talk tough now. One day however we will all face our Creator, and on that day there will be no debate.
I know of zero atheist or agnostic scientists who believe the stretches that creationists of abrahamic descent try with their texts...

Citations are required to prove your point.

I Corinthians 15 .... say's he was seen resurrected.
Yes Paul the author says he saw a resurected Jesus, what I was saying we don't have is an eye witness of the miracles in his life, the crucifixion or resurrection.
I know of zero atheist or agnostic scientists who believe the stretches that creationists of abrahamic descent try with their texts...

Citations are required to prove your point.

Yes Paul the author says he saw a resurected Jesus, what I was saying we don't have is an eye witness of the miracles in his life, the crucifixion or resurrection.

So you know of zero. Fine. Your knowledge is far from all encompassing. Where is it written that scientists are the unquestionable authority by the way?
So you know of zero. Fine. Your knowledge is far from all encompassing. Where is it written that scientists are the unquestionable authority by the way?
I'll back off if you are that sensitive to discussion. But is it typical for you to back off on your statements and then even demean the individuals you brought into the conversation as authorities?
Actually multiple atheist scientists have remarked on the fact that many things mentioned in the Holy Qur'an are scientifically remarkable and inexplicable. They don't have to be Muslims nor do they necessarily have to believe

these things are divine miracles. Doesn't change the fact that they can't explain how things like the stages of a fetus in the womb, the relationships between gravity and the atmosphere, and descriptions of heavenly bodies could have been described in such detail over 1400 years ago.
I only asked for..
Links to two or three...