Something I read earlier today that I don't know where to put

Another "episisode of What were they thinking?:

To make up for the concoction above the "break", a Hawaiian beverage posted on my LiveJournal

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
"Hedy Lamarr is often proclaimed “the most beautiful woman in the world.” The 26-year-old Lamarr was thriving in Hollywood when, in September 1940, Nazi U-boats hunted down & sank a cruise ship trying to evacuate 90 British schoolchildren to Canada. 77 drowned in the bleak North Atlantic. Lamarr, a Jewish immigrant from Nazi-occupied Austria, who had been making America her home since 1938, was outraged. She fought back by applying her engineering skills to the development of a sonar sub-locator used in the Atlantic for the benefit of the Allies. The principles of her work are now incorporated into modern Wi-Fi, CDMA, and Bluetooth technology, and this work led to her being inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2014."

And to think that there are people who would rather trade their "intelligence" for looks. Beauty fades while intelligence (usually) lives on imho.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Something that a few of us can recognize, originally posted on my LiveJournal feed:

Just in case anyone's interested, it is/was a serving of haggis with a side of neeps and tatties. (As I "said, a few of you might recognize it...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
First, today's the opening ceremonies to the Paris Olympic Games (no I'm not watching, but others might...)

Second, a culinary horror from my LiveJournal feed:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Prayer for the Death of a Beloved Pet

By Rabbi Barry H. Block

O Lord our God, we come before You this day in sadness. Jake, who brought us so much joy in life, has now died. His happy times in our family’s embrace have ended.

We miss Jake.

Help us, O God, to remember the good times with Jake.

Remind us to rejoice in the happy times he brought to our home.

Let us be thankful for the good life we were blessed to give to him.

We are grateful to You, God, for creating Jake, for entrusting him to our care, and for sustaining him in our love for a measure of time.

We understand that all lives must die.

We knew that this day would come.

Yet, O God, we would have wanted one more day of play, one more evening of love with Jake.

O God, as we have taken care of Jake in life, we ask that You watch over him in death.

You entrusted Jake to our care; now, we give him back to You.

May Jake find a happy new home in Your loving embrace.

As we remember Jake, may we love each other more dearly.

May we care for all Your creatures, for every living thing, as we protected the blessed life of Jake.

May his memory bless our lives with love and caring forever.

This prayer was posted on my Quora feed, but it can be interdenominational/nondenominational. It's not exactly as originally posted, but it's close enough...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
A man vanished 30 years ago and then just showed up wearing the exact same clothes he was wearing when he went missing.
