
It is a sad fact that people think that Reiki Practitioners and teachers make a lot of money, I have only met one Reiki Master Teacher who made double figures and he had to close the business due to debt. People do not appreciate the hours of support that is always unpaid and the administration involved in providing a good service.

Many people have an issue with money, some accussing others of making it and others not being able to charge for their time. Both have issues with money that need healing. Money is an energy and like all energy it is how we deal with that energy that really counts. Those that have contempt for money usually have create their own reality for everything is GOD.

So if we have contempt for anything we also have contempt for GOD for all is energy.

My philosophy is that the more I have the more I can give. I got to a point in my career when my guides told me that my apprenticeship was over, and now it was time to be Robin Hood, so those that can afford to pay do so, and there are many people that I serve globally that do not pay anything for the help that is provided. But it is rare for people to make donations for help given, once their situations improve. Sadly there are more takers then givers in this world, but I pray this will change with the power of Reiki.

Onwards and upwards

Ryuuko said:
If I may ask, what's radiesthezie?
As per wikipedia's definition "the radiesthesia is a phenomenon similar to dowsing that is used for medical diagnosis. It uses a pendulum, suspended above a patient. The nature of the swinging and direction of rotation, would indicate the person's ailment".

In reality there are several instruments used as rods and antennas, electronic dowsing devices, rods nut trees, metal wands in a V or L form, Turenne's ruler, etc.

As per the definition given by my professor, "the radiesthesia is the phenomenon through which an alive system receptions from the energetic and informational ocean a kind of infoenergetic signal, searched before in a pre-established mode and when this signal is discovered reacts in a physical movement or a specific sensation, which alouds to the conscient to recognize that signal".

There are levels like in Reiki, 5 as per my knolwedge. Level one is a basic one: searching of objects, water, minerals, deposits, etc. Level 2: the investigation and perception of an alive system, the diagnose of a disease, anomalies, physical bio-fields, etc. Level 3 : methods of work : the amplification of a biofield, the reduction of an anomaly, compatibility, techniques of infoenergetic recovering etc. Level 4. Crystalographie, pyramidologie, telepathie. Level 5. Infoenergetique, internal pyramidology.

In theory, every person can learn it. In practise, only those with good hearts are taken as students. The most important thing is to realize you are only the instrument or the chanel of God and not the healer.

I asked you about the money. A radiesthesist do the same as a Reiki practitioner for his services. But all those who presented themselves for a level one class with the idea in mind of finding some tresaures or getting rich in process, were sent home since the beginning. This kind of person is not aloud to do even the first class into a level one. This is not like a Marketing class where you pay and you can study. You need a kind of profil and real interest to help the others.
Dear Alexa

"You need a kind of profil and real interest to help the others."

Ah and there is the difference level one of Reiki is about healing self, because if one does not heal the self one cannot be a clear channel for the energy to heal anyone else.

Love beyond measure

Dear Sacredstar,

The healing self applies in radiesthesie, too. That's why I have asked you about the respiratory exercices. Or may be I should name them as purificatory and concentration practice.

The real difference can be in beliefs. I don't know if this applies everywhere in the world where you can take a radiesthesie class, but there where I've taken it from, there are Christians.


Dear Alexa

I must admit I have not heard of this method you speak of here in the UK or in Australia. Although one of our students does teach dowsing, I will have to ask him if he as heard of it.

The breathing method in Reiki is called

Joshin Kokyuu~Ho
Translated means 'the breathing method for cleansing the spirit'

being love

Thank you for the explanations Alexa; it does have resemblances with Reiki!
Dear Alexa

I checked with the dowsing teacher and he said he as seen your therapy advertised here in a dowsing magazine and was thankful for your information.

Love beyond measure

Hi there. Just stumbled accross this forum and noticed the Reiki questions. If you would like to receive Reiki healing right NOW simply visit my website, (details in profile) be open to receiving the healing and you will feel it. In order for one to be healed, they must be open to the healing and be prepared to allow the changes to take place and also be the change.

When you give your body the right conditions, it can and will heal itself.