Bengali girl in love with a Muslim man

It is unfortunate that the nearest Halal Meat market to my home
So what about the KARMA?

Has any one connected the link of Flesh eating and the supposed act of asking God to bless a cadaver before ingesting it ---to the resulting Historic record of suffering and vices that plague generation after generation?

One should make the connection.
It is unfortunate that the nearest Halal Meat market to my home is shared with a Hindu Grocery. At the entrance is 2 statues (Shiva and another IIRC). because of this I choose not to go there, not because I fear a lower faith, but rather I don't think the 2 are compatible. Now I have Hindu friends, who have statues in their house, and I will accept their invitation, and I don't bring it up because it would be rude of me to request a change of his decor just for my comfort in his house. But I don't think I would choose to pray there, and I only eat the meat there because he buys Halal meat.
So..... you won't buy meat from the Halal market, because of the way the shared Hindu tenants choose to show reverence to God, but you'll eat meat, no doubt purchased from the same market, in the home of those who honor God in the same way? Forgive me, but that seem the least bit hypocritical to me.
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So..... you won't buy meat from the Halal market, because of the way the shared Hindu tenants choose to show reverence to God, but you'll eat meat, no doubt purchased from the same market, in the home of those who honor God in the same way? Forgive me, but that seem the least bit hypocritical to me.
No, I refuse to shop there, as I don't feel comfortable there. I am also not rude to friends who buy meat (they don't usually use that shop btw) from a Halal place, so I eat. Whether you see it as hypocritical or not however, doesn't concern me.
Yes, he may object to you telling the children your worldview. Would be better to see how open he is to raising children in both worlds....especially if he isn't willing to convert...but he should at least be reading the gita, so to see if he is willing to meet you halfway.
I know this will be impossible to explain to you, as your worldview is not in sync with mine in any measure that I can see. But IMO he holds no obligation to learn her background belief unless he is exploring as interest in the faith or learning how to tactically move her toward conversion. I learn about others views out of interest in what they believe, however the hows and whys I don't have any interest. I'm not one to believe in a mixture of faiths, nor am I in any doubt to my faith. again it is just my personal belief from a religious background that unless he is considering a move toward her faith she was raised in (but doesn't follow) then it doesn't necessitate his study of her former belief.
I know this will be impossible to explain to you, as your worldview is not in sync with mine in any measure that I can see. But IMO She holds no obligation to learn His background belief unless She is exploring as interest in the faith or learning how to tactically move Him toward conversion.... again it is just my personal belief from a religious background that unless She is considering a move toward His faith He was raised in then it doesn't necessitate Her study of His belief.
BigJoeNobody said:
From an Islamic standpoint we don't accept anything living or non-living be between one person and Allah.

EXCEPT 1] MOHAMAD and the 2] Koran and 3] Gabriel and 4] a line of scholarly commentators [hadiths, etc]

One must stand on the shoulders of those that show the truth.
Where is this enjoined in scripture?
Upon what authority?
I don't follow your question. the Quran is rampant with examples of not praying to or through idols or people. Allah is One, and he doesn't have a partner. I don't need to talk to Muhammad (PBUH) to have my prayer heard, as a matter in fact to do so would be shirk.

The 1st pillar of Islam is quite clear that nothing is worthy of worship... except Allah.

It seems like most other anti-Muslims I've met, you are very educated... from unreliable sources. No Muslim that I have ever met worships Muhammad (PBUH), the Quran, Jabril (MABP), or commentators. Nor are any of these things intercessors of prayer. Muhammad (PBUH) is dead, so I can't go to him to pray, nor would I expect a dead man to pass on my prayer. The Quran is a book... other than a source of knowledge, has no power. Jabril (MABP) is possibly still alive (I'm not an expert in Angelic life cycle) but his job never had to do with prayer, just to be a delivery mechanism at times to Muhammed (PBUH).

So rather than me proving the most known thing about Islam, prove me wrong. I'm pretty sure you will find a tough time finding any reliable source that says I should be praying to or through anyone or anything.
One must stand on the shoulders of those that show the truth.
acknowledging sources of information doesn't constitute intercession. If my dog barks at a neighbor it doesn't mean I needed the dog to talk to my neighbor.
acknowledging sources of information doesn't constitute intercession. If my dog barks at a neighbor it doesn't mean I needed the dog to talk to my neighbor.

The neighbor is alerted by the dog of your authority as master.
bhaktajan said:
One must stand on the shoulders of those that show the truth.

acknowledging sources of information doesn't constitute intercession. If my dog barks at a neighbor it doesn't mean I needed the dog to talk to my neighbor.

acknowledging sources of information constitutes "By what Authority you are a representative".

If ones claims they are a Medical Doctor ... it must be shown: "By what Authority one is a Doctor".

There is a very old tradition of Bogus-Gurus.

There is service to others as a means to acquiring status.

Being the "servant of the servant" is a prime requisite.

Can a Muslim be a Muslim without being one or the other: Shiait versus Sunni?

Are there Muslims that claim they do not belong to neither sect, Shiait or Sunni?
I don't need an intercessor when talking to Allah.

yes, but it is only by virtue of the intercessor that we are educated to do so.

Lest one claims they are empowered by God to rule over men.

Certainly Pharaohs proclaimed they we're God's representative of Earth.

"In the pagan world, kings were often seen as either ruling with the backing of heavenly powers or perhaps even being divine beings themselves."

It implies that only God can judge an unjust king and that any attempt to depose, dethrone or restrict his powers runs contrary to the will of God and may constitute a sacrilegious act. It is often expressed in the phrase "by the Grace of God"
I don't think praying to Allah and seeking understanding of Islam is the same thing. Are you confusing praying with your meditations Bhaktajan?
This is not correct according to Bhagavad-gita nor the puranas etc.

The supposed "Gods" are all demigods here within the Material temporary cosmos.
Good point. However, as this is the Islamic section, I was speaking in general terms from the standpoint that the supreme Godhead is the shelter from which all else manifests, keeping in mind, BG 9.23.
As SHI has said, she was born unto a Hindu family, but does not she herself follow any Hindu customs. However, most Hindus are not non-monotheistic. They believe in multiple manifestations of a single God. They also do not worship idols. The figures and photos found on Hindu home alters are primarily used to pray through to God. They are not praying to the figures themselves. It is their way of showing reverence. Different perhaps than that of the Abrahamic traditions, but with the same idea in mind.
Perhaps that is so, but still goes against Islamic beliefs since nothing is to be used to represent God or as a way to reach Him. God in Islam demands understanding that He is not like anything He created and when praying one must pray directly to Him even when unable to see or hear Him, it is a demonstration of faith.
Even if there is nothing religious posing an issue for a Muslim to marry a non Muslim, he or she is still forbidden such marriage. Just like Muslims cannot eat pork, pray unclean, etc. Certain things are just out of question. Allah SWT gives an example that He has forbidden people in the past certain food as a response to their sins, as a test, etc. Same with Muslims. He says that one should marry a Muslim even if the non Muslim person is the one you like or is better looking, etc. And reasons seem few. Muslims in Islam are taught to be community oriented and whatever we do we have to consider how our community will be impacted and how we contribute to it. By marrying a Muslim you help expand the community. It is just one more reason.
But, love happens, right? I am sure that there are 10x worse things a person can do besides marrying a person who is forbidden to him/her. And God is Merciful.
nothing is to be used to represent God or as a way to reach Him.

God is in our hearts. This is an "Absolute truth".

God is present in every nucleus of every speck of creation, God is present in every nucleus of all animate atoms and as the life-force-witness in the heart of all animate life forms. In Sanskrit this is called "Param-atma" ---"God as localised in all created elements".

God is in our hearts. The Holy Spirit is "Soul". We are a part and parcel fragment of Godhead. By the development of service ---so as to develop 'etiquette' ---all acts reflect the mortal's desires.

Godhead is the "Enjoyer" whereas in contrast we Spirit-souls-in-material-bodies are NOT enjoyers...we are here due to desiring to be lords of all we survey.

Un-fortunately we "Souls in the material world" can only practice the etiquette on the least of our own....until an absolute visage is given [mercifully bestowed by 'causeless mercy''] and one understands what they had prepared themselves to see.
nothing is to be used to represent God or as a way to reach Him.
nothing is to be used to:
Represent God
nothing is to be used:
as a way to reach God

Maybe the linguists lost the meaning?

Please correct me here.