And the gospel of Paul is in line with the Revelation of the Son.
Well this is just nonsense. There are no such 'rules'.
Here's the thing: Where does Scripture say the early community gave their wealth to Peter who grew rich thereby?
Nowhere. Quite the opposite, in fact. So your assertion is founded on a fantasy of your own conjuring.
Where does Scripture say that the worthless shepherd is Peter? Nowhere. People have been 'identifying' who's who in such prophecies for millennia, and every era has its favourites.
The truth is: No-one knows.
But we know it simply can't be Peter. He doesn't tick the boxes spoken of in Zechariah, in Daniel, in the Book of Revelation, so I can only assume you've chosen Peter beforehand, and then look for anything to 'prove' your assumption, and dismiss the rest.
The Bible shows that Peter proved his worth. Read Acts. When did the Spirit of God descend upon anybody not a direct disciple? When Peter preached of the Cross and the Resurrection ... so go figure ... without Peter (and without Paul) it's likely there would never have been a Church, and you would never have heard of Christ.
The gospel of Paul, is the gospel of grace/cross. The gospel of Yeshua is the gospel of the kingdom of heaven. These are two antithetical gospels. As for Paul and the "Revelation" of the son, Paul never heard a word Yeshua spoke, in spite of the varied writing of some unknown author which describes and angel of light blinding and deafening any potential witnesses. Keep in mind it is Paul who says Satan/devil comes as an angel of light.
The gospel of Paul is that you simply believe that Yeshua is Christ and you are saved, or call on the Lord to be saved. Nonsense. The false prophet and his minions of Matthew 7:22 called on the "Lord", and he said "I never knew you.. you who practice lawlessness. The demons know that for a fact that Yeshua was anointed (Christ), yet now they are in an uproar because their time is coming to an end whereas they will be locked up in the abyss with Satan/devil (Revelation 20:1-3). During that same period, those with the "mark of the beast" will perish (Revelation 19:20-21).
Who said Peter grew rich? As a member of his socialist type community, he had access to whatever he needed. Socialist communities are generally poor and generally fail. Probably why you don't sell all your property and give it to Peter's supposed heir, the pope. Catholic widows on the other hand often think indulgences are real, and they think that what shekels they may have could go to pay off their sins. And Peter does fit the mold of Zechariah. Yeshua quoted Zechariah 13:7 with respect to Peter's denial of knowing Yeshua (Matthew 26:31). Per Zechariah 11, there were 3 shepherds/apostles chosen who were to die in the same month/generation. One of those shepherds/apostles was identified in Matthew 27:19 as Judas Iscariot by noting a quote from Zechariah 11:13, with the note that the quote was attributed to Jeremiah, which of course had no such quote. The other shepherd listed as being called "Favor"/Paul, who was to break my covenant which I had made with all the peoples, which would be the covenant made with Abraham, the covenant of circumcision. Note that Abraham means "father of all the people". Peter had a "sword" on "his right arm" in which he cut of the ear of a servant (Zechariah 11:17). Yeshua told Peter to feed, care and tend the sheep, and Zechariah 11:16 says the 3rd shepherd/apostle/Peter, would not tend, feed, or care for the sheep, just as Peter said he would not deny Christ, yet denied him 3 times. There is more, but long discourse is generally of limited value.
Without Peter and Paul, the Roman "Christian" church initiated by Constantine, the beast of Revelation 13:11, would have have not been established. Yeshua came to fulfill the Law and the prophets (Matthew 5:17), and one of those prophesies was to pick 3 shepherds, one of which was the "worthless shepherd" of Zechariah 11:17. Keep in mind one of the first things Constantine (7th head of the beast) did, besides establishing the false trinity doctrine, was to build basilicas for both Peter and Paul. Basilicas are buildings in the form of the pagan cross. Constantine was big on the cross, and went out to conquer under that sign given to him by Sol Invictus in 312 AD in a vision. The Conquistadors followed this same procedure when they followed clerics holding a cross when destroying the natives of the Americas. Once the natives were conquered, they were used as slaves in the gold mining operations. You will find the cross in or on many of your "Christian" churches. Believing the message of the cross/grace will supposedly save you from death, and is the same message of the serpent, whereas he said, "you surely shall not die"(Genesis 3:4) if you believe what I say, and just go ahead and eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Of course, like Paul and his followers, Adam and Eve eventually died.