Something I read earlier today that I don't know where to put

Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe was shot yesterday during a campaign stop. The person who allegedly did it is in custody.

Here's an article about the incident:

I guess he succumbed to his injuries (two different sources claimed that the former prime minister died due to his assassination.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
This was about former prime minister Shino Abe's assassination:

I still cannot believe that such a blatant assassition happened so openly. I guess I'm just naive.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Governor Newsom's latest stuff:

The only thing that I have problems with is when he refers to [insulin as a drug (it's not.) Metformin is, insulin is more like hemoglobin AFAIK.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Sen. Tammy Baldwin, who is gay, says she confronted Marco Rubio in an elevator after he said a same-sex marriage vote was a 'stupid waste of time' (

Marco Rubio was interviewed by (I believe) CNN concerning his vote against marriage equality, not realizing Tammy Badwin could hear his every word. The thing is, why stop at LGBT+ marriage equality; what will stop the Supreme Court from overturning the Loving decision (Thomas would be affected directly if Loving's overturned since Ginny Thomas is white and he's not.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Anthony Fauchi announced that he's going to retire in December.

"Who?" you ask?

Dr. Anthony Fauchi's going to retire from his position in the American federal government after serving since 1968 (at least he gave some notice/leeway here.) I guess that the monkeypox epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic have taken their tolls on him even without succumbing to the monkeypox epidemic.

Here's his interview with Rachel Maddow:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Such a huge and powerful state funeral. Didnt watch it all, but got the important bits. The full gravitas of British pomp and ceremony. A truly great event ...
Such a huge and powerful state funeral. Didnt watch it all, but got the important bits. The full gravitas of British pomp and ceremony. A truly great event ...
Indeed, I watched the funeral today on the telly.
I was also invited to "Evensong" last night in the church, in remembrance of Queen Elizabeth .
I found it moving, and meaningful. Praise God ! :)
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Indeed, I watched the funeral today on the telly.
I was also invited to "Evensong" last night in the church, in remembrance of Queen Elizabeth .
I found it moving, and meaningful. Praise God ! :)
Perhaps the British government and monarchy will continue to exist even ignoring Meghan Markle's profound advice and wisdom ...
Such a huge and powerful state funeral...
I'm a total sucker for all the military stuff ... Slow marches, dipped flags, bowed heads, and pipes, of course... moved, yes, but how can you not be?

... but I'm becoming a republican in my old age.

I'm conflicted in that much of the pageantry surrounding the funeral is there to reinforce the idea of monarchy, of entitlement, and the British class system, and much of that tradition is suspect.

But I did think:

The refusal to allow Harry to wear his uniform was simply spite. If it was necessary, he would not have been allowed to wear it some of the time. So Charles, Anne, and Edward wear uniforms, bedecked with medals, never having served on active duty. William has. Edward bailed out of military training after 4 months because he was not cut out for it ... (Andrew served, somewhat heroically, in the Falklands, he should have been there, not is a uniform he disgraced, but discreetly cuffed to a prison warden.)

Looking at the media response to Meghan Markle, I recall the media response to Diana. And the late Queen bears some responsibility for that.

1: The Princess Bride. The media loved her. Charles continues his affair with Camilla.
2: The Evil Witch. After the separation, the media turn. Her name is rubbished at every turn. They pour scandal on scandal.
3: The Dead Princess. About-face. Suddenly the media is falling over itself again to heap her praises. She is the People's Princess. This, the same media who were a few weeks before piling shit on her name.

When the crowds gathered in the Mall, the Queen, at Balmoral in Scotland, was advised to return to Buckingham Palace. She refused. Diana was now no longer part of 'the Firm'. She's old history. If they grieve, they will do so privately, but she is not part of them, nor will she receive any particular honours.

The senior police officer who went down to the Mall voices a caution. He has other ideas. The mob are crying, but that could very quickly turn to anger. There is a potential PR disaster looming here. Mobs change their nature in a flash. Get HRH back to London, pronto. The Royal Family must be seen to be grieving.

The media, always savvy to the public mood, pick it up and lead the way. And the British public follow where they are led.

So yes, I have a lot to admire about the Queen, but she was complicit in some very nasty stuff. and she bought off Andrew's accusers to protect the family name. and Andrew is aghast that he should come under public scrutiny for his actions. The family live in a bubble of Entitlement. They always have.

I admire Princess Anne, mainly for working and staying out of trouble. I don't admire King Charles III. Andrew should be behind bars, and would be, but for his connections. Edward... who is he?
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I was watching those guys unloading the coffin from the carriage... nerve wracking ... crown and all, lol
... but I'm becoming a republican in my old age..
I've got over all that. :)
Call him a King or call him a President bla bla.
One thing that I like, is that it is the only part of govt. that talks about Almighty God [ the importance of faith ]

The family live in a bubble of Entitlement. They always have.
Wealth is a huge test. Only a few are able to pass it.
Perhaps Charles will do it for a couple of years for continuity and then hand over to William and Kate. I like Will &Kate. Charles is in his 70s and has a good life as it is, without all the new hassle of being king. The kings and royals have always been a bit dodgy; it's part of it, lol?

The monarchy is a huge asset to Britain, imo. It's probably Britain's greatest tourist attraction, apart from the gravitas of history. Without it, what would England be? The ceremonials are so grand, without the American glitz of showmanship.

Nobody else can imitate the British monarchy, imo. Long may they run ;)
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Waiting to see how Meghan is going to make it all about her...