Muslim Religion

It is my understanding as a Catholic, that I'm a non-believer or infidel, and that the people in charge, Imam, cleric, person in charge, or whatever term applies, had (has) declared a "holy jihad (against the infidels of the world)(Holy War) on behalf of the Muslim Religion.

What are your sources?

It is my understanding that all followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can go to heaven
What?.You sure you not kidding?

(9/11, numerous threats, suicide bombings, kidnapping and bombings).
what they have to do with islam?.Killing any innocent is prohibited,suicidie boming is stricly prohibited in islam.So first make sure are you talking about islam or are you talking about muslims or are you just talking about politics?.9/11,suicide boming are so long topics to discuss

I cannot imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr. Stanley ordering Protestants to do the same in order to go to Heaven.
False belief on false assumption.Anyway are you trying to compare islam with christianity,if so you are welcome in comparative section.

I have a problem with the Muslim Religion being a peaceful religion when possibly you, but not limited to your brother Imams, people in charge, person in charge or clerics are telling your followers to kill me.
As i said before no muslim is allowed to kill any innocent in any cirumstances.But i am going to kill you.
It is very strange to me that you would be welcomed in any church in America, and would not have to worry about being there.
There would be no armed guards or military around and you would not be searched at the door. I cannot say that about visiting a Mosque in the east, why is that?
Are you again comparing?.You are welcome in comparative section.

Lastly I leave just one question: Would you rather have your Allah who tells you to kill me in order to go to Heaven or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I'm going to Heaven and He wants you to be with me?
How the heck is that question?.and you sound like it's so hard to answer.Once again you misunderstood Allah.Does that help you to know coptic christians call God Allah.btw how can you compare jesus with God?.
As i said before no muslim is allowed to kill any innocent in any cirumstances.But i am going to kill you.
hi and peace everyone,
ok it seems people take things very seriously here,i have been told i am a bit harsh in my posts.there is a reason for that,i will explain some day."but i am going to kill you" was written as a humourous statement,i don't mean that.ok.
Every book from God [ Bible , torah and Quran ] Has violence in it, Like friend sayd , God only comanded us to protect ower selfes in self defence.
And i suggest not to judge the Qu'Ran by what a human does , everyone can name names , but i suggest not to .
I think many people in this kind of discussion get bogged down in historical discussions about who did what to whom. There isn't one religion that hasn't had some kind of atrocity committed in its name. The fact being that every individual has a different interpretation of their religion and sadly some people allow anger, frustration and self-interest to skew their interpretations.

I also think that the use of language leads to so many misunderstandings. Which is one reason why I'm not comfortable with the role of scriptures in religion.

In these sorts of discussions, we should be listening more to what the average muslim, christian, jew etc. have to say about their religion, not those with more extreme views.
If you believe in more than One God, than you are infidel/unbeliever.
If you do not practice and believe the teachings of One God (whether by Bible or Qur'an), then yes, you are unbeliever.

You speak of Islam and Muslims not being peaceful, but what about terrorism from non-Muslims:
a) Ireland Catholics have terrorised England for quiet some while
b) China has stolen someone else homeland (Tibet) and has a decency not to even attempt to discuss it
c) Christians (both Catholics and Orthodox) have killed 200,000 Muslims in Bosnia and made 1 million of them refugees
d) 80% of world's refugees are Muslims by faith--so I guess that speaks volume
e) WWII and Hitler's agenda about Jews
f) Stalin and his murderous rampage against Jews and Muslims during his time
g) Chechnya--we only hear about Russian Christians suffering, well what about Muslims? Why is it ok for West to be against Communism but not Muslims?
h) Muslim Palestinians and Christian Palestinians have suffered greately under Zionist occupation, etc.

Do not forget that there are Muslims in the world who are suffering because of "Muslims":
a) Sadaam had killed thousands
b) Muslims are killed in suicide bombings just as much as non-Muslims
c) There are Muslims around the globe who do not go killing everyone they think is unbeliever
d) Muslims are opressed by the regimes supported by West, such as Saudi dynasty and Mubarak regimes.


Please educate yourself before posting how Islam is violent and how Muslims are agressors to everyone in the world.