The problem is how do those true to the spirit of the tradition deal with those who live by the letter?
Meet fire with fire? It's a Catch-22 isn't it?
Islam, for example, is hamstrung because the moderate voices fear speaking out – understandably so – and when they do speak out, they are ignored by the media, so their risk is in a sense doubled; they risk being silenced when they are unheard anyway.
Meanwhile the mainstream listen and lap up what the news media tells them, and news media is not generally interested in peace, moderation, etc.
Pope Emeritus Benedict's Regensburg address is a classic example. In a 90 minute delivery, 1 comment was extracted and broadcast totally out of context, intended to cause uproar and outrage, in which it was successful.
Pope Francis, on the other hand, is loved by the media for his off-the-cuff soundbites that apparently – in the opinion of the uninformed – turned doctrine on its head, his more conservative statements go unmentioned.
If Ratzinger had made similar pronouncements as Francis has this week past, then there would be another uproar. But Francis said it, and he's popular with the media at the moment, so it passes without comment. When he falls out of favour, no doubt these comments will be dragged up.