Some friends of mine in high school were huge D&D fans. We visited a D&D store in Lake Geneva, WI. I knew nothing about the game. While we were there an employee asked me if I needed help with anything. I told him my friends were here shopping. I remarked that I don't even know how to play D&D. Immediately an old man dressed like a wizard came out of the backroom. He asked "What's this I hear of someone who hasn't played Dungeons and Dragons?" So this wizard took me over to the counter and taught me about the dice and the characters. He helped me make a character and him and I played a short quest. My friends just watched and didn't say anything until we left. They were so excited, which I thought was definitely weird. One of them said "You were just taught how to play D&D by Gary Gygax!" I didn't know he was the creator of D&D. Too bad I don't remember what my character was or which character Gary played with. But if I had been a D&D fan, that would have probably been the best day of my life at that point.