Why new spiritual teaching?


In the Name of God
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Al Salaamu Alyckum
I entered many forums and I concluded that most of messages and replies in many of these forum reflect visions which gave me idea that many of people refuse some of their religion teaching and accept others, and this is caused inside conflict which let some people to think starting new spiritual teaching or put their own believes under new title .this is my perceptions ,but I want to know others perceptions about this .
Hello, Friend

Most new religious and spiritual movements come from a dissatisfaction with contemporary faiths (whatever contemporary may be for a person), thus, yes, it is possible that someone could accept something as valid, while not embracing other beliefs, practices, or values and thus creating a (relatively) new (although some may argue it's not new at all but a repetition of older teachings, and I wouldn't argue against that) perspective that is more compatible to the person's views.

Still others such as myself choose not to practice any particular faith. I personally don't see the right in myself to claim to be a member of a religion without fully understanding what it entails-probably why I came to this site in the beginning :) . So far I haven't seen anything that matches my beliefs 100%, without omitting something I believe is crucial or adding something that I believe is uneccessary. I've looked into Zen and Neo-Paganism and those two are probably the closest matches for me in terms of religion, as I agree with Zen philosophy to some extent about the nature of consciousness, and with Neo-Paganism and Wicca specifically for its reverance for Nature and the polarities that exist within it. "An it harm none, do as ye will" is pretty much my attitude about things at this point.

So...I really don't know if that's anything new, or old, or current or ancient. But it's there. And from what I've seen in my peers, it's not something that's going to go away any time soon.
aleiqum salaam!

I entered many forums and I concluded that most of the messages and replies in many of these forums reflected visions which gave me the idea that many of [the] people [here] refused some of their religions' teaching and accepted others', and this caused inside conflict which let some people to think starting new spiritual teaching or put their own beliefs under new titles. this is my perception, but I want to know others' perceptions about this.

well, friend, there are a number of different types of people here, generally. i'll attempt a taxonomy:

1. people who consider themselves part of a recognised religious group, comprising:

-a. people who are happy to identify themselves under a particular label denoting an umbrella group. thus, there are several members who call themselves "christians" and so on. of which:

--i. some are here to learn about their own beliefs from members of the same group
--ii. some are here to teach about their group's belief to people who don't know about them
--iii. some are here to discuss similarities and find common ground, in the interests of peace, harmony, etc
--iv. some are here to criticise things about other groups they don't agree with
--v. some are here to criticise things about their own group in the hope of finding answers

-b. people who are unhappy with things within their umbrella group, of which:

--i. some are considering radical solutions, such as leaving, questioning accepted wisdom
--ii. some are trying to create new categories within the group without leaving

2. people who do not consider themselves part of a recognised religious group, either:

-a. because they've left, in which case they may have:
-b. because they weren't brought up with one - in which case they are kind of like a 'blank slate'
in either case they may have:
--i. joined another
--ii. stayed agnostic or unaffiliated
--iii. become anti-religion
--iv. set up their "own religion" - we get quite a few of these, some of which bear a resemblance to existing ones (including weirdos who claim to be prophets, who we tend to ignore) or try and take various different bits of religions that they like to make into a whole.
--v. stayed in a place where they are trying to find out what they believe and are using CR as a tool.

either way, it's not a question of "everyone has a religion to start with", nor are labels as hard and fast as you seem to think. some people are also out to find converts, either overtly or covertly, which is not something which this site supports as far as i know. dialogue is not about finding converts, it's about promoting knowledge and tolerance.

hope this helps.


This has been a problem for me personally.. In the past I embraced many other theologies and beliefs. I was heavily into astrology I embraced spiritualism. I was interested in mediums and spiritual channelers. And my reasoning for it was that it was easier for me to believe these things than to believe in what God had to tell me. It was also a time in my life when I didnt read the bible.. And I wasnt convicted of my faith.

In retrospect, I look at that time of my life as spiritual growth because I see alot of what people believe and I understand and can be non-judgemental. People need to believe in something whether its Christianity... Islam.. Wicca.. or maybe they believe that theres nothing but themselves in this universe.

I agree with Mirror. I think that its caused by dissatisfaction. And for me was caused by fear. The explanation the bible has for it is that people love the world and its teachings more than they love God. The wonderful thing about God, to me, is that we are all equal in his eyes and he loves us all. How can anyone presume to judge another by their beliefs. By judging others we are only judging ourselves.

Faithful Servant
Dear Friend

There is very little that is new in the universe but what is new and continually evolving, is our consciousness. And as that evolves so does our understanding, appreciation and interpretation of GOD's words. It is arrogant for anyone to think they might have a monopoly on truth or connection to GOD for as faithful servant says all are equal in GOD's eyes.

All are prophets when one allows oneself to be. If we look back through history GOD as always brought the teachings to the fore at the most difficult times for humanity, giving a refreshing new slant on existing universal truths. In a way that will appeal to the current state consciousness.

We are truly blessed !

being love

May I offer another explanation:
I consider myself a Christian, yet there are many aspects of that religion that I do not agree with. My conclusions come after twenty years of solitude spent in study, intense study, of what is considered the New Testament. What concerns me most is man's amazing conceit in feeling free to add to or take away from, the original text of what is considered, God's Word. So much of what we consider, Doctrine, is addendum, edition and addition to the original work!

I desperately oppose the teachings of Paul (Saul of Tarsus), therefore do not consider myself a Pauline Christian, which is what Christianity in large part is today. I am led by logic, scholarship, and the Spirit to remain loyal (as best I can) to the Primitive Church as set up by Jesus' Disciples. Through the kindness of the Director of this site, three of my thesis are posted under General Articles. The Pauline Conspiracy, is chief among them. In my estimation, much of the Dogma of Christianity today has its basis in myth, cult legend, and outright fantasy, but I am still a Christian and part of a Lutheran congregation.

The major fault, in my eyes, of Christianity, is allowing the original Greek Text, (all that we have today) to be freely translated over and over and over again. Islam has never permitted this type of restructuring to take place within the words of the Holy Qur'an. And I agree here with those religious leaders, Imams and Rabbis alike, who continue to stress that no translation exists that can properly express the words of God in either the Arabic or the Hebrew. As example, Jewish scholars have decried the translation of the Masoretic Text into the Greek by the Seventy, as being one of the most horrifying events in Jewish history. Now the Hebrew has been bastardized a thousand times over, yet Islam continues a worthy battle against this infamy.

I hold no truth for others, only for myself! The one statement I hold valid for everyone is that one persons truth is another persons vanity! I am, as always;