aleiqum salaam!
I entered many forums and I concluded that most of the messages and replies in many of these forums reflected visions which gave me the idea that many of [the] people [here] refused some of their religions' teaching and accepted others', and this caused inside conflict which let some people to think starting new spiritual teaching or put their own beliefs under new titles. this is my perception, but I want to know others' perceptions about this.
well, friend, there are a number of different types of people here, generally. i'll attempt a taxonomy:
1. people who consider themselves part of a recognised religious group, comprising:
-a. people who are happy to identify themselves under a particular label denoting an umbrella group. thus, there are several members who call themselves "christians" and so on. of which:
--i. some are here to learn about their own beliefs from members of the same group
--ii. some are here to teach about their group's belief to people who don't know about them
--iii. some are here to discuss similarities and find common ground, in the interests of peace, harmony, etc
--iv. some are here to criticise things about other groups they don't agree with
--v. some are here to criticise things about their own group in the hope of finding answers
-b. people who are unhappy with things within their umbrella group, of which:
--i. some are considering radical solutions, such as leaving, questioning accepted wisdom
--ii. some are trying to create new categories within the group without leaving
2. people who do not consider themselves part of a recognised religious group, either:
-a. because they've left, in which case they may have:
-b. because they weren't brought up with one - in which case they are kind of like a 'blank slate'
in either case they may have:
--i. joined another
--ii. stayed agnostic or unaffiliated
--iii. become anti-religion
--iv. set up their "own religion" - we get quite a few of these, some of which bear a resemblance to existing ones (including weirdos who claim to be prophets, who we tend to ignore) or try and take various different bits of religions that they like to make into a whole.
--v. stayed in a place where they are trying to find out what they believe and are using CR as a tool.
either way, it's not a question of "everyone has a religion to start with", nor are labels as hard and fast as you seem to think. some people are also out to find converts, either overtly or covertly, which is not something which this site supports as far as i know. dialogue is not about finding converts, it's about promoting knowledge and tolerance.
hope this helps.