People sitting on the hill side 1844 sure this was the day
Doomsday prophets of all type
Jack Van Imp spouting one verse after another and miss quoting half of them
Misinterpreting the other
Watch and pray Doesnt mean beat yourself up trying to find out how many ways you can multiply add subtract and come up with 666
Ya if I guy came into power under this 666 deal I would wonder about it but it wouldnt get me to pack my kids and hide in the mountains till the trumpets sounded
Got a simple Question about the book of Rev. Talks about Babylon
Been told Babylon was europe USA even heard Chine and Russia a few times
But truth is every other time Babylon was mentioned in the Bible it was right there in the same geographic location, Problem is with this believing someones interretation of prophecy from way back when is No body every believed we would be in the middle of that " God forsaken Desert agian" But SURPRISE look where we are now.
Does it seem a little strange to anyone else that around every 2000 years Babylon or this area take the world spotlight and another part of Godsword fullfilled
Us marine standing before rebuilt ruins of Babylon
Saddam installed a huge portrait of himself and Nebuchadnezzar at the entrance to the ruins. He also had part of the ruins rebuilt, to the dismay of archaeologists, with his name inscribed in an imitation of Nebuchadnezzar, on many bricks used. One frequent inscription reads, "This was built by Saddam Hussein, son of Nebuchadnezzar, to glorify Iraq." The bricks became sought after collectors' items after the fall of Saddam, and the ruins are being restored to their original state.
Now I am not a person who preaches prophecy But this is getting a little close to that book there at the end of the Bible.