Dear Luna,
I am a United State Coast Guardsman, and have been such for the last twenty five years. I am and have been what you might be having a hard time pondering. But I assure you, I've never lied nor exagerated about who or what I have been or done, or what I know.
I am a sailor (certified), an EMT (certified), a firefighter (certified), a bonefied detective (Certified and degreed), and a carpenter (Certified). I am also a welder (certified) a sheet metal worker (certified), a plumber, a black smith, a mechanic, an electrician and an expert in CBR defense (certified), and an Air crewman of a helicopter (certified). I can sail a "rag" boat, or helm an Ice breaker. I help design ships, and am a teacher (Certified). I am a law enforcement officer (Certified). I am a singer, and a composer. I do play multiple instruments. I have recorded music that has been distributed out to the public. I have been on TV, and have saved and lost lives at sea...
If I ever lied, it was to ease the fear of the dying, (probably not wise, but the best thing I knew to do at the time), not to boast of my own perceived importance.
I am also not alone. You can find about 35,000 more similar to me assigned to what is called the United State Coast Guard. But you do not have to take my word for it. You only have to read recent history, or ask any person living on or by the sea just who I am. They will tell you. There is nothing impressive about me, or my job, except that I chose to accept it. If that was your intent, then I thank you, and you are welcome. If not, you do not want to hear what can be construed as the "sailors disgrace"...
peace be unto you.