Bengali girl in love with a Muslim man

No, no belief in their power over you there.
The idea of the power is stemmed in what is told/ "marketed" to you. This doesn't mean you accept that it has power, but rather you would not want to even have the chance for your brain to think it did do to coincidence.
The only thing here that jabbed me in the eye wad throwing out the spouses things without it being consensual. Communication, man!

Understood, but having been married some time now, I know there are things that pop up and instantly infuriate that neither of us ever considered before. I would also say the throwing out those things is absolutely a must from an Islamic perspective. Again regardless of the reason, it is forbidden to have, and in our household is one of the few places we can control.

Destroying ancient art is also hard to handle, but it's not in my liberal-non-religious control, nor should it be.

destroying ancient art is something that I don't fully agree with in many cases. I think it applies when one has possession of the "art," and when the art is not part of someone else's need for worship. From one standpoint I see the benefit in being able to keep it, say in a museum, etc. The other I also realize that much of it will never teach us anything that we need to know.

On idols, would it be correct to say that they have social and psychological power but no supernatural power?
I'd say more accurately an impact, not power. It mainly comes from our own Psychology. Someone says it will protect you, then someone tries to stab you and misses, falls on the knife themselves... all of a sudden that Lie the guy told you, (whether he believed it or not) makes sense to the person who thought it might have been fake...

No, Shiva is part of the Hindu Trimurti.
I don't know what that is, but I will accept that I used the name wrong, I apologize.

For most Hindus though
I've met many here who see it as different, even some who pray to monkeys and cows and such as if they are godly manifestations themselves.

Hopefully, if the couple does get together, there will be some mutual respect and understanding in this regard.
I understand your situation, but from a religious standpoint I wouldn't suggest or expect a marriage to work, assuming he is truly believing and practicing. I don't think it would be the worst thing for him to try, but it certainly would be a sin as it is a deliberately disobeying action.
Not it appears if one were to follow the advice provided here....
Oh, you never know. Hey, if nothing else, at least she has a better idea of what she could possibly be getting herself into should she decide to pursue such a relationship. If she's still checking in that is. She hasn't posted in a while.
destroying ancient art is something that I don't fully agree with in many cases. I think it applies when one has possession of the "art," and when the art is not part of someone else's need for worship. From one standpoint I see the benefit in being able to keep it, say in a museum, etc. The other I also realize that much of it will never teach us an
So to be this acceptable?
who am I to say? IMO probably not, but I know nothing about the circumstances. I can see the negative aspect of having it there, but I also understand that it probably meant a lot to a lot of people. But let's for an instant look at it from a different lens. Did anyone benefit from it being there other than it being something to look at? From a theological standpoint isn't destroying it essentially what many prophets of the Bible did to idols to prove to the people who believed in them that they had no power? Now am I agreeing with Taliban and their teachings just because I understand where they find the authority to do it? I don't believe I am, but you might very well think differently. If this was an active worship site, it should have been sectioned off, and people who wanted to worship at it should have been allowed, given they pay their taxes and such. That is if Taliban had actually followed what was told of them by the teachings of the Quran and Prophet (PBUH).
Intercessor and mentor are two completely different concepts. One is in the path between two points, making a connection. The other is outside the path between two points, helping/catalyzing the connection.

Please provide the scriptural chapter and verse.

Or you may just inform me that this is your "opinion"
Please provide the scriptural chapter and verse.

Or you may just inform me that this is your "opinion"
You are looking to scripture to define the difference in 2 words? 2 word which are translations of other words?

Here, how about be honest with yourself, you are trolling. There is noone that I have ever met that can't differentiate the meaning of Intercessor and mentor. I'll change it into language my son can understand (he's 7). One is prayed to or through, the other is a teacher. Maybe spend less time criticizing ideas you don't actually know about, and spend a moment or 2 with a Dictionary or Thesaurus. Noone claimed that the Quran would teach the vocabulary of the world, so I would hope you will quit insisting that it is either in the Quran or it is opinion regardless of the topic. Or are you looking to prove that we don't need to pray to the Mentor to get to Allah? I mean, you have to dig deep and study for years to find it... I mean it's not like the answer lies in the first page, or even the first Surah right? (for reference I will copy the First Surah, and highlight all the places that when fully studies prove you don't need anyone in the middle.

In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds -
The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,
Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.
It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
Guide us to the straight path -
The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.
And Muhammad is no more then a Messenger, and Messengers have passed away before him as well. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels? And whoever turns back upon his heels, he will by no means do harm to Allah in the least; and Allah will reward the grateful soon. (3:144)
You are looking to scripture to define the difference in 2 words? 2 word which are translations of other words?

you are trolling.
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds -
The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,
Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.
It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
Guide us to the straight path -
The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.


I am sorry but I considered this a protocol.

ie: When I post a philosophical point ---I am actually quoting scriptural verses rendered into common parlance. So if one asked me to show "upon what Authority [citation of scriptural verse]" do I make pronouncements.

We have many recent examples on the world stage ie Hugo Chavez and esp Nicolás Maduro, for example.
The Prophet appreciates one's invocation ---no?

No, I don't pray to or through any of those. I don't need an intercessor when talking to Allah.
PBUH is an acronym for "Peace be upon him"; likewise SAW is an acronym for sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

The Qur'an states:
Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to doso]. O you who have believed, ask [ Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [ Allah to grant him] peace.- Qur'an 33:56

There is also references in Hadeeth as well:

The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever sends one salah upon me, Allah will send ten upon him."
—Abu Hurayrah

One morning the Messenger of Allah was in a cheerful mood and looked happy. They said, "Oh Messenger of Allah, this morning you are in a cheerful mood and look happy." He said, "Of course, just now someone [an angel] came to me from my Lord [Allah] and said, 'Whoever among your Ummah sends Salah upon you, Allah will record for him ten good deeds and will erase for him ten evil deeds, and will raise his status by ten degrees, and will return his greeting with something similar to it.'"
—Abu Talha ibn Thabit

I am sorry but I considered this a protocol.

ie: When I post a philosophical point ---I am actually quoting scriptural verses rendered into common parlance. So if one asked me to show "upon what Authority [citation of scriptural verse]" do I make pronouncements.

We have many recent examples on the world stage ie Hugo Chavez and esp Nicolás Maduro, for example.
Ok, let me have a go. If you are stating that intercessor and mentor are scripturally synonymous, could you provide chapter and verse?
I've said for years that I can't follow what you are trying to say bhaktajan, but perhaps I can still mediate in my ignorance.
Noone claimed that the Quran would teach the vocabulary of the world, so I would hope you will quit insisting that it is either in the Quran or it is opinion regardless of the topic
No nothing so mundane as language...folks claim (around here even) that the Qur'an is scientifically accurate, in regards to creation, DNA, quantum physics, space science...

Bottom line, when you make a statement, someone may ask you to back it up... One should be prepared for.that.
Bottom line, when you make a statement, someone may ask you to back it up... One should be prepared for.that.
I don't follow, no one made a claim that there is a scriptural difference between intercessor and mentor. There is a claim made that there is a vocabulary difference between intercessor and mentor. So why are they asked for a verse?

And yes, Muslims claim the Quran is scientifically accurate, is that relavent? Seems like something that is bothering you.
a scriptural difference between intercessor and mentor. There is a claim made that there is a vocabulary difference between intercessor and mentor. So why are they asked for a verse?

I never mentioned the words intercessor nor mentor.

Some one replied to my question(s) saying "No intercessor or mentor is required to pray to God [Allah]".

So I asked how can one claim that? Where is this enjoined? This was my question. Suddenly I was talking about "intercessors and mentors".

"intercessor and mentor" was some ones interpretation of what I meant.

<By the intercessor of a mother one finds a mentor.>

I am sorry but I considered this a protocol.

ie: When I post a philosophical point ---I am actually quoting scriptural verses rendered into common parlance. So if one asked me to show "upon what Authority [citation of scriptural verse]" do I make pronouncements.

We have many recent examples on the world stage ie Hugo Chavez and esp Nicolás Maduro, for example.

Ok, let me have a go. If you are stating that intercessor and mentor are scripturally synonymous, could you provide chapter and verse?
I've said for years that I can't follow what you are trying to say bhaktajan, but perhaps I can still mediate in my ignorance.

Could it have been that 'you didn't ask'?

May I be presumptuous and say You often lost me and the 'end' of my postings?

I intentionally [my own barometer] stated the names of [active] two dictators famous for TV televised long winded lectures on wise they are.

Current facts about Nicolás Maduro [and his dead predecessor Venezuela’s ex-military dictator president Hugo Chavez]:

Why is Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro still in power?
Massive street protests, an economy in shambles and severe shortages have failed to dislodge the president

NICOLÁS MADURO, Venezuela’s president, is deeply unpopular. Four out of five Venezuelans think his government is doing a bad job. They are right. Their country, which has more proven oil reserves than Saudi Arabia, a population of just 31m people, and an enviable geographic position, is in the midst of the world’s deepest recession, with Soviet-style bread queues, shortages of basic medicines and a dramatic rise in negative indicators such as infant mortality and malaria. Inflation is heading for over 2,000% next year. The local currency, the bolívar, has lost all but 0.8% of its value against the dollar in the past five years.
I never mentioned the words intercessor nor mentor.

Some one replied to my question(s) saying "No intercessor or mentor is required to pray to God [Allah]".

So I asked how can one claim that? Where is this enjoined? This was my question. Suddenly I was talking about "intercessors and mentors".

I 100% agree that you never wrote the words intercessor nor mentor.

I 100% agree that you asked how to claim that.

And grammatically, if we replace your that with what you are referring to
we get:
"So I asked how can one claim Intercessor and mentor are two completely different concepts. One is in the path between two points, making a connection. The other is outside the path between two points, helping/catalyzing the connection."

So I'm saying that indirectly you ARE asking for the scriptural difference between intercessor and mentor even though you ever used the words yourself.

Could it have been that 'you didn't ask'?
I don't know what this means.
May I be presumptuous and say You often lost me and the 'end' of my postings?
I don't know how I can lose you in your own postings.
I intentionally [my own barometer] stated the names of [active] two dictators famous for TV televised long winded lectures on wise they are.
You sure did! Just don't know how that's relevant so I'm focusing on the parts of your posts that I sort of understand.
"submission" [if one does not know how to "submit" they will show them how]

Namaste Jesus said:
They also do not worship idols. The figures and photos found on Hindu home alters are primarily used to pray through to God. They are not praying to the figures themselves. It is their way of showing reverence. Different perhaps than that of the Abrahamic traditions, but with the same idea in mind.

BigJoeNobody said:
From an Islamic standpoint we don't accept anything living or non-living be between one person and Allah.

bhaktajan,Jun 22, 23, 2017:
EXCEPT MOHAMAD and the Koran and Gabriel and a line of scholarly commentators ---correct?
EXCEPT 1] MOHAMAD and the 2] Koran and 3] Gabriel and 4] a line of scholarly commentators [hadiths, etc]
One must stand on the shoulders of those that show the truth.

BigJoeNobody said:
No, I don't pray to or through any of those. I don't need an intercessor when talking to Allah.

bhaktajan said:
Where is this enjoined in scripture?
Upon whatauthority?

BigJoeNobody said:

acknowledging sources of information doesn't constitute intercession. If my dog barks at a neighbor it doesn't mean I needed the dog to talk to my neighbor.

BigJoeNobody said:
I don't need an intercessor when talking to Allah.

Amica2 said:
nothing is to be used to represent God or as a way to reach Him.

bhaktajan,Jun 26, 2017:
God is in our hearts. This is an "Absolute truth".

So the idea,
we don't accept anything living or non-living be between one person and Allah.”
Even that facts that God is in our hearts AS WITNESS….This is a truth that I learnt from Spiritual Authorities. It is Spiritual Authorities that past down the mercy.
It is Spiritual Authorities that past down the mercy.
This is an absolute that is never usurped by self-anointed leaders of the pack.
This discussion started with the mention of Hindu Idols ---which gave rise to the concept of “intercessor”.
Thou shall make no graven idol ---I agree!
What scripture says one should make a graven idol?
Best not to invent stuff out of one’s whims!

The Vedas explains how and why to make a Real Images of Godhead ---these have nothing to do with the Western concepts ---which arose from where? Greek Mythology? Roman Mythology? What scriptures did Greek & Roman & Babylonian graven idols come from?

So don’t imitate what is enjoined in the Vedic literatures. To do so would be ‘whim’.

ISLAM (noun)
The religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah.
The Muslim world.

Meaning of the word "Islam"
The wordIslamcomes from the Arabic word which means "submission".