It just is vs its all good

... Until man that is. Of all things on earth the hardest to find value in is man.
This is where I come up against what seems to me a contradiction ... you quote all the 'everything is good' maxims, but don't actually seem to place any faith in them?
Yup, you all wear on me after awhile.

If anything is evil on this earth it is our purported G!D's purported greatest creation. Appears his second mistake was he flooded one to few families.
Yup, you all wear on me after awhile.

If anything is evil on this earth it is our purported G!D's purported greatest creation. Appears his second mistake was he flooded one to few families.
So we're all sinners?
I think perhaps the thought is that no matter what happens, we are safe in God's hands. We cannot know or understand the reasons?

Though the fig tree may not blossom,
Nor fruit be on the vines;
Though the labor of the olive may fail,
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls—
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will joy in the God of my salvation.
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I have had way to many things happen in my life, I question everything all the time. When in doubt, knock on wood.
All of your thoughts are seen all the time by minds they try to figure out thoughts about thoughts , your thoughts. If the mind wants to figure it out more it can find more time then you can imagine to figure something out especially if it does not make sense to it. The larger the mind you have the more minds you have to figure things out and these thoughts can act as inception, providing information or ideas you would not get other wise. IF the mind finds too much time it can find itself with time remaining this can give incite into future information or thoughts, seeing forward.

As for the man and the series of unfortunate and fortunate events, who knows he may have already knew the outcome he just did not know he knew it.

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Awesome contemplation to drive me to irritation, I appreciate you all. However Butch's fathers day talk brings me home. As usual like everything there are parts I agree on some I question, but overall I gained a lot and back on track. Your milage may (odds are will) vary.
