Well diifferent shaikhs have different opinions. I Just found this ayat puzzling you can check it for yuorself.Irfan, now that I've explained the importance of orthodoxy in Islam, let me share with you what the view of the consensus is regarding this matter. apparently the knowledge that heaven and hell are eternal is known by all Muslims thus there are consequences for failing to believe this , as explained by Shaykh Nuh Keller:
1) matters about Islam that everyone knows, which even a child raised among Muslims would know, technically termed ma‘lum min al-din bi d-darura or “necessarily known as being of the religion”;
(2) matters that not everyone knows;
(3) and matters that are disagreed upon even by “those who know,” the ulema or scholars.
Affirmation or denial of tenets of faith within each category vary in their eternal
consequences because of their relative accessibility, and the individual’s opportunities to find them out.
Things That Everyone Knows
To deny anything of the first category above constitutes plain and open unbelief.
It includes such things as denying the oneness of Allah, the attributes of prophethood, that prophetic messengerhood has ended with Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace); the resurrection of the dead; the Final Judgement; the recompense; THE EVERLASTINGNESS OF PARADISE AND HELL; they obligatoriness of the prayer, zakat, fasting Ramadan, or the pilgrimage; the unlawfulness of wine or adultery; or anything else that is unanimously concurred upon and necessarily known by Muslims, since there is no excuse not to know these things in the lands of Islam; though for someone new to the religion, or raised in a wilderness, outside of the lands of Islam, or some other place where ignorance of the religion is rife and unavoidable, their ruling becomes that of the second category. As Imam Nawawi explains:
Any Muslim who denies something that is necessarily known to be of the religion of Islam is adjudged a renegade and an unbeliever (kafir) unless he is a recent convert or was born and raised in the wilderness or for some similar reason has
been unable to learn his religion properly. Muslims in such a condition should be
informed about the truth, and if they then continue as before, they are adjudged
non-Muslims, as is also the case with any Muslim who believes it permissible to commit adultery, drink wine, kill without right, or do other acts that are necessarily known to be unlawful (Sharh Sahih Muslim, 1.150).
you must have misread/misunderstood those verses as I assure you many verses unequivocally mention the eternal duration of heaven and hell
In regard do denial of anything from Kur'an I agree, but intrepretations are different.