Fate and Destiny do you believe?


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Do you believe in fate and destiny? That somewhere, maybe in the stars in the sky is already written on what we do? Many people claim to be in control of there life’s and that they make every little decision. Or maybe we have a certain path to take, are we hear for a purpose and are souls know where they are going and so does the universe because we made the choice before we entered life.

Or the way I like to look at it, both free will and fate exists, they both exist in perfect harmony but half the time like siblings they are in constant battle. Fate is a god given gift, free will is a dark illusion, that’s my thought anyway.

What do you think?

I don't know if I believe in "fate" so much as "direction"-sort of a state of action-reaction in constant motion. I believe there are some results/outcomes/situations that we can't forsee and therefore are not in control of, but I don't think that these are written anywhere per say, as in predestination. As a wise person once said, the future is written in sand, not stone. We can choose the path we wish to take, but I don't think that means we are in command of all the elements we wll encounter along the way, physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental.
Hope that made sense...:confused:

Anyhow, just my two cents worth :D
I personally think anything is possible. The world, existense, it's all so magical, I'm one who will never claim to know something that cannot be known. I think that people can be psychic, I think maybe it is another "element" of life that we haven't figured out yet and that in the future, people will look back on the day when we were skeptical about psychics... I think of animals and insects and how we all kind of live in these different "realities" because our bodies/chemistry is all so different.... So, fate, destiny, sure!! Why not :) Or maybe just the great things that happen in our life, right :p
hajas said:
I think maybe it is another "element" of life that we haven't figured out yet and that in the future, people will look back on the day when we were skeptical about psychics...
How can you measure the immeasurable? I personally believe that something’s we will never find out because we live in a materialistic world, our bodies are solids. But the spiritual world is in an other dimension, maybe right on top of this and thats why sometimes we can make a connection.
Hi jajas and welcome to CR !:)

hajas said:
I think that people can be psychic, I think maybe it is another "element" of life that we haven't figured out yet and that in the future, people will look back on the day when we were skeptical about psychics...
Can you tell us more about this ? Why do you believe people are skeptical about psychics ?

I think of animals and insects and how we all kind of live in these different "realities" because our bodies/chemistry is all so different
I agree with different bodies. The chemistry on the other hand is not so different as you think.
Hi Postmaster and welcome to CR !:)

I believe destiny is written "in sand". And like the sand, after the storm , everything can be different. Our life, as humans is rather complex. The person I am today, will be not the same person by tomorrow. More we learn from what surrounds us, more we change every day. I like to think I can take every decision by myself. But what can I do about the others I do care into my life ? I cannot take a decision without changing their life in the same time.
On the other hand, there are people who don't want to learn almost anything. Their destiny was written "into the sky" or life book and lived as it was supposed to be since the beginning.
Dear PM

Postmaster said:
Do you believe in fate and destiny? That somewhere, maybe in the stars in the sky is already written on what we do? Many people claim to be in control of there life’s and that they make every little decision. Or maybe we have a certain path to take, are we hear for a purpose and are souls know where they are going and so does the universe because we made the choice before we entered life. Or the way I like to look at it, both free will and fate exists, they both exist in perfect harmony but half the time like siblings they are in constant battle. Fate is a god given gift, free will is a dark illusion, that’s my thought anyway.
What do you think?

My perspective is that that fate is the end result. All is free will, 15% is decided by the soul pre-incarnation this is sometimes called divine will or/and karmic contract, the other 85% is free will during the life.

Does the universe and the planets impact on us, yes the universal laws are a two way communication system. We also impact on the planets and mother earth. As far as destiny is concerned Hindu and other astrologers use the North Nodes for description of the soul journey and the obstacles chosen to be overcome in the karmic contract. A good book about the North Nodes is called 'Astrology for the Soul'. The book is excellent and I can highly recommend it, I was amazed....

Free will creates 85% of all disease, how do I come to these figures well the BMA confirm that 85% of all disease is created by stress, what creates stress? Worry. What creates worry? Fear coming from human self thought-led emotion not the divine self.

Love beyond measure

Sacredstar said:
Free will creates 85% of all disease, how do I come to these figures well the BMA confirm that 85% of all disease is created by stress, what creates stress? Worry. What creates worry?
Fear creates worry.
I agree.. in my belief free will is also killing this earth.. Free will produced sin which kills everyone eventually. I think that we have a destiny if we aliign our will with God. Otherwise we are on our own in our each individual fates.
Faithfulservant said:
in my belief free will is also killing this earth.. Free will produced sin which kills everyone eventually.
It was God who gave us free will to use it properly. I do not believe free will is responsible for sin.

Could you tell me how free will kills the earth ?
alexa said:
It was God who gave us free will to use it properly. I do not believe free will is responsible for sin.

Could you tell me how free will kills the earth ?
Free will was misused with the first sin with Adam and Eve. The first sins consequence was death. Sin corrupts everything.. it corrupted us. We were meant to live forever.. now we pollute the environment.. resulting in global warming as an example. We cut down trees. Wipe out rainforests. Oil spills. The coral reef is dying. We are responsible for thousands of extinct creatures that were created with the sole purpose of balancing a fragile environment. We create thousands of pounds of garbage a day in the US alone. All as a result of one sin.
We were meant to live forever.
In all honesty, my personal reaction to that is, how can you declare that as some kind of an universal truth, Faithful Servant?

Surely such a statement demands physical and empirical background/evidence? On its own, it is just a subjective opinion and assertion,which may be right or may be wrong.

You then refer to various natural disasters resulting from human activity claiming they are a result of original sin.
Where is the evidence beyond your personal affirmations for that?

Is it not true to say that all you are doing here is declaring
a) a personal belief in original sin as a prime cause, and
b) just subjectively asserting this is some kind of universal truth on the basis of no evidence, apart perhaps from some ancient writings by human beings in a far off time, who were only apparently writing their own personal and subjective opinions at that time?

My point is, how can you assert and affirm these things you validate personally as 'truths' beyond yourself? (as 'truths'?) What is the basis for that less than humble response, or is it just human pride and/or fear of the unknown?
Wow Blue you get so defensive. You started the thread asking if we believe in fate and destiny.. I told you MY beliefs. We all know your feelings on this belief and I do not feel up to arguing with someone who wont be open to listening. Ive read your same arguments over and over again on this forum and people have attempted to answer you and then you somehow change the wording to ask the question again. "Beyond Myself" you use this alot.. Beyond myself is God and I have been convicted of this all throughout my life. I dont know HOW to explain to someone what it feels to be convicted about something.. Do you have any convictions "beyond yourself"? Is it possible that there is something beyond YOU? It seems you're so desperate to have proof of something beyond yourself that I pray you find that.

Faithful Servant
Dear Alexa

Well there is no original sin in my domain only original goodness that gets of balance through abuse of the GOD given energy and power which results in transgression of universal law.

Physical reality is the barometer of imbalance, so if the body is in dis-ease or ill-ease there is an original cause and so it is with the planet. So from this perspective Faithfull Servant is correct in my humble experience internally and externally. What we do to the self we do to others and vice a versa for we are all one in group consciousness with the planet that we are blessed to walk upon.

Love beyond measure

Hi Alexa-

You asked why I thought people were skeptical about psychics... I guess maybe it's the people I talk to. I know there are those that are frauds and who just make money off of people.... But I also think there are people who have this ability and I find it fascinating and think the day will come when there is more knowledge about how this ability is possible, maybe not, but can you imagine all the other magic floating around that is untapped.... Just wanted to respond to your question.. :)
Faithfulservant said:
All as a result of one sin.
Do you believe Jesus died for our sins ?

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6).

“He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:18).
hajas said:
I know there are those that are frauds and who just make money off of people.... But I also think there are people who have this ability and I find it fascinating and think the day will come when there is more knowledge about how this ability is possible, maybe not, but can you imagine all the other magic floating around that is untapped
Hi hajas,

That makes two of us, at least. :)

Sorry about the type error in your name in my previous post. I've just seen it. :eek:
Of course I believe our sins are forgiven us.. We are not judged my Adam and Eves sin.. but everything in this "world" is corrupted with sin because of that one sin that they committed. That is why God tells us not to love the world more than we love him because loving the world means we are loving the sins of the world. The wages of sin is death. The world is going to die and Jesus is in heaven right now preparing a new Kingdom for his people that accepted him and were forgiven.

alexa said:
Do you believe Jesus died for our sins ?

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6).

“He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:18).
:) I see predestination, free will, soveriegnty all present all the same time.
Yes I believe Jesus died for sins. But more he died that he could be raised up so we can be raised up too.