I also read somewhere they are making a movie based on The DaVinci Code. Was shocked to hear Tom Hanks was in it (wonder if I read that in this forum). Im not surprised that someones making a movie saying Jesus never lived.. For some reason its easier for some people to think that he never lived than to except his gift of salvation. From a Christian standpoint of course.
Dear Faithfulservant

Well there is no doubt that a man called Jesus lived but it is more about which Jesus are we talking about? As there was more then one, historians and scholars now agree that Jesus is a mythical figure made of many different legends.

The Dead Sea Scolls speak of a teacher of righteousness but yet they are written prior to the birth of the Jesus spoken about in the bible and by the church.

All be revealed at the right time in line with the divine plan.

Yes there is two films coming out this year about Jesus and Magdalene, Jimmy Twyman and Neale Donald Walsch are behind the other film.

being love

Seen a few of these "Europe as the beast" websites, but they seemed fueled by general paranoia about Europe. The UN also variously features in these sort of things.

The usual premise behind these sort of mutterings is "America is great and good..." which is why it is other significant powers that get landed as "the beast".

Of course, there are also the converse with the US as "Babylon" - but it;s all about applying general symbolism according to our hopes and fears.

Btw - this may or may not be an interesting additional read for the topic of 666: Isle of Patmos in the year of the world 3825
Did you look at the trailer for the film Brian ?

being love

It is bit more then hopes and fears Brian the powers that be are pulling out of the US and moving into Europe, China is also selling off the dollar, the markets are very concerned by the activity that is going on.
Different interpretations of Revelations I've seen usually focus upon one or two points, but I'm afraid I've not seen anything in the "Europe as the beast" argument that tries to address the general complexity of Revelations as a text.
Surely the beast is anywhere control and domination resides.....

Author of Magdalene's Lost Legacy, Symbolic Numbers and the Sacred Union in Christianity by Margaret Starbird talks about 666 in terms of gematria. She says numerous phrases in the NT add up to the cognates of 666. For example 'Wrath of GOD' bears the value of 666 and so does 'Great Wrath'. The Greek word for wonders also reflects 666. She also says that John Michell's brilliant interpretation is the most convincing. In brief, he demonstrates that 666 is the number used throughout the ancient world to refer to the male/solar principle, equivalent to the Taoist Yang. In the Apocalypse, 666 is the number of the 'beast with the ten horns". A horn reflects the archetype of the male triangle, synonymous with the 'blade' -unmitigated power exercised without mercy. The 'beast' is dissociated with his feminine side of his psyche. The raw power of the 666 principle can be appropriated by any totalitarian or represive regime.

i've seen something from a knowledgeable kabbalist about europe as not the beast (cos we don't have that) but as gog and magog. i know what he's getting at but i can't share his conclusions, because they rest on the premise that we're in the leadup to the wars of the messiah and i don't buy that. some of his interpretations i think are rather suspect. i'll take it from a prophet but not a rabbi, i don't care how big his beard is.


it does say here is wisdom count the number

interesting article.
what did you all think of the trailer for the beast movie about Jesus?

So how would you feel if the bible was proven to be a complete fake and the Vatican provided all the evidence ?

being love

People sitting on the hill side 1844 sure this was the day

Doomsday prophets of all type

Jack Van Imp spouting one verse after another and miss quoting half of them
Misinterpreting the other

Watch and pray Doesnt mean beat yourself up trying to find out how many ways you can multiply add subtract and come up with 666
Ya if I guy came into power under this 666 deal I would wonder about it but it wouldnt get me to pack my kids and hide in the mountains till the trumpets sounded

Got a simple Question about the book of Rev. Talks about Babylon
Been told Babylon was europe USA even heard Chine and Russia a few times

But truth is every other time Babylon was mentioned in the Bible it was right there in the same geographic location, Problem is with this believing someones interretation of prophecy from way back when is No body every believed we would be in the middle of that " God forsaken Desert agian" But SURPRISE look where we are now.

Does it seem a little strange to anyone else that around every 2000 years Babylon or this area take the world spotlight and another part of Godsword fullfilled


Us marine standing before rebuilt ruins of Babylon
Saddam installed a huge portrait of himself and Nebuchadnezzar at the entrance to the ruins. He also had part of the ruins rebuilt, to the dismay of archaeologists, with his name inscribed in an imitation of Nebuchadnezzar, on many bricks used. One frequent inscription reads, "This was built by Saddam Hussein, son of Nebuchadnezzar, to glorify Iraq." The bricks became sought after collectors' items after the fall of Saddam, and the ruins are being restored to their original state.

Now I am not a person who preaches prophecy But this is getting a little close to that book there at the end of the Bible.
I think that we are always looking because we were told to and to pray for it. Ive been fascinated with end-time prophecies most of my life. When I was 12 I went to the first of many seminars and read first of many books. I always felt that it would happen in my lifetime or soon after and I have been waiting a bit impatiently for it. I want to see my Savior return in his full glory.

Here is what I think about the whole US thing. We dont see any reference to America.. you would think that it as a world power would have some mention somewhere but then if you think about it.. How many Christians are in the US.. I happen to believe in the pre-trib rapture because at a certain point in revelations the church is no longer mentioned and all reference returns to Israel. If a pre-trib rapture happened and considering that the US is a mostly Christian country.. what would this country be like if all those Christians just vanished? It goes to show that we are not in any way relevant to the book of Revelation.

I also consider other things.. we see Messianic prophecies all throughout the OT so the bible is multifold. When we look at Daniel and other prophetic books could it be also possible that many things that happened in the past were a pre-cursor for the present or future? We are always told to learn by our history lest we repeat it. Could we be repeating history?

I do believe that Babylon is Babylon.. just like Israel is Israel.

I know that my beliefs are a bit out of the norm and I really dont care. Ive been dreaming of that day for as long as I can remember and I only pray that I am found worthy by the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Ive never thought along the lines of logic.. I did poorly in math and science and excelled in writing and history. I dont believe you can have an intelligent conversation about this topic because most that talk about it think in Logic and what logic is there to millions of people disappearing from this earth or that God stops an attack on Israel by several countries in an instant.. Or that 2 witnesses will preach outside the city walls and be killed and no harm comes to them?? How about the water turning to blood or unimaginable earthquakes changing the shape of the continents? Or the temple being rebuilt and the anti-christ telling the world to worship him and if they dont accept him they will be killed. Theres no worldly logic to it.. you pretty much have to believe by faith alone.
Now I am not a person who preaches prophecy But this is getting a little close to that book there at the end of the Bible.
yah the book at the end. I used to try and tell myself it is just the generation and I am getting older. Then it was Elvis and blue suade, now it is Marylin Manson and "we were infected with devils ssssssssssss."

Then I realized, it IS the generation and nothing can stop it.
I watch a movie I say "THE END IS NEAR"

I watch one my wife wants me to watch I say "I HOPE THE END IS NEAR"

I am not sure Gods idea of mine are the not same when we define the word NEAR

But just to be one the safe side I will say to redeem the Time for the end is near
and hope it holds out just long enough for us to reach those people God leads us to.

Little side note My Mother the (Classic Chruch lady) believed the Computer was the beast its One big eye and All Knowing ways etc etc etc.

She learned to e-mail and make the Church bulletin and now well its a God given tool and nothing short of a miracle LOL got to love them mothers just wish she wouldnt crash hers so much lol