Faith and Belief

@powessy spiritual ideas are always consistent and entirely original. His 'cosmology' is not drawn from any faith or belief system. It's as good as any other and it may well be true of a certain plane of existence, where disembodied 'minds' are lost and trapped in the 'earth surround' seeking help and advice. Imo
@powessy spiritual ideas are always consistent and entirely original. His 'cosmology' is not drawn from any faith or belief system. It's as good as any other and it may well be true of a certain plane of existence, where disembodied 'minds' are lost and trapped in the 'earth surround' seeking help and advice. Imo

I apologise to powessy if I took it the wrong way. I simply assumed, wrongly it appears, that he was being facetious.
Yes, "our Father" .. He created us .. and yes, He is in heaven .. but where is that exactly?
Lots of questions .. some people seem to think that if you can't answer them then it is unreliable dogma.
Seems reasonable, but it is better than making it up :)

I wouldn't expect to know everything about God .. many things are hidden from us for a good reason.
He has made known to us the important things .. such as:
"we will spiritually journey on from plane to plane"

eg. we are born .. we are weaned and become an adult .. we become parents and then grandparents..
..and finally return to our Maker

As I have said, I am a non-theist, which brings another perspective. A "Being" distinct from ourselves who hides things from us (for whatever reason) while we then insist the "important things" have been made known? Sorry, things become complex at that point - who decides what the "important things" are? That God is "three in one"? Who decides?

I am interested in Christian/Buddhist dialogue. Such as the dialogue between the Trappist Monk Thomas Merton and the "zen man" D T Suzuki. An example:- When Suzuki read the words of Eckhart, "In giving us His love God has given us the spirit so that we can love Him with the same love wherewith He loves Himself" (which Merton, who knows his stuff, said was "perfectly orthodox and traditional Catholic theology") Suzuki said that this was the "same as Prajna intuition", adding the zen expression "one mirror reflecting another with no shadow between them." The transposition of Theist into non-theist language.

And finally, reflecting again on your own words, I have always loved the phrase of Dogen (13th century soto zen master) that in the "whole of the universe there is nothing that is hidden." I find that phrase, and Dogen's further exposition of it, liberating. While it also points towards a very egalitarian human-kind. Or the promise of it.

Thank you
I am a non believer that is only trying to figure out what I am being told by minds that are around me all the time. I have no religious back ground and never tried to understand religion until my voices started five years ago. I come to this site because many of the things you talk about here has some relevance to the things they say.

You all ask about god he is "himself only, or the one and only" he is inside of himself one time to become himself everything else is inside of something else many times to become themselves. Like for example I am in this universe, inside of this galaxy, inside of this world, inside of my mind inside of my human self becoming myself here. God is only in his mind becoming himself.

Since God is himself only and nothing else can become him nor can he become anyone else a yourself is formed from all the minds trying to become something again. This yourself forms allowing everything to become itself inside of yourself until nothing can become something again, once this happens a new yourself larger then the last is formed moving outward from origin. Each dimension has seven yourselves(timelines) to form one mind each world only needs five timelines to become itself again. God can only become himself again once per dimension but his mind or yourself can become himself many times. What I am trying to say is that since nothing can be god a new mind(yourself) is formed that is everything inside of itself perhaps this is some peoples belief of god.

God was tricked by man in the beginning of time and became nothing inside of this yourself his mind, this caused a second timeline to form and this mind was called the Light or The son, so now you have the father the son and the holly spirit.

The correlation of thoughts and religious thoughts are hard for me to piece together because of my lack of knowledge in religion, As for the earth being round I was only trying to show a distinction between my understanding of faith and belief and trying to stay on topic.

I am a non believer that is only trying to figure out what I am being told by minds that are around me all the time. I have no religious back ground and never tried to understand religion until my voices started five years ago. I come to this site because many of the things you talk about here has some relevance to the things they say.

You all ask about god he is "himself only, or the one and only" he is inside of himself one time to become himself everything else is inside of something else many times to become themselves. Like for example I am in this universe, inside of this galaxy, inside of this world, inside of my mind inside of my human self becoming myself here. God is only in his mind becoming himself.

Since God is himself only and nothing else can become him nor can he become anyone else a yourself is formed from all the minds trying to become something again. This yourself forms allowing everything to become itself inside of yourself until nothing can become something again, once this happens a new yourself larger then the last is formed moving outward from origin. Each dimension has seven yourselves(timelines) to form one mind each world only needs five timelines to become itself again. God can only become himself again once per dimension but his mind or yourself can become himself many times. What I am trying to say is that since nothing can be god a new mind(yourself) is formed that is everything inside of itself perhaps this is some peoples belief of god.

God was tricked by man in the beginning of time and became nothing inside of this yourself his mind, this caused a second timeline to form and this mind was called the Light or The son, so now you have the father the son and the holly spirit.

The correlation of thoughts and religious thoughts are hard for me to piece together because of my lack of knowledge in religion, As for the earth being round I was only trying to show a distinction between my understanding of faith and belief and trying to stay on topic.

Ok. But be careful of those voices. Don't let them tell you what to do. Only YOU can decide what to do?
I am a non believer that is only trying to figure out what I am being told by minds that are around me all the time. I have no religious back ground and never tried to understand religion until my voices started five years ago. I come to this site because many of the things you talk about here has some relevance to the things they say.

You all ask about god he is "himself only, or the one and only" he is inside of himself one time to become himself everything else is inside of something else many times to become themselves. Like for example I am in this universe, inside of this galaxy, inside of this world, inside of my mind inside of my human self becoming myself here. God is only in his mind becoming himself.

Since God is himself only and nothing else can become him nor can he become anyone else a yourself is formed from all the minds trying to become something again. This yourself forms allowing everything to become itself inside of yourself until nothing can become something again, once this happens a new yourself larger then the last is formed moving outward from origin. Each dimension has seven yourselves(timelines) to form one mind each world only needs five timelines to become itself again. God can only become himself again once per dimension but his mind or yourself can become himself many times. What I am trying to say is that since nothing can be god a new mind(yourself) is formed that is everything inside of itself perhaps this is some peoples belief of god.

God was tricked by man in the beginning of time and became nothing inside of this yourself his mind, this caused a second timeline to form and this mind was called the Light or The son, so now you have the father the son and the holly spirit.

The correlation of thoughts and religious thoughts are hard for me to piece together because of my lack of knowledge in religion, As for the earth being round I was only trying to show a distinction between my understanding of faith and belief and trying to stay on topic.


Hi again powessey, as I've sought to explain I'm a "non-believer" - in as much, as I see it, "belief" corrupts Faith. Belief brings "baggage" into each moment, which often means each moment is simply a collection of anticipations and epitaphs - therefore not allowed to "be" itself. The "moment" is therefore not truly life-giving or transformative.

If I understand you correctly, your "voices" are seeking to reveal how "it" all came about? I would simply say that it is better to "know thyself", to understand ourselves now, to understand how desire and grasping corrupts our lives.

I have always found much Buddhist thought truly life affirming, in as much as it implies that if we see and know THIS world truly we will be free of "suffering". In effect it is not like much religion, which as I see it, betrays this world for some imagined "other".

But what do I know? We can only speak as we find. You are obviously the forgiving type, which counts for much, if not everything.

(My comments about the shape of the world was simply a poor joke, yes, I did understand the point you were making. Thank you)
I completely identify with the idea that our existence is about 'becoming something' by degrees; the 'something' is all that survives and goes on -- and what we're all doing is trying to 'figure ourselves out'?

Books and scriptures might help, but it's going to be up to ourselves to 'figure it out' in our own timeline.
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I completely identify with the idea that our existence is about 'becoming something' by degrees; the 'something' is all that survives and goes on -- and what we're all doing is trying to 'figure ourselves out'?

Yes, exploring the thought of Dogen, he always seems to have his cake and eat it too! And why not? Each moment is complete in itself, totally manifest, yet does not exclude transformation/becoming. Complex, paradoxical perhaps. The "journey itself is home", as Basho says more poetically.
Dimensions and timelines interweave and overlap. There are souls and minds in different planes and states?

EDIT: Some may need our help to figure themselves out in time. Our seeming solidity in time may give them an idea of what time is. Strange stuff. But it's consistent.
Dimensions and timelines interweave and overlap. There are souls and minds in different planes and states?

EDIT: Some may need our help to figure themselves out in time. Our seeming solidity in time may give them an idea of what time is. Strange stuff. But it's consistent.

When Thoreau was asked what he thought about the next world he answered:- One world at a time for me.

The same with other dimensions and timelines. One is enough for me.

As far as offering my help.....

In protecting oneself one protects others
In protecting others one protects oneself
(Theravada text)
Yes. But there have always been those who see 'beyond the veil'. I agree about needing to protect oneself. We should be open too, though?

Anyway ...
As far as offering my help....
In a way the fact that you 'are' may be a help to 'lost souls' in the process of figuring out becoming 'something'-- like a lighthouse or something. Without you having to do anything. You might not ever even know they exist.
In a way the fact that you 'are' may be a help to 'lost souls' in the process of figuring out becoming 'something'-- like a lighthouse or something. Without you having to do anything. You might not ever even know they exist.

All part of the way of "non-calculation" Calculation is hakarai in Japanese, and a "technical" term in Pure Land Buddhism. I'll try to dig out the definition sometime and post it.
As I have said, I am a non-theist, which brings another perspective. A "Being" distinct from ourselves who hides things from us (for whatever reason) while we then insist the "important things" have been made known? Sorry, things become complex at that point - who decides what the "important things" are? That God is "three in one"? Who decides?

We all decide what the "important things" are ourselves when we become adults.
If we want to ascribe mathematical properties to the Creator, then why 1 .. or why 3?
It could be any number between 0 and infinity, including fractions :D

In any case, whether God is 1000, 3 or 1 shouldn't change anything. Imagining G-d as male or female, singular or plural .. changes what exactly??? When we pray to Him, do we consciously decide which "one" to pray to? ;)


When I say, "there are things that are hidden", I mean from a physical point of view, such as the scientific question of "How did G-d create the universe?" for example. Most atheists would say that as they can't see G-d or dead people, then they don't believe.
..again, a physical, created observation. Material goals in life, bring materials outcomes .. whereas spiritual goals can lead to a higher understanding of both spiritual and physical existence!
I am a non believer that is only trying to figure out what I am being told by minds that are around me all the time. I have no religious back ground and never tried to understand religion until my voices started five years ago. I come to this site because many of the things you talk about here has some relevance to the things they say.

You all ask about god he is "himself only, or the one and only" he is inside of himself one time to become himself everything else is inside of something else many times to become themselves. Like for example I am in this universe, inside of this galaxy, inside of this world, inside of my mind inside of my human self becoming myself here. God is only in his mind becoming himself.

Since God is himself only and nothing else can become him nor can he become anyone else a yourself is formed from all the minds trying to become something again. This yourself forms allowing everything to become itself inside of yourself until nothing can become something again, once this happens a new yourself larger then the last is formed moving outward from origin. Each dimension has seven yourselves(timelines) to form one mind each world only needs five timelines to become itself again. God can only become himself again once per dimension but his mind or yourself can become himself many times. What I am trying to say is that since nothing can be god a new mind(yourself) is formed that is everything inside of itself perhaps this is some peoples belief of god.

God was tricked by man in the beginning of time and became nothing inside of this yourself his mind, this caused a second timeline to form and this mind was called the Light or The son, so now you have the father the son and the holly spirit.

The correlation of thoughts and religious thoughts are hard for me to piece together because of my lack of knowledge in religion, As for the earth being round I was only trying to show a distinction between my understanding of faith and belief and trying to stay on topic.


I think one of your voices is Aquinas buddy.
The topic of something and nothing is a topic I spend most my days conversing about. I hear voices and they speak of both nothing and something and is how all came to be. They say nothing found something in the beginning of time and tried to figure it out. Something allowed nothing into it's mind until there was only something that now remained. Nothing, then went into something many many more times until they started to become something and then went into themselves five more times until they found time. Nothing is not nothing it is just not here or nothing here and can become something again if it can figure itself out. We are trillions of cells become nothing here through out our lifetime all of these minds can become ourselves again once we are not finding time here, and if you can figure yourself out.

As for faith, I take this to have more of a religious or spiritual undertone, verses belief that can be more personal or backed by science. I have the belief the world is round but I do not have faith the world is round.

Hi Powessy!

I’m great full in your sharing..this depth of understanding I believe the voice you hear be of your creative ‘vault’ from the dividing waters in separating water from water..this was mentioned in ‘Genesis’.

However, I too share with’s depths for understandings...and I totally agree with you on this.
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Ok. But be careful of those voices. Don't let them tell you what to do. Only YOU can decide what to do?

I am very careful to ask as many questions as I can, thank you for your concerns. I am a father of four and have been married happily for 24 years. I have served in the armed forces and spent five years in college studying computer science and electrical engineering. I only offer this information to establish some personal credibility.
